Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 297 I Have a Bold Idea!

Three hundred kilometers away from New York, the Clown Organization has set up a backup headquarters base in a ranch.

The basement five floors, the base torture room.

All the accomplices controlled by Loki were tied to torture chairs for brainwashing treatment.

As the top cadres of the organization, they hold important positions and must be absolutely loyal.

To reassure himself, Jason specially recruited experts in this field from the organization.

On the one hand, this group of experts will be responsible for their treatment, and on the other hand, they will conduct a loyalty test after the treatment.

As long as the test results fail for one day, the accomplices cannot leave this room.


In the torture room, horrifying screams could be heard continuously.

Jason walked back and forth anxiously outside the door. These voices pierced his heart, but he couldn't do anything but wait patiently.


An hour passed like this, and the screams in the torture room became weaker and weaker.

Jason was afraid that something might happen, so he hurried over to ask.

Fortunately, it is not a bad thing, but the brainwashing treatment has come to an end.

Undoing the Mind Stone's grip requires willpower and loyalty to the organization.

Because of the system, the comrades can be said to be impeccable in this regard.

If it weren't for the overbearing power of the Mind Stone, they would never have betrayed the organization and Jason until they died.

Two hours later, all the party members lived up to expectations and passed the loyalty test perfectly.

Jason was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

In the dark and smelly room, the comrades slumped weakly on the torture chairs.

He was dripping with sweat, as if he had just swum out of the water.

Seeing Jason walking in, everyone immediately lowered their heads not daring to meet his eyes.

As the top cadre of the organization, they betrayed the organization. They were really ashamed to see Jason again.

"Don't think too much, you can't blame all of this." Jason sat next to Harley and patted her on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Harry felt even more ashamed.

The memory after being manipulated still exists in the mind, the harder you try to forget it, the more clearly you remember it.

Thinking of what she had said and done to Jason, Harry really wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in.

"Go take a shower, you're covered in sweat."

Seeing their self-reproaching and painful expressions, Jason couldn't even speak the words of reprimand.

"Haney...I'm sorry." Harry lowered his head and whispered.

Jason comforted: "Don't think too much, the power of the Mind Stone cannot be resisted by ordinary people."

Harry still lowered his head, as if he couldn't get out of his knot.

Seeing this, Jason stood up suddenly, and shouted loudly to his fellow party members.

"In general, this matter is all Loki's fault, and has little to do with you."

"Originally, I had caught Loki and was going to torture him, but Thor suddenly came to the earth and rescued him."

"The enemy is now, and there is no time for you to continue to be depressed. If you really feel guilty, then go take a shower and change clothes, cheer up, and prepare to fight the new enemy."

After saying these words, a flame finally ignited in the eyes of the comrades.

Yes, the culprit is still out there, and now is not the time to give up on himself.

Since Jason was going to make amends, Loki's head had to be removed.

Seeing their fierce expressions, Jason finally nodded in satisfaction.

Compared with those hypocritical words, revenge and missions are more able to arouse their fighting spirit.


After settling the issue of the party, Jason returned to the meeting room.

He held the scepter in his hand and looked at it carefully, and Chloe's voice of reporting work came from his ear.

It has been more than three hours since the big explosion in New York.

Rescue teams from New York State and other regions have arrived one after another and are doing their best to rescue them.

According to preliminary estimates, the number of casualties in this big explosion will not be less than 200,000, and the property damage is even more astronomical. The New York State Government and insurance companies estimate that they can lose their underwear.

The explosion incident has already spread all over the Internet, and various videos emerge in endlessly.

It's the wee hours of the morning US time and most people are fast asleep, so it hasn't gotten to the point where everyone knows.

But after a few more hours of fermentation, it is estimated that the whole United States and even the world will be fried.

Thinking of the soaring reputation on the system panel and the spiritual scepter in his hand, Jason smiled in relief.

This wave is not bad!

After listening to the work report, the party members also washed up and came to the conference room.

Seeing Jason holding the scepter and staring intently, Harry, who had let go of his worries, approached and asked.

"Haney, apart from controlling people's hearts, what's so special about this scepter?"

Jason raised his head and asked suspiciously, "What? Loki didn't tell you."

The party members shook their heads.

Loki kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything about the scepter.

Seeing that his comrades didn't know about it, Jason told them about the six infinite gems.

Sure enough, anyone's first reaction when they heard this was to be stunned, after all, if these words completely shattered their original worldview.

After digesting the information, Franklin said with great anticipation: "If the boss can collect all six infinity gems, then the clown organization will be able to run rampant throughout the universe."

"There are three on the earth! Let's hurry up and collect these three, and then we can go to the universe." David, who has liked science fiction movies since he was a child, said excitedly.

John interrupted their fantasy: "You want to run before you learn how to walk? Or think about the things in front of you first, the universe is still far away from us."

Belmode interrupted: "Yes. Don't forget that there is a Supreme Mage on Earth. Jason, do you know her information?"

Jason shook his head, even Loki didn't know about the Supreme Mage.

Harry said: "In this case, the time gem is on hold for now. Is there any news about the Rubik's Cube?"

Jason shook his head again: "Chloe is searching for relevant information, no matter there is no result yet."

After thinking for a while, he said bitterly again: "Damn it, if it wasn't for Thor's sudden intervention, I would have gotten the information out of Loki's mouth a long time ago."

Hearing this, the expressions of the fellow party members became more serious.

One Loki broke them apart and almost wiped them out.

Now that there is another Thor coming out, it seems that the future will become more and more difficult.

But fortunately, Jason holds the soul gem, which is a big killer.

As long as one can master the method of using it, the combat effectiveness of the organization will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Neither the Time Gem nor the Space Gem has fallen, so they can only focus on the Mind Gem.

Harry asked: "Haney, what do you think about the Mind Stone? Should you continue to set it on the scepter, or take it down for research."

Speaking of this topic, Jason suddenly became interested.

He glanced at everyone and said mysteriously: "Actually, I have a bold idea. I want to absorb the soul gem into my body."

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