Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 275 Norse Mythology! Thor's Hammer!

Chloe is a recognized model worker, she has no complaints about being sent to Africa, but the other two immediately started hurting each other.

Halle: "Haney, I think David would be a good fit. Ultrasound is essential for geological exploration, as long as he goes to Africa we can find veins in no time."

Not to be outdone, David retorted: "I think spatial movement is more suitable. Ultrasonic waves can only know what is hidden in the mountains, but spatial movement can take things out. Harley is simply a born master of exploration."

In order to avoid a trip to Africa, the two completely put down their faces and began to flatter each other.

It's nothing to do with oneself, and the party members are all smiling and listening.

Jason was tired of hearing it, and said, "Since you are both so optimistic about each other, why not go to Africa together. The two superpowers cooperate with each other, and the effect must be extraordinary."

Hearing this, the rest of the party laughed happily, but Harry and David were dumbfounded.

"Haney... I have a lot of jobs in my home country." Harley resorted to a coquettish way.

David knew it was interesting, but he also wanted to drag people into the water again: "Boss, and Chloe."

Jason waved his hand and refused to accept this: "Stop talking, it's settled like this. Your work will be done by Alex. As for Chloe... Think about it carefully, she can't leave now Continental America, let’s wait until we find the mineral lode.”

Jason made a final decision, and Harry pouted with an unhappy face.

The person in charge of the African base has been confirmed, and the next step is the issue of candidates to be sent to Africa.

"The official members of the organization have exceeded 50,000, leaving 20,000 to continue to maintain the local business, and the remaining 30,000 are all transferred to Africa. At the same time, a large amount of exploration and mining equipment is needed. This matter will be handed over to Chloe Responsible, it must be completed within half a year, and it cannot be detected by S.H.I.E.L.D."

Chloe: "Understood!"

At the end of the meeting, the comrades said their goodbyes and went offline one after another.

Harry turned around resentfully and was about to question Jason, when he suddenly saw that Chloe hadn't logged out, with a strange expression on his face.

Jason asked, "Is there anything else?"

Chloe: "Boss, something has entered the atmosphere!"

"What!" Several people were puzzled.

Something entered the atmosphere, is this a meteorite falling?

Chloe explained: "It is definitely not a meteorite. This thing appeared suddenly, and its size is very small. Even NASA has just discovered it. And its appearance has affected the surrounding magnetic field, and it is also accompanied by violent meteorological movements."

Fast speed, small size, change the magnetic field, affect the weather.

What the hell is this?

Jason frowned in thought, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

By the way, how could I forget that master.

It's time for him to show up.

Jason: "Have you figured out where it fell?"

Chloe: "Got it, it's in New Mexico!"

Without hesitation, Jason immediately said, "I'm going there. You have to continue to pay attention to this matter. Once the details of the crash come out, let me know immediately."

Chloe agreed, and then went offline.

It happened so suddenly that Harley forgot to ask for responsibility, but asked worriedly, "Haney, is this important?"

Jason stopped to think for a few seconds, shook his head and said, "This thing does not belong to the earth, nor does it belong to us, but its appearance is a sign."

Belmode: "What sign?"

Jason sighed and said, "It marks the beginning of the space war."

"Cosmic war!" Several people were surprised, and they couldn't believe it.

Harry: "Haney, are you going now?"

Jason: "Well, I want to see it with my own eyes."

Harry: "Then I'll be with you."

Jason: "Forget it, there is no danger this trip."

Harry came over and grabbed his arm, shook it lightly, and said coquettishly, "I'm going to Africa soon..."

Jason smiled helplessly, and patted her on the head: "Alright then! You go and change, and leave in half an hour."


The two of them were wrapped in energy balls, soaring in the vast sky at a leisurely pace.

Harry was very happy, the smile on his face never stopped, and the worries about going to the African continent were forgotten.

Since the organization was on the right track, they have all become busy, and the time alone in a year can even be counted in hours.

So tonight's romance is especially precious to Harley, and even more cherished.

Jason is no longer a straight man of steel, and he feels her emotions very sensitively.

Thinking of the life of the two of them getting together less and leaving more, and thinking of letting her go to Africa cruelly, I felt somewhat guilty.

Instead of urging, he let Harry play around, as if trying to make up for lost time.

After wandering all night, the sky is already bright.

Harley was self-conscious, and she was content to be alone with Jason for a night.

"Did Chloe send the location?" She asked proactively.


"Then let's go there quickly!"

"it is good!"

Speeding up to the limit, the two quickly arrived at the crash site.

Suspended in mid-air, the huge potholes on the ground are very eye-catching.

"What's this?" Harry started to land.

When she was less than twenty meters away from the center of the pothole, she finally saw clearly.

This is a square hammer.

Harry fell to the ground and looked up at the sky again, showing a puzzled expression.

She can understand meteorites falling from the sky, but what happened to hammers falling from the sky?

I took out the communicator and took a few photos and sent them to the group, and a bunch of question marks immediately appeared on the chat interface.

Harry replied briefly, then looked up to see Jason staring at the hammer with a serious face.

I also leaned over, but didn't see anything extraordinary.

"Haney, do you know this hammer?"

Jason showed a complicated smile, neither nodded nor shook his head: "Have you heard of Norse mythology?"

Harry: "I've heard some, but I'm not very clear."

Jason asked again, "Then do you know Odin, Thor?"

Harry nodded: "Of course I know, Odin is the Lord of the Gods, Thor is the God of Thor!"

Jason stretched out his hand and stroked the hammer: "This hammer is Mjoljor, the Hammer of Thor!"

"What?" Harry opened his mouth wide in horror, and could stuff an apple into it: "Are you joking? It's just a myth, not true."

Jason asked: "If it's not true, what is the origin of the myth? The Nordic people are so idle, do they make up a group of gods for themselves?"

Harry didn't know how to refute, but still shook her head vigorously, expressing her disbelief.

Jason didn't explain, and stretched out his hand to hold Thor's Hammer.


With one arm exerting force, the veins on the neck popped up, but the hammer did not move at all.

A mass of light blue energy wrapped his hands, and Jason pulled out all the energy in his body, and gripped the hammer tightly.

After trying several times, my face turned red, but I still couldn't pick up Thor's Hammer.

"Huh... as expected!" Jason sighed, not discouraged.

"You can't pull it out?" Harry felt very strange.

With Jason's current ability, the tank can be used as a ping pong ball, so how could he not be able to pull out a hammer.

Jason shook his head and said, "Come and try."

The two switched positions, and Harry tried his best, but the result was still the same.

"let me try again."

She let go of her hand to activate her superpower, trying to move it out with the power of space.

But Thor's Hammer is blessed with divine power, and Harley's super powers are directly invalidated.

"Impossible, this..." She looked at her tender hands.

Jason smiled unconscionably: "Now do you believe it?"

Harry frowned, probably half-believing.

"Let's go, go find a restaurant nearby to have breakfast. This thing is enough to be addicted to the eyes, we are not 'qualified' to pick it up, at least not now."

Jason didn't miss it, and strode away directly.

Harry turned around every three steps, and finally shook his head and gave up.


When they came to a nearby town, the two found a restaurant that specializes in local specialties, and the seats were chosen outside.

Handing the menu to the waiter, Harry muttered softly, "I thought they would scream and call the police."

Jason picked up the coffee and said with a smile: "This shows that the organization's reputation is not so loud yet, and we must continue to work hard."

Harry didn't care, and asked, "If that hammer is really Thor's Hammer, how could it appear on Earth?"

Jason searched for the remaining memories, but shook his head after finding no results: "I don't know, maybe I accidentally dropped it."

Harry was not satisfied with this answer, and continued to ask: "Thor's Hammer is Thor's weapon. He will definitely come to look for it. Are we going to fight Thor soon! Isn't that a dead end!"

Jason: "Why do you die? Norse mythology is different from Greek mythology and Chinese mythology. The gods in Norse mythology are not omnipotent, and they will also be born, old, sick and die."

Harry shook his head vigorously: "Even if they will live, grow old, get sick and die, they are still gods, we are only human beings."

Jason continued to recall the incomplete memory, and comforted: "God, it's not that scary. And we are not ordinary human beings, so we have a little confidence in ourselves."

Unlike Jason, Harley has faith and is in awe of the gods.

She still wanted to say something, but the pretty waiter came over with a plate.

After giving a tip of 20 yuan, Jason concentrated on the food on the plate.

"Eat quickly, and go home after eating. We will not confront Sol for the time being. If you are really afraid of gods, work hard in Africa."

"That's the only way to go." Harry picked up a piece of pizza with a heavy heart.

Jason ate fast, finished his breakfast in three minutes, and then stood aside to smoke.

The town has a beautiful environment and a small population, no more than a thousand people at best.

Although the economy is not rich, the life here is very leisurely, without the fast pace and high pressure of the metropolis, you can slow down and enjoy life a little

This kind of day is called nourishment, and I hope one day I can do the same.

Jason was smoking a cigarette, feeling a little yearning in his heart.

"he is……"

Suddenly, a barefoot blond man came from a distance.

Hungry, he stared longingly at the roadside restaurant.

Hehe, what a coincidence.

When the strong man walked up to Jason, he took the initiative to say hello: "Hey, have you been robbed?"

The strong man heard someone calling him, and hurried over: "I am..."

His expression was a bit embarrassed, maybe he had never asked anyone in his life.

"It's okay, if you don't mind, I can treat you to breakfast."


The strong man was very grateful, he was really hungry.

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