Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 277 The struggle escalates! Race against time!

Leaving the small town in New Mexico, Jason and Halle did not hurry back, but took a slow train and started a romantic journey again.

Instead of deepening their tension, their unexpected encounter with Sol relaxes them, and they smile along the way.

So much amazing intelligence in one meal, and it certainly deserves a few days off to celebrate.

The young couple returned to New York after playing outside for three days, and Jason immediately held a video conference.

Chloe spoke first, and she told everyone the information she had collected about the 'meteorite incident' in the small town of New Mexico.

Chloe: "The 'meteorite incident' is over. What fell from the outer space was not a meteorite at all, but a hammer. But the strange thing is that no one can pick up the hammer, even with a crane."

"Later, this matter was taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D., and our people couldn't infiltrate it. The only information we had was that a mentally ill man appeared in the town. This is his photo."

"Also, the weather in the town today is very strange. There was an accidental explosion in the morning, causing casualties to half of the local residents."

After hearing the information, Franklin asked with a question mark on his face: "Hammer? Why did a hammer fall into the earth from outer space?"

John Wick is more concerned about another question: "Since it's just a hammer, why no one can pick it up? Could it be made of heavy metals in the universe."

Jason raised his hand, motioning them to pause their discussion, before announcing his and Harry's findings.


Lord of the gods!



Words from the myth came out of Jason's mouth one after another, and all his comrades were stunned with their mouths open.

"To put it simply, gods fight mortals and suffer. Because Thor did something wrong, Odin expelled him from Asgard in order to punish him, and at the same time threw his Thor's hammer over." Harley wrote Final summary.

Jason chuckled: "Is this a punishment? Obviously, Odin hopes that Thor will reform himself and lift Thor's Hammer again."

Harley nodded in agreement: "Father's love is like a mountain."

The two of them chatted aside, giving the rest of the party enough time to digest the information.

Five minutes later, they reluctantly accepted the reality of the 'alien' invasion of Earth.

The locomotive breathed a sigh of relief: "Since it's just Odin's family conflict, it shouldn't affect us."

Chloe shook her head: "According to my information, S.H.I.E.L.D. has already contacted Thor. As the messenger of justice, Thor, do you think he will stand by?"

Franklin's face was gloomy: "It's over, there are still a bunch of enemies on the earth, and now they are going to fight with the Protoss again, which will make things worse."

Belmode: "The protoss think highly of themselves. Will they interfere with things on Earth? There should be many threats in the universe that are more serious than us. I don't think Thor will necessarily target us."

Chloe added again: "Normally not, but Saul made a girlfriend on Earth. According to her Facebook content, she is a woman with a strong sense of justice. As long as she blows the wind around her pillow, she will be fine. I might change my mind."

The locomotive was surprised: "It's only been two or three days, how come you have a girlfriend?"

Jason laughed mockingly: "This guy is an innocent boy, he always thinks about fighting, as long as a scheming woman uses a little trick, he will be hooked."

Harry was also cheerful: "We had a meal with him that day, and he was interested in me."

Franklin frowned and said, "Since you've all been in contact, why didn't you just kill him?"

David rolled his eyes: "Kill Thor, Odin and the Asgardians must destroy the earth."

Harry: "Yeah, it's because of this that we don't dare to act rashly."

Jason put away his smile and said seriously: "In short, a new enemy has appeared again. He is very strong and difficult. The most important thing is that he is not alone, and there are Odin and Asgard standing behind him."

"Everyone, we don't have much time left. A war may be imminent. Everyone should be vigilant and work harder."

"We must hurry up on the matter in Africa. I originally planned to give you half a year, but now I will give you three months at most."

As the person in charge, Chloe immediately nodded in agreement.

Jason: "In addition, we must be prepared with both hands. Although it hurts morale to say so, we still have to consider what to do if we lose the battle. We can't leave no way out."

Halle said: "I suggest setting up secret safe houses around the world. In case of defeat, the official members can go underground and hide."

Belmode: "I think the most important thing is not the ordinary members, but us here. As long as we don't die, we have a chance to stand up."


After the meeting, all members of the Clown Organization got busy and quickly got into work.

Under Chloe's precise deployment, the 30,000 official members, including large mechanical equipment, were all transferred to the African continent in only two and a half months, and they did not reveal any flaws. Even SHIELD did not react.

At the same time, the crime rate in various parts of the world has also reached a new peak, and the governments and police of various countries are struggling with this.

As a result of the eagerness for quick success, many strongholds and members were exposed, and were destroyed and captured by governments and armies of various countries.

But fortunately, the organization has a mature military source system, which can be quickly replenished after each accident.

Jason and his party know very well that their biggest enemy is not S.H.I.E.L.D., not Asgard, but time.

Danger will come at any time, and they must race against time.

If they can secure a five-year, no, three-year period of safe development, the Clown Organization will no longer be afraid of any enemies, and will formally step forward and appear in the public eye.

But all fools know that the enemy will not give you this time.


In this fear and fear, a year passed quickly.

There are joys and sorrows in the rapid development of the organization.

The good news is that the official membership has exceeded 200,000. Jason's followers are all over the world, and he has established dense bases and shelters all over the world, enough to fight guerrilla warfare with governments around the world.

In terms of business, the organization also monopolizes the global underground market, including high grass, arms, and custom shops... The organization's daily net income is extremely astonishing, and it can be said that it is incomparably rich.

In terms of technology, it is a pity that Alex's black light virus cannot be replicated, but gamma technology and Ark reactor technology are developing rapidly, and the first batch of giant troops and armored legions have been incorporated into the battle order.

In terms of the party, the superpowers of all the party members including Jason have been upgraded to level six, and their combat effectiveness has doubled, so they no longer have to fear the military's crowd tactics. Now there is no weapon on earth that can threaten them except nuclear weapons.

The worry is...

More than 30,000 people have stayed in Africa for a year, but they still haven't found the vibration gold veins, only a pile of fragmented metal pieces, which makes Halle and David go crazy with anxiety.

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