Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 403 Fight or Surrender? Odin's choice!

"His Majesty!"

Heimdall rushed directly into the palace hall without notification.

Odin sat up straight and asked, "Heimdall, it's rare to see you so flustered. Could something be wrong?"

"Your Majesty, a huge fleet has broken into the airspace of Asgard." Heimdall said anxiously.

"Fleet? Who is the leader?" Sol asked with a frown.

Asgard's location in the universe is very special.

If you don't know the trick, outsiders can't break in at all.

Even Thor or Odin can enter and exit smoothly through the Rainbow Bridge.

"It's the one who almost killed you on Earth!" Heimdall said.

Hearing this, the two brothers were dumbfounded for a moment.

"Jason Walter! Why is it him!"

When he was on Earth, the Supreme Mage personally dealt with him, so it stands to reason that he should have died long ago.

Could it be that the supreme mage showed mercy to his subordinates?

But even if he managed to escape with his life, why would he trespass on Asgard? Where did he get the address from?

"Yes, that's him." Heimdall said in horror: "Not only that, I also saw four cosmic laws wrapped in his body."

"My God!"

Hearing this sentence, Odin frowned suddenly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Loki looked at Heimdall and asked, "Sorry to interrupt you, what is the law of the universe?"

Heimdall took a breath and explained: "In simple terms, the laws of the universe are equivalent to the infinite gems. The laws are hidden in the gems and are the source of the core power of the gems."

"What?" Loki was shocked when he heard this.

He had obtained two infinity gems, and he knew the power of the gems, which is a power that mortals cannot touch.

Mastering one infinity gem can basically traverse the universe. Jason actually got four in one go.

Not only that, but he also absorbed the laws of the universe in the gem into his body, which is simply incredible.

I remember that Odin once taught them not to blindly pursue power when they were young, and he gave a negative example.

Several universe-level overlords got an infinite gem.

In order to keep the gem as their own forever, they joined forces to inhale the energy of the gem into their bodies, but they were eventually burned to death by the energy of the gem.

Why can Jason, a mortal, be able to do things that the ancient gods could not do together?

Loki was puzzled.

Odin said: "It seems that this person's purpose is for the Rubik's Cube in the treasure house."

"That's right, I think so too." Heimdall said, "The fleet has already entered the airspace, and it will arrive in half a day. Please give instructions, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Odin remained silent, as if thinking about a solution to the problem.

After a while, Sol became impatient and said, "Father, time is running out, so hurry up and order the army to be assembled."

Odin looked up at him: "Assemble the army...and then?"

Thor said loudly: "Of course it is to kill Jason and defend Asgard!"

"Brother, are you serious? He has four infinity gems in his hand, who can beat him?" Loki pulled him and persuaded him in a low voice.

"Coward! Even if you die in battle, you must prevent Jason from destroying Asgard." Sol glared at Loki dissatisfied.

"If all the soldiers are dead, it doesn't make any sense even if Asgard is safe. What do you let those unarmed people use to defend against other enemies." Loki replied without showing any weakness.

Hearing this, Sol sneered and said ironically.

"Hehe, you always have a lot of fallacies... I would like to hear your suggestion? Should I kneel down and surrender to Jason, begging for his life? Or obediently hand over the space gem, so that he can travel through space unscrupulously and harm more people?" s life."

Loki's mind was stabbed at once, but he still argued: "At least if I do this, I won't let the Asgardian sacrifice in vain."

"Enough!" Odin shouted, stopping the quarrel between the two.

The two brothers stared at each other unhappily, then looked at Odin together, waiting for the final decision.

"Actually, what you both said makes sense." Odin didn't back off, and one child rewarded him with a date.

"Jason has four infinity gems, a fleet under his command, and tens of thousands of soldiers. With the power of Asgard alone, he can't compete with him. Doing so will only sacrifice his life in vain."

"But even if we know we are invincible, we can't sit still, let alone give up the space gem. Otherwise, the entire universe will fall under his violent rule."

"Father, what do you want to do?" Sol calmed down and asked.

Odin slowly glanced at the three people in front of him, and said, "Heimdall, you must inform the people of Asgard immediately to gather in the square, and no one is allowed to be missed."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Heimdall seemed to have guessed Odin's intention.

After taking the order, he saluted Odin with a solemn expression, and then walked away from the palace.

"Sol, Loki, my children, go to the treasure house and get all the treasures inside."

"What?" Sol suddenly realized, and asked, "Father, are you going to abandon Asgard?"

Odin looked at the eldest son in front of him, and educated him with a serious expression.

"You have to remember that Asgard is not a place, it never was. Asgard is where the people are! As long as you all live well, Asgard can be anywhere."

Hearing this, Saul froze on the spot.

Odin's words were like enlightenment, which made him feel transparent.

Give up Asgard, and the people will not sacrifice.

Taking away the treasures in the treasury, Jason will only get an empty city in the end.

"Father, I understand." Thor saluted Odin with admiration.

Odin nodded in appreciation and said, "Sol, you are very powerful and talented. You will definitely become a better king than me. Loki, you are an excellent magician, and Fryka will be proud."

"Become a king?" Sol was taken aback: "Father, you... no, no, you must go with us!"

Odin smiled and said, "As I said, my time is running out. Once I die, Hela will escape from the kingdom of death. Are you going to bring death to the earth?"

"..." Thor shook his head sadly.

He didn't want anything to happen to the people on Earth, he didn't want anything to happen to the Asgardians, and he didn't want anything to happen to his father.

But in the current situation, it seems that there is really no way to get the best of both worlds.

Odin continued: "I was born in Asgard, and I hope to die in Asgard, but you are different, you are still young, the universe is so big, you need to go out for a walk."

"In addition, I stay in Asgard, and I can use Hela to fight against Jason. No matter who wins or loses, it will be a great thing for the universe."

"But I can't bear you..." Prince Tsundere finally revealed his true feelings.

"I also miss you, my children." Odin showed a kind smile on his face.

"Let's go, take advantage of the last bit of time, and watch Asgard with me one last time."

Odin leaned on the Eternal Spear and stood up with difficulty.

Sol and Loki, left and right, helped Odin to the balcony outside the hall.

The family of three took a leisurely walk along the circular balcony.

They didn't say a word, and put all their attention on the beautiful scenery in front of them.

"No matter how many times I look at it, Asgard is still so beautiful!" Odin said with emotion.

Turning around the balcony a few times, Odin returned to the throne and waved reluctantly.

"Let's go, children. People, I am still waiting for your guidance."



"Don't be sad, I'm going to meet your mother soon."

Facing the imminent death, Odin behaved exceptionally calmly, without any sadness or anger, only an indifferent tranquility.

This wise man who has lived for tens of thousands of years seems to have seen through the essence of life.


Thor and Loki went silently to the treasure house without saying a word.

There are many cosmic treasures hidden in Odin's treasury. The two brothers packed everything up like mice in a rice warehouse, leaving none of them to Jason.

After Thor packed up his things, he saw Loki standing silently in front of the Rubik's Cube.

Seeing this, he walked over and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Take it, isn't this what you want the most, and now your wish has finally come true."

Loki turned his head and said with a cold face: "Brother, we have been fighting for more than a thousand years, and you still haven't seen me through."

After speaking, Loki turned and left the treasure house.

Sol looked at his back and fell into thought.

After several years in prison, he really felt that Rocky was different from the past.

But... who knows if this is his disguise.

Thor shook his head, reached out and took the Rubik's Cube away.


Fountain Square in front of the Royal Palace.

Thousands of Asgardians gathered together with their families.

They were driven from their homes by soldiers, and it is not yet clear what happened.

Thor walked up to Heimdall and asked, "Is everyone here?"

"It's all there, I just counted it!" Heimdamm said.

At this time, some people exclaimed: "Look, what is that!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw several large spaceships appearing over Asgard.

"He's coming!" Sol looked at the spaceship, with anger flashing in his eyes.

"It's time to hurry up, don't forget your father's entrustment!" Loki reminded.

Thor glanced at him contemptuously, then held the Rubik's Cube tightly and opened the time-space gate to Earth.

"Quick! Everyone walk in in order!" Heimdall held the Rainbow Sword and together with the soldiers directed the crowd to pass through the gate of time and space in an orderly manner.

Although the people didn't know exactly what happened, the huge fleet in front of them, and Heimdall's behavior of telling them to clean up, had made them faintly feel that something big happened in Asgard!


Crossing the Rainbow Bridge, the four spaceships finally arrived over Asgard after more than a year of sailing.

The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a magnificent building.

No need to guess, it must be Odin's palace.

"It's rustic." Jason looked at it for a long time, then curled his lips in disdain.

He used to be particularly obsessed with this style of architecture, but now...his aesthetics have changed, and he can no longer love this kind of nouveau riche style.

"I didn't expect that I would come back one day. Before I left, I made up my mind to die as a foreigner."

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar city, Valkyrie's mood is very complicated.

There is the homesickness that is about to overflow, the pleasure of killing the enemy with my own hands, and the shame of being a traitor.

Jason came over, put his arms around her shoulders, and comforted her: "Do you feel like you can't do it?"

"No! I..." Valkyrie hurriedly defended, but couldn't find any reason.

It is undeniable that she does have a sense of resistance to slaughtering the descendants of her deceased.

"You stay on the spaceship, I understand!"


Valkyrie hesitated for a while, but finally accepted Jason's offer.

She just wanted to take Hela's dog's life, and other Asgardians were not her goal.

"Be careful, there are people below!"

Suddenly, the pilot of the Commander shouted loudly.

Jason and Valkyrie looked intently.

At the end of the rainbow bridge, at the entrance of the royal palace, there stood a white-haired old man wearing a blindfold, holding a mighty spear in his hand.

Valkyrie blurted out: "Odin!"

"He is Odin!" Jason frowned, surprised.

No wonder Valkyrie said Odin was dead.

The old man in his dying years in front of him didn't have a trace of majesty at all, obviously he had reached the end of his life.

Jason could tell at a glance that he was able to stand upright because of the spear in his hand.

An old man who can't even stand still, what ability can stop him.

Several spaceships hover in the air.

The belly compartment opened, and Jason flew out alone and landed in front of Odin.

The two looked at each other with a distance of ten steps.

Jason is fascinated by the mythical Lord of the Gods.

Odin is also very curious about this man who is full of mysteries.

After a while, Jason looked around and complained: "What about Sol, what about Loki, are all the warriors of Asgard dead, and let the king guard the palace himself?"

"They have already left, taking the Cosmic Rubik's Cube with them." Odin said slowly.

Hearing this, Jason sneered and said, "Fleeing before fighting, is this how the Protoss fight?"

Odin ignored his provocative method and said: "After seeing clearly the strength gap between the enemy and us, face up to your own shortcomings and avoid fearless sacrifices. Isn't this a kind of courage?"

"Where did they flee to? Earth?"

Odin shook his head and said, "A place that is indisputable from the rest of the world, you will never be able to find it."

Jason sneered disdainfully: "You chose to take the people to escape instead of giving it a go, which means that you already know that I have four infinity gems in my body. If this is the case, how can you have the confidence to say that I can't find them."

Odin said: "Because... she will stop you!"


Odin slowly closed his eyes, and his body gradually turned into a ball of golden light.

Watching the golden light gradually dissipate into the air, Jason was stunned in surprise: "As expected of the Lord of the Gods, even death is so different."

With a thought, the pupils suddenly turned orange.

The power of the soul gem covers the entire Asgard in an instant.

After a while, Jason sighed in disappointment.

Odin didn't play an empty city trick, and Asgard was indeed empty. It seemed that this trip was really in vain.

At this moment, a dark time-space gate appeared in the air.

Jason frowned and looked over, a slender woman came out slowly.

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