Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 300 Artificial Intelligence?

After seeing Tony, Xia Zhiye only remembered one thing.

Banner seems to be still at the base with Bucky.

"My brain doesn't seem to work very well recently." Xia Zhiye sat on the sofa, looked at the wine Tony brought over, waved his hand and said, "Perhaps, I should learn to maintain health and drink less in the future."

"Appropriate drinking can keep the body active and full of energy."

Tony poured a glass of wine for Xia Zhi Ye, and then said, "But considering that you are already a centenarian, a moderate amount is fine."


Xia Zhiye said, "If you don't wear armor, I can throw you out of the atmosphere, do you believe it?"

"A person who is almost a hundred years old, can you not always solve problems so violently?" Tony pointed to his brain and said, "My most precious place is here."

"It makes sense." Xia Zhiye took out the small device from the decomposition space, put it on the table and said, "Then rely on your precious brain to analyze this thing? Or, explain it to me?"

"This raises an interesting question."

Tony glanced at the device and asked Xia Zhiye: "Do you want a pure, real, intelligent artificial intelligence? I tell you, this thing can realize your dream!"

"...First of all it's not my dream, and secondly, I don't want it!"

Xia Zhiye's face darkened: "Also, you'd better not."


Tony looked confused: "Is there anything bad? People always make mistakes, but computers don't."

"But when the artificial intelligence has the conditions you said, why do they still obey your orders?"

Tony immediately said, "Jarvis, he's questioning your loyalty!"

"I accept any reasoned questioning." Jarvis gave face very much.

Xia Zhiye laughed: "Well said, it seems that we should communicate more in the future."

"Look, you're starting to like Jarvis!"

"But what you said,

Unlike Jarvis. Xia Zhiye sighed. Seeing Tony's appearance, he knew that it would be difficult to convince him, so he had to say: "I'm not interested in this thing, I'm just interested in the archives that may exist in it." "

Tony pouted, picked up the things on the table and said, "Brute force analysis can also be done, but it will destroy the program. Besides, the complete information cannot be obtained, are you sure you want to do this?"


Xia Zhiye thought for a while: "Then let me ask you, if we follow your method, how long will it take us to get what we want?"

"Unknown." Tony said without hesitation at all.

"...Then I still need to get it immediately." Xia Zhiye said: "Otherwise, after a while, I am afraid that the Hydra people will notice something. If we hide again, we will lose our initiative. Opportunity."

"I saw that list too, and it's really amazing."

Tony said, "You guys had a big purge last night?"

"Not bad." Xia Zhiye shrugged his shoulders: "But even so, the next S.H.I.E.L.D. will probably make a huge personnel adjustment."

Having said that, he waved his hand again: "Let's not talk about S.H.I.E.L.D., I came here today to talk to you about it. Besides, there is one more thing to discuss with you."

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. thing, I think we have to talk about it again."

Tony looked at Xia Zhiye and said seriously: "Do you think a S.H.I.E.L.D. that completely controls itself is really what we need?"

When Xia Zhiye heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he tapped lightly on the table with one finger: "What do you want to say?"

"No one wants to be controlled by others."

Tony said: "Fury and you, to put it bluntly, is a verbal agreement. When he doesn't want to, he is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and what about you?"

This is not very pleasant to say, and it is based on distrust of Fury.

But Xia Zhiye thought this was very reasonable.

He nodded: "I ignored it."

"So, do you still plan to brute force the information here?" Tony reached out and pointed at the device and said, "Now we have something in our hands, Hydra is still Fury's opponent, in this case , Fury still needs to rely on you... Otherwise, he has no scruples at all, and I am worried that he will be like everyone else, hoping to control everything in his own hands instead of obeying others."

"Although I understand that all this is your little conspiracy."

Xia Zhiye raised his eyebrows: "But you're right."

"Ha ha!"

Tony laughed, and then said: "But your consideration is also right, and I also think that it may be a little risky to go to that step. So, I will be careful about this matter, and I will not let it develop to the point where we can't. control."

"Hope you can do what you say."

Xia Zhiye looked at Tony in disbelief.

Counting on this guy to have self-control or something, it's probably enough, I can only ask Benardo to look at it, and by the way, I have to ask Little Pepper to say, don't let this kid float.

"I'm also heartbroken." Xia Zhiye sighed.

"What?" Tony asked. "Have you had a new quirk lately?"

"...Speaking of business, I plan to set up a research institution that belongs to our team." Xia Zhiye said: "You need some of your efforts."

"Of course it's no problem." Tony nodded and said, "I'll let some trusted people join, venue, equipment, I can help with these."

"You can't rely on you alone."

Xia Zhiye said: "The current boss of Ao Shi Group is very familiar with me."

"That little brat in his twenties, there is no generation gap between you two?"

Tony was stunned: "I think I should have a good discussion with him in the future, what is the special trick to get along with a centenarian like you. You know, I am always careful with you, for fear of breaking your glass Heart."

"Sorry, I don't have that kind of thing..."

Xia Zhiye's face darkened: "equipment, talents, funds, including me, the three of us will make it together."


Tony nodded: "But I agree that if we introduce the genetic technology of the Ostrich Group, it may be more beneficial and more helpful to us."

Of course, things couldn't be settled by patting the foreheads of Xia Ye Ye and Tony.

After that, I had to make an appointment with Harry for some consultation.

When he left Tony's side, Xia Zhiye was still wondering, after he agreed to deal with the Hydra, he would be able to relax for a while, why is he still so busy?

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