Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 300 The Supreme Battle Order!

After some deliberation, the accomplices knew that the enemy was attacking but gave up fleeing and decided to confront S.H.I.E.L.D. directly.

"Chloe! There's going to be a war!"

"Yes, I will provide you with intelligence support."

"That's good! Now you immediately notify all the branches of the Clown Organization in the United States. All the elite troops in each branch must be mobilized and must arrive at the headquarters within 12 hours."



rules in the organization.

If Chief Jason is absent or unable to command, then the command of the Joker Organization will be taken over by several top cadres.

With their order, all the clown organization bases in the United States became busy.


Flashing red lights and harsh sirens rang through the base of the Los Angeles branch, awakening the sleepy members of the organization instantly.

No, something went wrong!

After being dazed for a second, they quickly put on their clothes and headed to the base square to assemble like a conditioned reflex.

Three minutes later, the originally empty square was now neatly filled with people.

The deputy commander of the Los Angeles branch base stood on the steps of the square and roared: "The highest battle order! All the core members of the base and the Armor Legion carry all the equipment and take a special plane to the headquarters within 12 hours to assemble!"

There are two types of fighters recruited this time.

One is the Armor Legion, which refers to the members of the organization who have passed the pilot test and are qualified to wear the Iron Armor.

The second category is the core members, which refer to the elite fighters who have been trained by the organization for many years, and their rank and treatment are slightly inferior to those of the armored army.

However, compared with the official members, the physical fitness and tactical skills of the core members are far superior to them, and the weapons and equipment used are also the most advanced in the organization.

After receiving the order, the relevant members ran away from the square immediately.

Core members go to the equipment warehouse to receive exclusive weapons and equipment, including special-grade body armor, large-caliber rifles, and various types of individual artillery.

The Warframe Legion went to the parking area to activate the Warframe. In addition, each person also carried an oversized modular weapon box.

Weapon boxes contain interchangeable armor parts and missiles.

Whenever the ammunition runs out or a component breaks, it can be replaced in seconds.

The Armored Legion set off first, and flew towards the new headquarters at high speed after turning on the stealth mode.

The core members carried their equipment and took the base bus to Los Angeles Airport.

Similar scenarios have occurred not only in Los Angeles, but also in hundreds of branches in the United States.

The influence of the clown organization has already covered the whole country, and many government agencies and business consortiums have been infiltrated, becoming the organization's financial backing in order to protect themselves.

When the highest combat order is issued, airports across the United States must urgently deploy aircraft to help.

If civil aviation planes are not enough, those funders will also lend out their own private jets.

The current dominance and influence of the clown organization can be seen.


After the core members drove to the airport, only ordinary members without missions were left in the base square.

Out of curiosity, someone boldly asked: "Sir, what kind of combat mission are you mobilizing so many people for?"

"Mission?" The deputy commander said with a serious expression, "What kind of mission is this? There is going to be a war!"


"Sir, who are you fighting with?"

The deputy commander shook his head, unwilling to say more: "This is a state of emergency, so I have to wrong you. From now on, all members are prohibited from using electronic devices and are forbidden to go out for free activities. Please return to my room and stay there. If violations are found, they will be executed on the spot.”

After speaking, the deputy commander left the square with his men and went to a special room located underground in the base.

The room is spacious and bright. I don't know what it was used for before, but now there are only ten large round tables in the entire room.

Behind each round table, there are ten tall, muscular men sitting.

These people may have been reincarnated from starving ghosts, and a table full of high-calorie food was swept away, leaving a mess on the table.

But judging from the expressions of these strong men, they looked seventy percent full at most.

The second-in-command walked in, overwhelmed by their prodigious appetites.

But thinking of their identities, I think it's normal to have such a large appetite.

Those strong men turned their heads to look at the deputy commander, but the sharp eyes made him feel that they were looking at the food on the plate.

They are all monsters!

The deputy commander bit the bullet and said loudly: "The highest combat mission!"

As soon as the words fell, the group of strong men stood up abruptly, each standing upright.

The deputy commander breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he would just obey the orders.

After relaying the order from the top cadre, the strong men left the room one by one and went outside the base.

Unlike the previous two waves of soldiers carrying large bags and small bags, these strong men were all empty-handed, and only wore a camouflage vest.

The deputy commander arranged five buses for them, and a hundred strong men boarded the buses and went straight to the airport.

Looking at the tail lights of the bus, the deputy commander was filled with emotion.

Those so-called core members are nothing more than cannon fodder.

These monsters are the real elite in the organization.


Sunlight shines through the windows into the captain's office of the aerospace carrier.

Nick Fury looked at the five bastards in front of him, gritted his teeth in hatred.

In order to pass the battle plan against the clown organization, he has been persuading for a full five hours.

From dark to dawn, but these bastards shook their heads, and they just refused to let go.

The congressmen gave the reasons for their refusal: the alien fleet is coming, and the priority of this mission is above all else.

MPs told Nick Fury.

The current task of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not to destroy the Clown Organization, but to find the Rubik's Cube to prevent the alien fleet from entering the earth.

If the mission fails and the alien fleet strikes, they must go into battle to destroy the alien enemy.

As for the clown organization, it won't be too late to clean it up when it's free.

And Nick Fury's reasons are also very good: he thinks that the appearance fleet is not a concern, and the clown organization is the serious problem.

The impression of these old things on the clown organization is still a few years ago.

I think Jason is the mouse in the hole. Although it is disgusting and difficult, it can't make waves.

As for those infinite gems, those supreme mages...

What the hell are you telling a story here? You made it up with a nose and an eye.

"Okay, we don't have time to stay here with you, hurry up and find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

A congressman couldn't stand it any longer, he yawned and said impatiently.

"Wait a moment!"

Nick Fury logs on to a social networking site with a tablet.

"Look, look at what netizens think about the Big Bang in New York and the Clown Organization. What people want, the Clown Organization must be eliminated!"

The congressman dismissed it at all: "Netizens are the group that is most likely to be tempted, and the yelling will naturally stop after a while. Besides, the incident in New York is a serious dereliction of duty by your S.H.I.E.L.D. Don't think that this matter just passed away. "

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