Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 134 The end of the road, let go

Go back to Namor, the flagship of the Sea Dragon, and lean on the chair in the council hall.

He raised a hand to support his chin, his face uncertain.

The king of Atlantis, who felt humiliated and threatened, left Liberty Island before the negotiations were over.

He has handed over the specific tasks to everyone in the delegation.

Anyway, neither the land world nor the people of Atlantis seem to take the king seriously.

Rather than stay there and endure the oppression of Superman, it is better to return to the flagship to be more comfortable.

"Obviously he is a careerist who wants to get more benefits from Atlantis, yet he pretends to be a peace messenger. It's ridiculous!"

Out of Superman's line of sight, Namor was finally able to speak out loud.

He screened back, and after venting his negative emotions, he began to face up to the problem to be solved.

Superman doesn't have much time for himself.

within forty-eight hours.

Either hand over Sebastian Shaw; or choose to start the war again.

If the negotiation results in favor of the latter, the self-proclaimed pacifist Major General will definitely use nuclear weapons without hesitation to completely destroy the royal city of Poseidonia.

One side is the life of the tribe, and the other is the mutant compatriots.

Namor was in a dilemma, tangled in his heart.

But what bothered him more was the mention of the word "war criminal" by Superman.

This is a very serious accusation!

Although Namor has a brain, he doesn't have a good impression of the executioner and the butcher-although he sometimes makes cameos in these two roles.

A villain with a low moral bottom line may not be willing to be friends with another self.

It's like a lot of times, people don't like nosy guys.

But when I am in trouble, I hope that someone will stand up.

Therefore, human beings are very complex and contradictory creatures.

And Namor is more complicated.

He is human, Atlantean, and mutant.

A fighter among the mixed race!

It's just that this product has no other advantages except for its powerful strength.

In a way, it is a failed example of genetic inheritance.

"I have to talk to Mr. Xiao."

Namor frowned, not knowing what to do.

After a lost battle, after a lost war.

Many clansmen in Atlantis are quite critical of themselves.

If Namor insists on sheltering Sebastian Shaw, it may cause a violent backlash.

At that time, it is hard to say whether he can continue to sit firmly in the king's seat.

"Hypocritical guy! What a pacifist, nothing more than a high-sounding lie!"

Namor felt that Superman deliberately proposed to solve the mutant problem, and then detonated the internal contradictions of Atlantis in the name of dealing with Sebastian Shaw.

"The clansmen of the delegation are too short-sighted, they can only see the intentions of the first floor, and they are completely unaware of Superman's sinister intentions."

Namor, who thought he was standing on the fifth floor, became more and more frightened by Superman's castle.

This is a formidable opponent!

he thought so.



Liberty Island, conference room.

When the representatives of the two sides dispersed, Luke and Secretary of the Navy Nimitz sat beside the long oval desk.

The two had a tacit understanding and stayed here to exchange opinions.

They all know that this negotiation is far from over.

On the one hand, Namor did not give a direct answer; on the other hand, it was the specific attitude of the land world.

As a marine civilization and a prehistoric civilization, Atlantis has extraordinary heritage and strength.

When this name spreads all over the world, all the countries on the land will be highly concerned and vigilant.

Luke has heard that the Brits are starting to restart the "Blood of Worden" research project, but it is going slowly.

In order to ensure the success rate and survival time of the receptors, they abandoned the "battleship class" and developed various types of "tank class" instead.

Stephanie, who assisted Luke in the past, is considering whether to have a low-profile version.

For example, "armored vehicle class"?

Mass-produced super soldiers are far more cost-effective than high-end combat power.

The Soviet Union continued to vigorously develop the nuclear industry, planted mushrooms, and responded to various threats from the outside world.

Maozi's brain circuit is very simple.

There is no problem that nuclear bombs can't solve!

One is not enough?

Then another one!

Anyway, a miracle!

That's the simple idea of ​​hairy bears.

Caliber is justice, and equivalent is truth.

"Holding a peace summit... Major General Carville wants to drag in all the countries of the world and form an alliance front?"

Nimitz thought for a while and asked curiously.

The White House did not reveal such a meaning, and could only be interpreted as Luke's personal thoughts.

This major general is really bold, and now he dares to skip the president and make a decision directly.

I don't care if I will be held accountable afterwards.

This is probably the strength of Superman!

"Atlantis is a vast territory, and all the waters on earth are theoretically their territory."

Luke nodded, tapped his fingers on the table a few times, and said calmly: "We won the victory temporarily and won the opportunity to sit at the negotiating table, but there is no way to expand the results of the victory."

"On the one hand, destroying the royal city of Poseidonia is the last resort and cannot solve the fundamental problem. Because Atlantis is a maritime civilization, we cannot achieve the purpose of plundering resources by occupying land."

"On the other hand, a single country in the terrestrial world cannot put enough pressure on people under the sea."

"So what we're trying to do is win over more allies -- like the British, like the Soviets, and... the Spear Bureau."

"They're also interested in Atlantis, just waiting for a chance to get in, or an excuse."

Nimitz took it seriously. Through several contact battles and landing battles, he also saw the technological level of Atlantis.

At this time, it is still necessary to reach a consensus with other countries and agree to the outside world.

"If that's Namor MacKenzie, that young man who doesn't look like a king at all, determined to shelter Sebastian Shaw..."

the Secretary of the Navy asked hesitantly.

The Pentagon doesn't want to see war coming.

Especially in the face of Atlantis, a prehistoric civilization with extremely powerful military strength.

"Don't worry, it's very difficult for the war machine to turn on again."

Luke looked confident, the Atlanteans would not accompany Namor to mess around.

They're not fellow mutants, and there's no need to risk a renewed war by refusing his request.

If Namor insists on insisting, it is likely to cause the resistance of the clan.

At that time, impure bloodlines, losing the golden trident, starting a war without authorization and dragging the country into the quagmire... These problems will all erupt at one time.

If Atlantis were replaced by France, the great revolution would have broken out by now, sending Namor to the guillotine.

"Put the peace summit and mutant-related matters on the agenda as soon as possible. As for the White House, I will explain it to the president in person."

In the face of Nimitz, whose rank is an admiral, Luke, who is two ranks lower, is more like the one who gives orders.



"War criminals? No, it's a crime! It's slander and slander!"

In the reception room, Sebastian looked at the expressionless Namor, without the slightest panic, instead made a sad expression that was unbearable to look back on.

"I did do things for the Third Reich. This is a dark history in my life that cannot be erased. But that was not my intention. During World War II, Germany was under the rule of the Führer, and no one dared to rebel against the party. Guards and the Gestapo."

"Namo, you know, I'm a scientist. The Führer saw my talent and ordered me to run a concentration camp. Although I tried to refuse, the thugs put a gun to my head and said they wanted to show me. to my brain..."

"At that time, I hadn't awakened the innate abilities of mutants. So, I gave in! I often regret the decision I made, and I am ashamed!"

Namor, who was suspicious at first, began to shake in his heart.

Sebastian Xiao's remarks are half true and half false, making it difficult to distinguish.

Coupled with the complex emotions of guilt, sadness, and regret in his eyes, it was normal to deceive the mindless Namor.

It can only be said that Sebastian Xiao is indeed the black king of the Hellfire Club.

A good actor who has been delayed by his mutant status, if he enters Hollywood, Oscar will probably owe him several golden statues.

"My hands may have been stained with the blood of some innocent people, but I have never killed or tortured any prisoner in the concentration camp!"

Sebastian raised his volume, looked calm, and said loudly: "I have my own moral bottom line. As for life, regardless of skin color or race, they are all unique and worthy of respect!"

Namor bowed his head, as if sorry for his unreasonable suspicion.

"Your Majesty, the land people are not to be trusted. Most of the crimes they accused were actually committed by other people and planted on my head."

Sebastian calmly asked, "Just imagine, if I am really a cold-blooded butcher and an inhuman executioner, how can I get the support of my fellow mutants?"

Namor was silent for a moment, because of psychological suggestion, he chose to believe Mr. Xiao's justification.

His mind and subconscious mind, being tampered with and guided, would take the initiative to lean towards the side of the mutant no matter what.

This is also the tricky part of the psychic.

Unless the magic resistance is extremely high, it comes with mental immunity.

Otherwise, anyone who encounters the White Queen or the bald professor will have a headache.

"Then what should we do next, Mr. Xiao?"

Namor was a little overwhelmed.

Sacrifice Atlantis to save mutants?

If he did this, the dissatisfied clansmen might have united the land world and kicked themselves off the throne of the king.

"My thoughts remain the same, Your Majesty."

Sebastian said solemnly: "Everything you get at the negotiating table is decided by the winner of the war."

"If you want peace, you must first show strength. There are superhumans in the land world. Although we are reluctant to admit it, the other party is indeed a huge trouble that cannot be solved!"

"The only way is to use planetary weapons to destroy the terrestrial world - part of it."

"Let Superman lose his mind, let him step into our trap, and bury him completely with the help of the Continental Shelf Shaker."

"Since this weapon can destroy the abnormal people of Lemurian civilization, there is no reason to kill Superman!"

Seeing Namor's hesitation, Sebastian's eyes flashed with contempt, and he continued to add fire: "Your Majesty, think about it, will the Atlanteans accept a king who has repeatedly failed?"

"Superman has taken everything from you! That trident, the symbol of kingship, and the respect and honor the king deserves!"

"He is regarded as a hero in the terrestrial world, god! But you can only be a trivial defeat of the opponent's glorious record!"

"Can you accept this ending?"

Namor was breathing heavily, listening to Sebastian's provocative tirade, and the tragic childhood experiences came to the fore.

He seemed to have returned to the slums in the days when he should have respected himself, the servile clansman, his eyes were full of alienation and indifference.

The difference in skin color made Namor like an outlier and was rejected by others.

Except for his mother, every Atlantean sees him as a monster.

"I can only trust you, Mr. Xiao."

Squeezing out the last thought of struggling, Namor calmly said, "I can be a loser, but I must never lose my crown and return to my previous life!"

"Very good! If you want to achieve great things, you must know how to sacrifice some people. This is the first step for a qualified king!"

Sebastian patted Namor on the shoulder and praised: "While Atlantis and the land world are still negotiating, we will directly take out that ultimate weapon. This is the last chance!"

"Do you want to call someone else?"

Namor asked.

"There are also some people in the club who are not firm enough. In order to ensure that the news is not leaked, it is just the two of us!"

Sebastian said solemnly.

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