Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 208 Return to Los Angeles! Happy dies!

After the combat order was issued, all the accomplices put on the clown armor and rushed to Los Angeles urgently.

Jason thought they were slow, so he took a step ahead and flew towards Los Angeles at a supersonic speed of Mach 3.

A UFO appeared in the U.S. airspace, and was quickly detected by the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite and transmitted the signal to the Los Angeles base.

In the conference room, senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. gathered together.

The large screen is divided into several pieces, displaying the flight data of each party member respectively.

According to their flight direction, there is no doubt that Los Angeles is their goal.

Facing the menacing revenge of the clown organization, Nick Fury issued a series of combat orders with a solemn expression.


An hour later, Jason flew from New York to Los Angeles across more than 3,000 kilometers.

After floating in mid-air to identify the direction, he flew towards Stark Industries.

The bitch Tony said he was waiting at home, but he didn't say where his house was.

There is no way, Jason can only go to Stark Industries and try his luck to see if anyone knows.

It was working time at this time, the employees of Stark Industries said good morning to each other, and swiped their cards to enter the office building.

Despite numerous turmoil, Stark Industries still stands firm.

It's just that the huge factory area has become a vain shell, and the most core factory equipment has been completely relocated.

Some have moved to other states, and some have even moved overseas.

But no matter which one it is, the location of the Stark Industries factory has now become the top secret.

After many confrontations with the clown organization, Tony learned to share risks and understand the truth that eggs cannot be put in one basket.


"Hey! Badge!"

Tony Stark's former bodyguard, Harpy, who is now the manager of Stark's industrial security department, is standing at the entrance of the administrative building and working seriously.

However, his so-called work is just to remind all company employees not to put their badges in their pockets, but to put them on the chest of their clothes.

Seeing the staff doing what they did honestly, Happy felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Being a leader is better than being a bodyguard.

"Really annoying!"

"Yes, it's annoying."

The two clerks whispered about Happy as they put on their badges.

"Why do you think Mr. Stark asked him to be the manager of the security department? He is fat and stupid, and he always likes to stare at the female staff."

"The security of Stark Industries is a high-risk job. Besides him, who else is not afraid of death and dares to apply for it?"

"So that's the case. Hmph, I hope he won't pee his pants in fright when he encounters the Clown Organization."

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of the administrative building, and Jason fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.


The violent impact broke out from him as the origin, shattering all the glass windows of the administrative building.


Seeing that face clearly, all the staff were startled and ran away screaming.

What a crow's mouth!

Just finished talking about the clown organization, and unexpectedly recruited the boss.

bang bang bang! ! !

At this time, several bullets hit Jason's body and fell to the ground.

Jason turned his head, and a fat white man was pointing a gun at him in horror.

"Who are you?" Jason stepped forward and asked.

Happy emptied the magazine and quickly changed the magazine.


With a shake of his hand, the magazine fell to the ground.

Happy bent down to pick it up, but his legs became weak due to extreme fear, and he accidentally knelt on the ground.

A pair of black leather shoes stopped in front of the magazine, and Happy's outstretched hand froze immediately.

He slowly raised his head, saw a pair of cold and indifferent eyes, and the hairs all over his body stood up immediately!

"stand up!"

Jason's tone was flat, but it put a lot of pressure on him.

Almost a subconscious reaction of the body, Happy immediately stood up and straightened his back.

"Stark Industries... Security Manager." Jason looked at Happy's badge and asked, "Do you know where Tony Stark is?"

Happy closed his eyes tightly, swallowed hard, and said tremblingly, "No... I don't know."

"Heh!" Jason's lips curled up, and he said disdainfully, "As the manager of the security department, you don't even know where the boss is, so what's the use of you being alive."

After speaking, Jason stretched out his hand suddenly, clasping Happy's head with five fingers.

"I'll give you three seconds to tell me the location of Tony's villa and spare you!"


Happy was trembling nervously, but he clenched his teeth hard and made a rattling sound.


Slightly exerting force with five fingers, Harpy's skull felt severe pain, and his head seemed to explode.


The stronger the force, the sharper the pain.

Happy opened his mouth violently, wailing heart-piercingly: "Ah!!!"

"Hmph! You still have backbone!"

Jason smiled faintly and poured energy into his five fingers.


Crisp like a burst!

Happy's head was crushed, and the red and white thing turned into mud and splashed on Jason's face, becoming even more horrifying.


The headless corpse fell down, Jason calmly shook off the blood on his hands, and strode into the administration building.

There was not even a ghost on the first floor, and he charged up and jumped into the air like a rocket.


The hard steel concrete in front of him was as fragile as Japanese tofu. Jason easily smashed through the laminate and jumped to the fifth floor.


The staff on the fifth floor turned pale with fright, and burst into ear-piercing screams.

Jason was annoyed by the noise and shouted angrily, "Shut up!!!"

A loud shout made the office area completely silent, and everyone held their breath.

Jason looked around and asked, "Who knows where Tony Stark's villa is? Those who know will be spared death!"

Hearing this, the office staff was about to cry.

They are just part-time workers, so they don't know where the boss lives.

"I know!"

"I know too!"

At this time, two employees raised their hands excitedly and shouted.

Jason smiled and waved, and the two immediately ran over with flattering smiles.

"Mr. Walter, I know where Stark lives."

"Mr. Walter, I know that too, and I raised my hand first."

Jason nodded in satisfaction, sat on a wheelchair and said, "Don't talk about it, get a pen and paper and write it down. If the answer is the same, you can both live. If the answer is different, hehe..."

Hearing this, the two of them ran into the office scrambling, found a pen and paper and ran back, laying down on the ground and writing quickly.

Almost at the same time, they finished writing and handed over the paper.

Jason took it and glanced at it, and found that the addresses written by the two were exactly the same.

"10880 Malibu Street?"

The two nodded, "Yes!"

Jason clutched the two pieces of paper in his palms, and a flame rose and burned the papers to ashes.

He strode to the floor-to-ceiling windows, turned around and said, "A word of advice, don't work in Stark Industries!"

After finishing speaking, Jason jumped and smashed through the window, the surrounding air exploded, and Jason disappeared instantly.

Stark's villa is located in Malibu, and Jason flew there at high speed and passed the location to his colleagues.

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