Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 223 Victory in the first battle! Discover the secret!


A violent explosion sounded, a cloud of flames rose from the sky, and shock waves hit in all directions, crushing and overturning the surrounding trees.

In the flames, a group of black shadows fell to the ground, smashing out a big hole.

Jason quickly flew over to check, and saw Hulk lying on the ground, the wound stabbed by the long sword was already bruised and bloody.

Hulk's skin is extremely resistant, and general explosions and attacks are simply tickling for him, but the resistance inside his body is not so strong.

Jason first pierced one-third of the long sword into its body, then moved the energy to the tip of the sword, and finally detonated the energy sword.

This idea was planned by Jason a long time ago, and the source of inspiration was many movies in his previous life. Facts have proved that the brain hole effect of the movie is very good.

The energy sword blasted off a large piece of flesh from Hulk's waist, revealing a hideous scar.

"Hehe, try sticking a long sword into your ass to detonate it next time." Jason floated in mid-air, arms crossed, with an indescribably proud expression on his face.

The opponent is the Hulk who is the ceiling of Marvel's early combat power. He can actually injure Hulk with a weak victory, which is enough to make him proud.


Seeing Jason, Hulk yelled at him angrily.

"Hmph! It's getting dark, I don't want to play anymore, it's time to go home and sleep with my wife."

After finishing speaking, there was wind under Jason's feet, and he shot straight into the sky like a rocket.

It's so fucking cool to pretend to be aggressive and run away!

However, Hulk didn't intend to let Jason go. He charged up and jumped, and he jumped to a height of nearly a thousand meters in one fell swoop.

"Sure enough, the more angry you are, the stronger you are!"

Jason frowned, and accumulated an energy ball similar to a spiral pill with one hand.

When Hulk was about to jump in front of Jason, he swung the energy ball out of his hand and hit Hulk firmly in the face.


The energy ball exploded in front of him, producing a powerful shock wave that counteracted Hulk's rising power.

After a moment of stagnation in the sky, Hulk fell straight to the ground.

Jason took the opportunity to speed up and fly away. Now that he faced the angry Hulk, he probably would lie down for a second.


Watching Jason completely disappear in front of his eyes, Hulk smashed his fists to the ground angrily, his impotent and furious appearance was very interesting.


The battle between Jason and Hulk finally came to an end. On the other hand, the special forces led by General Ross also rushed to Brazil.


Banner was not found in the soda factory, and General Ross immediately received information about fierce fighting in the suburbs.

The battle between Hulk and Jason was so loud that it almost changed the surrounding terrain, scaring the residents living nearby to call the police.

After receiving this information, General Ross immediately judged that Jason and Hulk were fighting, and immediately led the troops towards this side.

By the time they arrived nearby in armored vehicles, the fighting was over.

More than a dozen special forces approached cautiously with anesthesia guns in hand, only to find a green monster sitting on the ground depressed and sulking.

Seeing this scene, even the experienced special forces members were completely stunned.

"Hou Leixiete! What kind of monster is this!" Bronski looked solemn, and quickly contacted General Ross who was in charge of commanding.

"This is our goal, fire an anesthesia bomb at him immediately!" General Ross ordered calmly.

After the order was issued, the special forces restrained their fear and aimed at Hulk to shoot.

bang bang bang!

A muffled gunshot sounded, and anesthesia bullets that resembled syringes shot Hulk precisely.

It's a pity that when the needle touched Hulk's skin, it was bent at 90 degrees as if hitting a steel plate.


Hulk stood up suddenly and rushed towards the jungle where the soldiers were hiding.

They came at the wrong time, and Hulk was full of anger and worried that he had no place to vent.

"Shit! The monster is coming, shoot and shoot!"

bang bang bang!

Anesthetic bombs poured out, but failed to pierce Hulk's skin.

"Use live ammunition!" Bronski roared, and quickly changed the magazine.

bang bang bang!

However, the brass bullet hit Hulk, just like scratching an itch, and it was useless except to irritate Hulk.

Hulk rushed into the enemy's formation, raised his fist and smashed anyone he saw, and the soldiers who were hit instantly turned into flesh.

It was just a charge, and more than half of the soldiers were killed or injured. Seeing this, Bronski quickly slipped away.

Fortunately, Hulk was not very interested in these miscellaneous fish. After seeing them fleeing, he just stood there and roared instead of chasing them.

General Ross witnessed the whole process of Hulk going berserk through the monitors on the soldiers.

He had expected the defeat of this battle. If the Hulk could be eliminated with only bullets and tranquilizer bombs, then this power was not worth pursuing at all.

General Ross ordered a retreat. While cursing Jason fiercely.

If Jason hadn't messed up the situation, they could have caught Banner before he transformed.


Jason didn't know what happened afterwards, he flew to New York unimpeded all the way, and returned to the stronghold of the clown organization.

Jason went to the base hospital for a physical examination immediately.

Hulk's punch was really powerful, even though he could make such a deep scar on his chest, until now he still has a dull pain in his chest when he breathes.

After several hours of comprehensive inspection, Jason finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the wounds looked scary, they were only skin wounds, and no bones or internal organs were injured.

The skin trauma can be healed slowly, and Belmode's stronghold is quite far from New York, so Jason didn't bother her back and forth.

After checking his body, Jason sat down at the dining table, and while enjoying the delicious post-war meal, he checked the backpack that was brought back from Banner's hand.

There are not many things in the backpack, there are wallets, computers, Betty's photos, and a few pieces of clothing.

It's a pity that Banner fell from a height, and the computer has been broken into electronic parts.

The organization recruited many computer experts and inspection experts, and Jason called them over to see if they could find valuable information through these electronic parts and daily necessities.

When Jason woke up after a good night's sleep after eating a big meal, the expert team sent good news that they really found something from a pile of garbage.

The first message is very obvious, it is Dr. Betty, Banner's girlfriend.

Because of her return to China, Banner still treasures her photos with him. This true feeling is very rare, but for a villain like Jason, this means that Banner has a fatal weakness.

In the second message, the experts repaired the hard disk of the computer. Although most of the content has been damaged, luckily they found the most critical part.

Banner hid in Brazil for half a year, using the pseudonym "Mr. Green" to seek help on the Internet, and kept in close contact with a person named "Dr. Blue".

It is a pity that the hard disk was severely damaged, and the mailbox of "Dr. Lan" could not be found.

After listening to the report, Jason immediately contacted Chloe and asked her to monitor Dr. Betty's mobile phone and closely monitor Internet email communications.

Pay special attention to the words "Dr. Blue" and "Mr. Green".

Now that Banner has turned against him, he must make all preparations in case of accidents.

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