Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 188 Set foot on Kama Taj, the days of the ancient business trip

What can go wrong with Kama Taj?

Such questions flashed through Luke's mind.

In this era, the future Supreme Mage Strange is not even an embryo.

The appointed successor didn't appear, and Gu Yi's trick of being stabbed to death by the rebels to escape and take the opportunity to retire early is not necessary for the time being.

"Then go straight to Greenwich Village."

Luke pondered.

He planned to go to the New York Sanctuary first.

Anyway, the work of SHIELD is not in a hurry.

Instead of burying yourself in all kinds of boring documents.

Participate in one after another of banquets and boring meetings, it is better to go to Kathmandu to relax.

He didn't forget that the Supreme Master had promised to open Kama Taj's magic training course to himself.

"Let Howard rest for a while. Now take him to Kama Taj to train with the gang of macho mages. It is estimated that this guy's body will be completely hollowed out."

Luke thought silently as he stared at the scenery outside the window.

Amelia, the elder-level vampire, has a unique ability to squeeze juice.

The physical quality is only Howard at the level of ordinary people, where can he be an opponent.

Backache, weak legs, and exhaustion are all normal phenomena.

If there is no immediate wind, it is already considered to be extremely powerful.

About forty minutes' drive, Luke arrived at Brick Street in Greenwich Village.

Since becoming Superman, having had a friendly conversation with the Supreme Mage.

The three sanctuaries no longer refused his visit, and their attitude towards him was quite kind.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, please come in."

Around the building of the Sanctuary in New York, there seems to be a magical setting similar to the induction enchantment.

Luke had just stepped out of the car, and the Master Nico, who had greeted him, appeared at the door in a timely manner.

There was still a fascinated smile on his dark face, which made people want to kick him hard for no reason.

"Peggy, you go back first. Help me push the Pentagon and White House meetings away, and say I have other things to deal with."

Luke turned around and said to the SHIELD commander.

Intuition told him that the mage of the New York Sanctuary took the initiative to come to the door, and it would definitely not be a small trouble.

"Okay. But on Mr. President's side... Forget it, I'll talk about it when you get back."

Carter frowned slightly, hesitating to speak.

Luke noticed the strange behavior of the female agent, but he didn't ask any further questions. The Mage Nico at the entrance of the sanctuary was still waiting.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, Mage Russell has already known about your visit and has prepared tea in the reception room on the second floor."

Luke, who has been here several times, is familiar with the door and walks straight up the stairs.

He pushed aside the penultimate house in the corridor, and in the quaint reception room, a white-bearded old man was sitting impressively.

The other party is the "Russell" in the mouth of Master Nico, and the manager of the New York Sanctuary.

The system established by the Supreme Master actually regards Kama Taj as a talent training institution.

Train and train disciples who are willing to stay and follow their own.

If the result is qualified, it does not contradict the battle.

After graduation, they will be assigned to the three sanctuaries and go to various places to perform tasks.

Only those with outstanding performance and talents are qualified to be managers of the sanctuary.

Old mages like Russell, don't look old and talk slowly.

Now that he can become the head of the New York Sanctuary, he must have been a muscular man before - the kind that can kill a Bengal tiger with one punch.

The current mage has long since gotten rid of the weak image of the past.

Lifting irons and lifting weights every day, exercising, wearing heavy armor, and being able to lift giant swords, flails, and big axes are considered qualified!

Because of signing a contract and borrowing the power of dimensions, there is a price to pay.

If you don't have a strong enough physique, you will die after a few years.

"Sit down, Lieutenant General Cavill."

The smiling Russell Mage handed him a good cup of tea.

This white-bearded old man is very interested in the culture of the Celestial Dynasty.

Tea ceremony is one of them.

"Well, there is an improvement over the last time. The Master's understanding of making and drinking tea has become more and more profound."

Luke lowered his head and sniffed lightly, and there was a fragrance in his nostrils.

Holding a porcelain cup in his hand, he took a sip of the translucent tea soup.

The taste is delicate and mellow, with a hint of sweetness in the bitterness.

"Haha, haha. Lieutenant General Cavill still has the taste."

The complimented Mage Russell nodded in satisfaction.

"The people in the sanctuary only drink vodka, whiskey, and cola soda! How do they know the beauty of tea?"

Luke looked at the white-bearded old man with a stern look, and he was talking very funny.

"Mage Russell, you specially sent people to SHIELD to find me, is there something wrong?"

After chatting a few words and setting up the atmosphere, he cut to the point.

"That's right, Lieutenant General Cavill, the Supreme Mage is no longer in Kama Taj. Before she left, she specifically explained that if she encounters any problems that are difficult to solve, she can come to you..."

The old mage cleared his throat and said slowly.

Gu Yi is not at Kama Taj?

Luke's eyes flashed, as if he had guessed something.

Could it be that there is a disorder in a certain timeline, and the Supreme Mage needs to go to restore order?

"What virtue and what ability I am, I can help the three Sanctuaries."

Luke laughed and kept his mouth humble, but he thought in his heart that the Supreme Mage would not take the opportunity to fish for the reason of his business trip?

According to Gu Yi's casual style of doing things, this possibility is not low.

"Lieutenant General Cavill doesn't know. Probably a few days ago, the monitoring network of the three Sanctuaries experienced energy fluctuations."

Mage Russell raised his right hand, and the ring above it sparkled, emitting magical fluctuations.

As a high-level mage, the originally cumbersome spells and magic circles, as if at your fingertips, quickly opened a teleportation portal.

Luke put down the teacup, followed the old mage who got up, and walked in.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Only the ringing of the bell was heard.

A puff of green smoke drifted, as if you were in a temple.

"This is... Kama Taj."

Luke paused and thought a little hesitantly.

The legendary Kama Taj is the holy place in the mind of the master and the operation center of the three sanctuaries!

What did the old master bring him here to do?

"plz follow me."

Keep the mysterious Russell Mage, acting as a guide.

Luke followed suit.

He looked left and right, looking at this hidden cultivation place shrouded in a mysterious veil.

You can see towers standing like stone forests, and from time to time there are hermits in robes of different colors, or trained mages walk out of them.

They are holding books or holding instruments, in groups of three or five, scattered everywhere.

"These are all practitioners?"

Luke asked curiously.

"Part of it is, and part of it isn't."

Mage Russell laughed.

"There is no impermeable wall in the world. Even if Kama Taj is located among the mountains, it is extremely steep and difficult to climb, but there are traces of existence."

"There are always some outsiders who are good at inquiring about news. They learned about Kama Taj's location through many channels, and came here with various demands and through the test set by the master."

"Most of them are lost travelers who have encountered setbacks and are confused in their hearts."

"There are also poor people who are terminally ill and suffer from pain."

Luke glanced and did see some mutilated monks and monks.

"After coming to Kama Taj, after reaching their goals, some of these people will return to this world and continue their original lives."

"If there are, choose to stay, continue to explore the mysteries of the soul and self, and enter the palace of magic."

Master Russell showed a trace of respect in his eyes, and said with emotion: "The Supreme Master never interferes with the decisions they make. Decades and hundreds of years have passed by, and there are countless visitors who have found Kama Taj. She always Just watching quietly, listening patiently to everyone's tragic fate, and then unraveling the mystery in their hearts."

"For Master Gu Yi, this may just be part of how the world works."

Luke smiled.

Those same things may have happened countless times on different timelines.

The two entered the hall while chatting.

"This is the most important place of Kama Taj, the three gates leading to different sanctuaries."

Mage Russell did not deliberately hide it, and said generously.

"The globe above is actually a magic weapon."

"It was built by the Supreme Master himself, similar to the radar equipment in the human world, which can monitor the energy fluctuations of time nodes."

"If there are biological invasions from other dimensions, we can find out immediately and make an emergency plan!"

Luke raised his head and looked at the huge copper ball that was slowly spinning and flowing with light.

"If you find me, Domam wouldn't take advantage of the ancient master to launch an invasion, right?"

He said half-jokingly.

That is a serious dimension demon.

The superman of template level LV2 has only entered the heavenly father level, and there is still a slight gap with Odin, who is standing at the peak.

Based solely on combat power, Luke should have no chance of winning against Dormammu.

Unless the ancient one is willing to borrow the Eye of Agamatra and let him go to the dark dimension to discuss the conditions.

"It's not that serious. The Supreme Mage has only been to the dark dimension not long ago. In a short time, Dormammu should not reach out to Earth again."

Hearing the old mage's answer, Luke couldn't help but observe a second of silence for Dormammu.

Gu Yi forcibly scooped up the wool. As a debtor, he would go to the creditor's territory to make trouble.

This year, it is the uncle who really owes the debt.

"There is a problem with the time node, there are abnormal energy fluctuations."

Russell looked solemn and said, "After careful investigation, we suspect that Kang the Conqueror came to this world with the help of the time-space shuttle machine!"

ps: Sacrifice "Super Technology Pilot", the old author wrote a black science and technology article, which is quite beautiful~

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