Marvel’s Disassembler

Chapter 453 Meeting (Part 2)

? This proposal was still passed, but only the preliminary work was passed.

The thing that Steve is more worried about, if you put it in an easy-to-understand way, is that you are afraid that you will get caught if your steps are too big!

After all, as an old antique who suddenly came to this society during World War II, today's information society is a kind of shock to him. He knows what this kind of helpless pain is all about, so he I am worried that in the process of development, similar 'labor pains' may occur, which will cause some unfavorable effects.

For this reason, what Xia Zhiye can guarantee is that the information output will come step by step, and human beings will develop sooner or later, and they will inevitably connect with the universe in the future.

It is impossible for people on earth to live their own small lives forever, and the future cannot always be a harmonious blue sky and white clouds.

Therefore, in the end, Xia Zhiye said sincerely: "Although it is ridiculous to say that only a few of us are here to discuss the future of mankind. But for now, this is something we can do. I don't care if everyone regards all this as There is an obligation, a responsibility, or a mission, but there is a prerequisite for everything... This will be our job. I don't know what everyone here thinks, personally, I don't plan to be a superhero for the rest of my life. Heroes, there is a famous saying in the ancient East, there are talents from generation to generation, and new generations replace old ones! We will eventually grow old, but the future is still going on. When we in our seventies and eighties have withdrawn from the active stage of history, can we just throw it to us? A successor to a complete alien mess?"

The tone of these words is a bit heavy, and for a young man like Little Spider, it seems that such a future seems a little too far away.

But it is undeniable that it still resonates.

Steve nodded deeply: "You're right."

In this regard, the proposal was passed, but the preparatory work still requires a lot of time to prepare.

Once this hole is opened, if the action is too big, it will easily become the target of public criticism.

This is not what Xia Zhiye wants, let alone what any member of the Superhero League wants, so how to achieve secret and safe information output, how to form a company, how to hide your own body, all are the next steps proposition.

To be honest, few of these people present are talents in this area.

But fortunately, some people still have talents under their hands. As long as there is enough time, the result will not be too bad.

After this matter was finished, Xia Zhiye proposed another matter: "Life Foundation..."

When he said this,

After clicking twice on the big round table, a 3D three-dimensional pattern appeared on the table in the next second.

In front of everyone here, there is a file about Drake.

"Recently, we seem to have a certain degree of communication with this organization. Of course, this matter is always done by myself. I'm afraid you don't know much about it..."

Xia Zhiye shrugged his shoulders: "All in all, this is also a behemoth, headquartered in San Francisco, the founder is the man in front of you, his name is Drake. He is a genius, but he went the wrong way. I don't know What is he anxious about, but it is obvious that he is no longer suitable to control such an organization, so please read this information and let us make a reception plan."

Receive the Life Foundation!

Xia Zhiye said before that this matter must be discussed at the meeting.

The information not only contains Drake's information, but also some research and experimental projects of the Life Foundation.

After reading it, everyone turned to Harry.

What happened at the Caspian Camp at that time was facilitated by Harry alone. Thinking about it, he was indeed more experienced.

"It's not a big problem." Harry nodded, and said a little excitedly: "And can this life foundation still operate as our sub-base? After reading the information just now, I have a rough idea in my mind. Even creating blueprints, but such a plan that has not undergone repairs will not be explained on such an occasion, and I will organize it and present it to everyone.”

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xia Zhiye nodded, Harry sat down, and heard Xia Zhiye say: "Then, this matter is left to Harry, and the next thing is about our alien visitors. "

Bullock waved to everyone, and everyone cast their eyes.

Xia Zhiye said: "The symbiont comes from the universe and is a life form that can parasitize on human beings. The main body is relatively fragile, but once interdependent with human beings, it can exert extremely powerful power!"

While speaking, another projection popped up on the big table in front of him, but this time it was the scene of Bullock and Venom merging in the Life Foundation.

Everyone looked carefully, especially Harry.

He had presided over the research work on venom before, and now seeing the venom jumping up and down and beating with a rhythmic appearance, he was inexplicably a little scared.

"Simply explain this matter... what we are going to discuss now is not venom, because venom has become one of us."

Xia Zhiye looked at Bullock.

Bullock blinked and said, "Say hi to everyone... come on, what's there to be shy about?"

A black substance appeared between Bullock's neck, and in a blink of an eye his face was completely hidden, turning into a black head, grinning, with a tongue half a foot long, and said to everyone: "It's a pleasure to meet you, just watching I can tell by your must all be delicious...oh, no, you are very good people. I'm sorry, I just learned the human language, and it seems that what I said is a bit inappropriate."

Everyone who knew it was used to it. After all, Venom gave Xia Zhiye a bad idea before, asking him to threaten riots with hunger.

It is reasonable to say the wrong thing in front of everyone now.

Only the little spider and the venom looked at each other, always feeling a little familiar with each other's faces.

"He is Venom." Xia Zhiye said: "Brock itself is just an ordinary person, but when the venom is parasitic, it can explode with power far beyond the limit of human beings, and now, in outer space, there are millions of such symbionts. If we let them come to the earth, what will happen, I think you will understand, before our technology is perfect, we have to find a way to house these symbionts, then... Everyone What a good idea?"

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