Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 297 Hydra's First Kind of Horse Fighter and Tool Man

Only seen once at the beginning, and then always live in the memory of Captain America, or Bucky in Luke's words.

Compared to the two friends from Brooklyn, his luck seems to be much worse.

He set foot on the battlefield with patriotic enthusiasm, but it didn't take long for him to become a prisoner of Hydra in a failed encounter.

According to the original plot, Baki should be tortured, tested, and finally rescued by the hero of Captain America.

The two looked at each other affectionately in the sea of ​​​​fire, and said lines similar to the Titanic——

"Bucky, go away! Don't worry about me!"

"No! I will never leave you, Steve!"

Such and such, such and such.

In the follow-up, a paragraph is added, Bucky falls off a cliff, and Rogers regrets endless emotional scenes.

This concludes successfully, and see you in seventy years.

However, it may be because of the butterfly effect that a guy who randomly entered the studio affected the normal development of the world line.

Not only did the Axis of Evil create Aryan Superman, but it also changed Bucky's fate.

He did not wait for his good friends, and was transferred to other places by Hydra.

After several tossing and turning, it fell into the hands of Baron Strucker and turned into a killing machine with no emotions.

If that's all, then Bucky's just a little bit ahead of the "Winter Soldier"'s rough fate.

But who would have thought that Baron Strucker would take on the Holy General and cooperate with him.

Bucky, who was chosen as the experimenter, successfully survived the twenty-four mutations.

The "Aryan Superman" of Hydra was born.

Compared with the strength increase brought by the mechanical arm, genetic modification is obviously more powerful.

Bucky has been strengthened, and his status has also changed.

From the original ace killer, he was promoted to Baron Strucker's personal bodyguard and the number one thug of Hydra.

What is the difference between the two?

The former is consumable cannon fodder, and the rarity will be different if it is dead.

The latter is close to the body and mind, and as long as it does not reach the end of the mountain, it will not be sacrificed by Baron Strucker rashly.

Simply put, personal safety is more secure.

"What did you say?"

Captain America stood up suddenly, a look of anger on his face.

As a moral model and a spiritual banner, Steve Rogers is mostly gentle and rarely takes the initiative to lose his temper.

After hearing Luke explain Bucky's situation, wisps of fiery lightning flashed from his eyes.

If the violent energy erupted, the entire room would be reduced to ruins.

"Take it easy, Steve."

Luke didn't seem to have expected that Captain America would have such a strong reaction, so he quickly comforted him.

Sure enough, it's hard for Rogers to stay sane when it comes to Bucky.

This is probably some kind of special bond.

"Damn Hydra! I must send them all to hell!"

Taking a few deep breaths, the exaggerated chest muscles rose and fell.

Captain America finally calmed down, and the white electric light lingering on his body slowly dissipated.

His face was tense, and he let out harsh words without changing his face.

It seems that this time, it is a complete relationship with Hydra.

"On the bright side, Bucky is at least alive and not in any danger."

Luke patted the other party's shoulder. After in-depth communication with the two Red House female agents, he vaguely found out some information about Bucky.

As we all know, under the brainwashing of the head of the mustache.

From top to bottom, down to civilians, many people are superstitious about blood.

It is believed that only pure-bred Aryans are qualified to rule the world.

After Bucky successfully survived the twenty-fourth mutation, Hydra began to consider replication.

If you can have an "Aryan Superman" army, then who can stop their footsteps.

The Holy General took the "Blood of Woden" and buried it in the underground of Berlin with his research materials.

It takes a lot of time and energy to reverse the biotechnology of the Brud Zerg, and it does not necessarily pay off.

The most troublesome thing is that I have no clue and can't find a breakthrough.

So, Baron Strucker came up with a clumsy method.

He treats Bucky as a stallion and has sex with the grown women he recruits - blond and blue eyes, and a pure bloodline.

First of all, as a battleship-class Bucky is energetic and genetically excellent, and is a qualified stallion.

If the seed is successfully sown, according to genetics, the babies born will have a high probability of being stronger.

Wait until the juvenile stage of fifteen or sixteen years old, and then use this batch of people to inject the defective serum copied from Bucky.

Although it takes a long time, it is feasible.

As far as we know, the progress of this plan has only been developed to the first stage for the time being.

That is, the "breeding" step.

That's why Captain America is so gaffe.

The thought of Bucky having sex with a different blond woman on time every day made Rogers feel like a knife and resentment.

What a miserable life that must be!

His best friend is like a tireless stallion, circling among the coquettish bitches, taking turns driving the piles.

Monotonous and boring, boring and tormenting!

Everywhere you see, the sensuality flows!

It's so scary!

Rogers was shaking with rage just imagining it, feeling sorry for Bucky.

"This is a trampling on Bucky's dignity and an insult to his personality!"

Captain America was heartbroken.

He can't wait to rescue his good friend immediately, so that the other party can escape from the evil hell of the blond and snow-skinned Yingying Yanyan!

"I don't know how many men want to be trampled on like this, this kind of insult."

Luke thought silently.

There's no shame in being a hydra for a stallion.

Those extremist racists have a very high threshold for choosing breeding women.

All must be blond and blue-eyed.

Moreover, in order to prevent Bucky's body from being drained and hollowed out.

Baron Strucker also thoughtfully arranged a team of nutritionists to customize the menu.

When not performing tasks, Bucky eats and drinks well every day, and then prepares to output.

Speaking of which, the only thing that made Luke feel that there was something wrong with Hydra's brain.

As racists, a group of people who emphasize the Aryan blood theory actually find an American to breed.

From this, it can be seen that what blood comes first, that is, talking about it.

"Next, we will wipe out Hydra and Leviathan in one go, and eradicate them completely."

Luke cleared his throat and said sternly.

"However, you first have to stay calm and not be impulsive."

The angry Captain America was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement.

He couldn't come up with a better plan for the time being, and could only follow Superman's orders.

"Then what do I need to do?"

Rogers thought for a while and thought that he still had to take some responsibility and couldn't leave everything to Luke.

"Don't worry, I have assigned you a task."

Lukla opened the curtains and looked out at the Moscow landscape.

"Steve, you are the bait for fishing"

A few days later, when Superman arrives in Moscow, there will be a welcome ceremony.

The appearance of Captain America will inevitably arouse the vigilance of Hydra and Leviathan.

Maybe, Bucky, who is already the Winter Soldier.

I can take time out of my busy schedule to deal with old friends.

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