Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 257: Madness in the middle of the night! Help the US team!

The squirming flesh and blood quickly filled the wound, and even the seriously damaged internal organs were repaired, without even a scar on the outside.

"He's not dead yet, hurry up!"

The voice of an agent talking upstairs.

Alex shuddered and quickly got up from the ground.

However, it was not enough to repair the injury and consume all the flesh and blood, and even the flesh and blood of other parts were seconded, which made him extremely weak at this time, and he barely stood still after shaking several times.

Now in this state, don't think about fighting recklessly, you have to find a way to escape quickly, and then heal your injuries through'dining'.

After making up his mind, Alex opened his legs, turned and ran into the alley next door.

"He ran away, shoot!"

Hearing the voice of the agent shouting, Alex quickened his pace again.

bang bang bang!

When the gunshot rang out, he lowered his head suddenly, and several bullets drifted past his hair.

Alex was startled, and quickly jumped up to the second floor.

If you want to avoid bullets, you must stop walking in a straight line.

He smashed through the glass to enter the room, dodging obstacles after obstacles before jumping out from the other side of the apartment.

Although this kind of weird parkour route is not as fast as walking in a straight line, it is worse than being unpredictable in safety.

Now the agents wanted to shoot him, unless the bullet would turn.

Alex is like a nimble monkey, jumping up and down in the community apartment, seemingly panicked but actually confident.

This is also thanks to his careful investigation of the surrounding environment of the apartment before, otherwise today is really bad luck.

After three blocks, Alex jumped onto the road.

The streets are bustling with pedestrians and vehicles.

Alex stopped a convertible, pulled the driver straight out and jumped into the car.


There was a gunshot, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his right shoulder.

He didn't look back, he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to escape.

Chi Chi Chi!

The tires spun at high speed, emitting bursts of blue smoke.

The convertible roared and forced its way between the two cars, knocking off the rearview mirror.

"FBI! Get out of the car!"

The agents behind him ran to the road and forcibly collected several cars to catch up.


New York is a city that never sleeps, and there are only a lot more vehicles at night than during the day.

The group of them was racing crazily on the road like this, and there were gunshots from time to time.

Coulson sat in the back seat and stuck his head out of the car window, still holding the laser cannon tightly in his hand.

He wanted to pull the trigger a few times, but Alex drove in a crooked way and didn't give him a chance, and after careful observation of the driving route, he found that he was actually driving towards the central city.

"This bloody bastard!"

Of course Alex's idea was clear to Coulson, and he wanted to make him use the mouse.

Because he would never dare to use a powerful laser cannon in a crowded place, and the agents would have to think twice about shooting.

Otherwise, even if Alex was killed, Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. would be out of luck.

The heat of demonstrations across the United States has just cooled down due to the recovery of the American team.

If there is another news of "government agents using lethal weapons on the street" at this time.

The demonstrations will definitely break out again, and they will be more violent and longer-lasting than before.

This consequence is too serious, let alone Coulson, even Nick Fury can't afford it.

Hey, things got tricky.

Coulson was extremely annoyed.

If I had known this before, I should have rushed out to give him another shot when he fell to the ground.

There is no regret medicine in the world, no matter how much he blames himself, it will not help.

Coulson finally called Nick Fury, reported the situation to him, and formally asked the headquarters for help.

"Director, that prisoner is agile, has unknown superpowers, and has strong anti-reconnaissance skills. If he is allowed to escape this time, it will be difficult to catch him next time."

Nick Fury was not in a hurry, and asked calmly: "You are at the scene, do you have any thoughts?"

Coulson thought for a while, and only resorted to a big move: "I suggest, ask Captain America for help."

Hearing this, Nick Fury lost his voice, obviously hesitating.

God, this is not the time for politics.

Coulson was anxious, and quickly said: "Director, what happened tonight, the captain will definitely know tomorrow. If you don't tell him now, you will blame and resent us tomorrow. Once there is a rift between S.H.I.E.L.D. Fixed."

As the number one US team fan, Coulson knows idols very well. He is a man with a strong sense of justice and responsibility.

If Nick Fury doesn't call him tonight, he'll be furious tomorrow when he learns the truth.

Speaking of cracks, it is considered light, and it is possible to regard S.H.I.E.L.D. as an enemy.


After thinking for a long time, Nick Fury finally let go.

"You keep an eye on the prisoner, I'll notify him immediately!"


New York, Brooklyn.

Steve Rogers works out in the gym in the basement of his apartment.

He prefers traditional fitness methods to the weird fitness equipment bought by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and punching bags.


The huge sandbag was blown out, the outer layer of fabric exploded, and various fillings were scattered all over the place.

Steve gasped slightly, his plain white T-shirt and gray trousers already soaked.

He turned around to change to new sandbags, only to find that the five sandbags used for training had all been blown up.

Steve lost interest and thought that would be the end of today's exercise.

Walking out of the gym empty-handed, there was the sound of a washing machine rumbling from the corner of the stairs.

Steve glanced at it and found that it was an acquaintance, so he stopped to say hello.


Sharon Carter, dressed in loose home clothes, stood up and smiled sweetly.

"Hi Steve. Did the washing machine interrupt your training?"

"No, this is not training, it is at most a warm-up."

Sharon looked at his strong pecs and nodded in agreement.

"Peggy is doing well."

The smile on Sharon's face disappeared: "My aunt's health is not optimistic. Even after she retires, she still cares about SHIELD, and SHIELD has bad news recently, so..."

Steve didn't understand, and asked, "Is it helpful to be in a good mood?"

"Of course. Emotions do more for the body than any medicine."

"Understood." Steve said to himself, "She will feel better and better in the future."

Sharon understood what he meant, but worried: "I hope so."

After chatting for a while, the washing machine finally stopped.

Steve offered to lift the laundry basket, and the two walked up the stairs together.

"I also have a washing machine in my room, you can use it."

Sharon smiled and said, "What's the reward?"

"Just a cup of coffee."

"It's so cheap, then I must come here often."

While joking, the two came to the top floor of the apartment.

Steve was about to take out his keys to open the door when he found the phone in his pocket vibrating frantically.

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