Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 272 In this world, there is no Captain America anymore!

A blood-stained apartment in South City, New York.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came and went in and out of the apartment, clutching piles of evidence and documents.

Steve sat on the sofa waiting impatiently, grabbed someone and asked, "How, have you found anything?"

The agent shook his head in disappointment: "It is certain that Alex did it, but no valuable clues were found at the scene."

Steve let go of his hand in a daze, this is different from the agreed script.

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s inference, Alex's activities are usually very secretive. This time, the sudden appearance of important clues must be his pre-buried trap.

So they used their tricks and sent Steve and the agent to actively enter the trap to attract Alex to take the bait.

As soon as he appeared, the Armor Legion ambushing nearby would rush out and finish him off.

But they had been in the apartment for almost two hours, not to mention Alex, they didn't even see a ghost.

Could it be that the fault in the apartment was really his unintentional doing.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Steve finally received the order from above and announced that the team would be withdrawn.


The big night pulls him out of a romantic candlelight dinner.

I thought I could solve Alex smoothly, but I just sat there for three full hours in the stinking apartment.

Steve is very unhappy, but there is no way, this is the task of the agent.


After returning to the apartment in the SHIELD car, the unhappiness was relieved by the thought of meeting Sharon soon.

"Sir, Steve is back."

Outside the apartment, a member of the monitoring organization notified Alex.

"Okay, I see. You can inform the hospital to start action."


In the Aegis apartment, Alex sat at the dining table and gave instructions.

There were two dinner plates on the dining table, the steaks that were originally Sharon and Steve's candlelight dinner, and now they all went into his stomach.

"I have good news for you. Your old lover is back." He tilted his head and said with a smirk.

In the living room, four slender strips of flesh bound Sharon's limbs, and the other ends were respectively fixed to the floor and ceiling. Sharon was suspended in the air.

"By the way, I have to seal your mouth, and I can't let you yell."

Alex stepped forward and sealed her mouth and neck with two pieces of flesh.

Steve trotted upstairs with the shield in hand.

It was already dark, and I thought Sharon had fallen asleep, but I didn't expect that the door was still ajar.

This is the feeling of home.

With a warm heart, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand and slowly opened the door.


Walking into the living room, Sharon's eyes widened and she shook her head desperately at him.


Seeing this scene, Steve was completely dumbfounded.

"Papa papa!"

Alex came out clapping, spread his hands out and said, "Is it a surprise! Is it a surprise!"

"fuck you!"

Steve was so angry that he uttered a rare swear word, grabbed his shield and was about to rush up.

"Wait a moment!"

Alex quickly called a pause, then took out a video communicator and pointed the screen at Steve.

"Don't rush to do it, let me show you something good first."

A black screen came on and Peggy Carter appeared inside.

It's just that she was strapped with explosives, and a pistol was still on her head.

"See clearly." Alex was full of pride, and gave Sharon a look in another direction.

"Alex! What the hell are you trying to do!" Steve clenched his fists, and the veins on his neck bulged.

He wanted to tear Alex into pieces like crazy now, but Peggy and Sharon were both in his hands, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to do an experiment." Alex walked to the dining table and put the communicator on the table.

"Captain America... is indeed a hero of World War II, a national idol. You have accepted the two strange girls of the Carter family, and they are the aunt and nephew. It's amazing."

This matter is still a bit difficult to talk about, Steve didn't want to say more, and said in a blunt tone.

"This has nothing to do with you. What is the purpose of kidnapping them? Are you taking revenge on me?"

"Don't worry, listen to me patiently." Alex said slowly.

"Everyone has an invisible scale in their hearts. I do this to know who is more important to you, the two Ms. Carter? Is it the young and beautiful Sharon Carter? Or the former confidante Peggy Carter?"


Steve's head was buzzing, he understood what Alex was going to do.

The beast!

"Hehe, you seem to have guessed it. Yes, that's what I mean."

"If you want to save people, I will never stop them. But between the two of them, you can only save one."

"If you choose to save Sharon Carter, the gun in this video will pull the trigger immediately."

"If you choose to rescue Peggy Carter, the mass of flesh and blood that binds Sharon's neck will tighten immediately, crushing her skeletal trachea."

"The rules are like this, which of the two beauties is more important to you, you can decide for yourself!"

"I only give you five minutes, hurry up and choose, if the time is up and there is no answer, both of them will die!"


Steve was trembling all over, his eyes were blood red, and he was already extremely angry.

Sharon and Peggy are all women he loves deeply.

Let him make a choice among them, or a choice that is a matter of life and death, which is harder than killing him.

But this is the purpose of Alex, he just wants to see himself in a dilemma, it is best to accidentally do something wrong and regret it for life.

"Why are you staring at me? Why, you want to kill me to save them all." Alex snorted coldly.

"You have already experienced the difference in strength between you and me. As long as you dare to fight, I can kill your two lovers in just one second."

Steve kept silent, but the violent heaving of his chest revealed his state of mind at the moment.

How to do!

what to do!

Does S.H.I.E.L.D. know what's going on in hospitals and apartments!

Is there a way to contact them!

As long as there is no problem at the hospital, I have the confidence to save Sharon!

After two minutes of silence, Alex grew impatient.

"Can't choose? Then let me help you." He frowned, pretending to be deep in thought.

"My suggestion is to save Sharon and kill Peggy."

"Think about it, Peggy has become an old woman and has lost all her teeth. Even if I don't kill her, she won't live for two years at most."

"But Ms. Sharon is different. Look, she is fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged. Even in Hollywood, she would be a star. If my stuff hadn't failed, I would have wanted to taste what it's like to be a Captain America woman." gone."

Sharon's eyes were red, and she shook her head desperately: "Woooo..."

"Why, are you going to sacrifice yourself instead of your aunt? Hahaha, it's so touching."


After a long silence, Steve finally spoke: "You know in your heart that I have no way to make a choice in this situation."

"Hehe, if you are indecisive, just say it straight, and the explanation is so high-sounding." Alex showed disdain.

Steve sighed and dropped the shield in his hand.

"I know you hate me and want to take revenge on me, so come at me. War makes women go away."

"Attack you?" Alex made a thinking posture: "Actually, it's not impossible."

Hearing this, Steve was overjoyed.

He was about to speak, but Alex said indifferently: "Then...kneel down."


"Didn't you hear clearly, I'll make you kneel!!!"


Steve's heart became completely cold, he held back his anger, and slowly knelt on the ground.

"Hahaha!" Alex turned his anger into joy, turned around and laughed wildly at Sharon.

"Look! Captain America kneels at me! This is a historic moment!"

Sharon closed her eyes, unable to bear to look.

When Alex had had enough laughs and had enough fun, he suddenly switched to the hammer form, swung his right fist and slammed into Steve's face.


With a muffled sound, Steve was thrown flying with two broken teeth.

The strong body hit the wall heavily, sinking into a big hole.

"Woooo!!!" Sharon roared, tears streaming down his face!

"Come here! Continue!" Alex waved his fist, making boxing movements.

Steve struggled to get up from the ground, half of his face was bloody, and he stared at him with one eye open.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can fight back, but the consequences..."

"I know, I won't fight back." Steve staggered, walking over step by step.

"very good!"

After finishing speaking, another heavy fist hit him.




Alex punched him to the flesh and beat him for several minutes with dozens of punches.

In the end, Steve was slumped on the ground and couldn't get up completely.

"It's quite resistant to beating! It's not dead yet." Alex grabbed him and held him above his head.

"Originally, I wanted to kill you, but now I have changed my mind."

He grabbed Steve and dropped him, then raised his knees and slammed him hard against him.

There was a crisp click!

Steve's spine is broken!


Sharon struggled like crazy, and the murderous intent in her eyes seemed to tear Alex into pieces.

"Excellent!" Alex shouted excitedly: "If you break your spine, even if it can be repaired, you will be a useless person in the future. This way of revenge is a thousand times faster than killing you!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, gunshots came from the communicator on the table.

"Sir, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have spotted us!"

Alex picked up the communicator and said: "Don't panic, remember your oath, and start acting."


On the screen, a member of the organization pressed the start button of the explosive, and the thirty-second countdown began.

"You..." Steve, who fell on the ground, said weakly, "You promised me..."

"Idiot!" Alex sneered, "Fortunately, you are still a World War II hero, so you can believe this kind of lying to children. However, you have no other choice but to believe me."

He dragged Steve up from the ground and opened his eyes with his fingers: "Come on, open your eyes and watch carefully, this is the last side."

"Do not……"

Steve wanted to struggle, but he had no good flesh all over his body, even his spine was broken, and he was powerless to resist.

"Woooo..." Sharon also groaned in struggle.

The time passed by like this, the moment when the eye-catching countdown turned to zero.

There was a loud noise, and the screen went black.

Alex let go, and Steve collapsed on the ground like mud, with despair written in the only open eye.

"Don't worry, there's another one here."

Alex walked up to Sharon and lightly touched the lump of flesh and blood that bound his neck with his fingers.

In an instant, the mass of dark red flesh seemed to come alive, and began to slowly shrink the hoops.


Sharon's eyes widened, like a fish out of the water, and began to struggle.

"no no……"

Steve woke up instantly, desperately trying to crawl forward.

Alex didn't stop, but squatted down and said cruelly.

"Come on! If you don't want Sharon to die in front of your eyes, just keep working hard!"

After speaking, he turned and left the SHIELD apartment.

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