Master of Fist

Chapter 232 Is This a Toothpick

As soon as the fingers were loosened, the arrow flew away.

Under this terrifying force, the arrow shot away like a red ray, and the moment the finger was released, a wave of air exploded centered on the bowstring, and the big ship shook violently, being pushed hard on the river by this recoil force. Back several meters.


An ear-piercing hissing sound resounded, and the moment the sound sounded, the arrow had already cut two water waves on the river, and a wave of air at the tail flashed towards the big boat where the big worm was.


The terrified people on the big boat only felt that the hull suddenly shook. The big boat slid sideways for tens of meters on the river, and the hull began to dump suddenly to the right, and countless people screamed in horror.

Sawdust flew, and the big ship made a creaking and tearing sound, which was the sound of the keel breaking.

Looking at the situation in the distance, Jiang Heng's eyelids twitched when he finally brought up the self-confidence.


Looking at this scene, Liu Shizong covered his face and shook his head. This arrow technique is absolutely rotten.

I saw a huge hole with a diameter of three to four meters in the middle cabin of the big ship on the opposite side. The crack spread to the entire hull and was interrupted. The terrifying force directly broke the keel bracket at the bottom, as well as the main body inside the cabin. architecture. It can be seen that a large amount of river water has poured into the cabin at the part where the hole is poured diagonally across.

There is no doubt that the ship ..... is over!

Fu Qingshui looked at Brother Jiang beside him with a depressed expression, the resentment in his eyes almost said that you and the opposite party were in the same group, right?

His Royal Highness, who had turned into a big tiger, also turned his eyes to Jiang Heng's side at this time, scanning the deck for a while, and finally fixed on Jiang Heng.

There was a faint look of fear in his eyes that flashed away.

"This blood food is full of qi and blood, which is a bit weird, and it is almost approaching the threshold of ? level!"

The prince thought to himself, His Royal Highness doesn't care about the death of a dog at all, he doesn't care about Liu Yu's death. Otherwise, he would have visited the Black Tiger Hall in person last night.

However, he felt the movement of blood food today, so he had to come and have a look.

In his opinion, the situation last night was a bit unclear. First, he felt the barbarian aura of the horned viper clan disappeared, and then the remnant aura of the Tiantong fox clan he had been looking for for many years suddenly erupted, and then disappeared. It disappeared so fast that he didn't even have time to leave.

After that, Liu Yu's aura also disappeared... Only the blood-eating aura he had been paying attention to for a long time still existed.

All these changes made him very confused. First of all, he didn't suspect Jiang Heng at all. From his point of view, blood and food were just ants whose life and death were in his hands.

Putting aside this line of thinking, His Royal Highness's thinking will develop in an inexplicable direction next.

In the end, it came to a conclusion that Cangzhou City might still be hiding an unknown person of the same kind, and it was possible to deal with three of the same kind in sequence, and the time consumed was getting shorter and shorter. He suspects that the one who hides may be a ?-level fourth-grade expert!

This made His Royal Highness Shizi, who was about to go over to check for a second, break out in a cold sweat. This time, he secretly came to Cangzhou without telling the court and taking advantage of the Liu family's convenience in Zhenyousi. He didn't even bring the ?-level upper-middle-level guards under his father's command, and he didn't dare to take risks, so he spent the night peacefully last night.

Until his long-awaited blood food showed signs of coming out of Cangzhou, now he couldn't sit still.

When I came to the pier to observe carefully, I felt it at a close distance, until I was sure that I didn't feel the same kind of breath, so I made a bold move.

Seeing the opponent's outrageously deviated arrow, His Royal Highness's face flashed a sneer again.

The human race is indeed an inferior race, and it is ridiculous to be able to shoot an arrow like this, it is a waste of energy.

Looking frivolously at the distance, he was lightly jumping on the crumbling ship. Every time he jumped, some crew members were swallowed by him, and the swallowing action was more bloody and violent, as if deliberately showing it to Jiang Heng on the opposite side. .

Glancing at the only three arrows left in the arrow basket, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, took out another arrow, and drew the bowstring again.

Still trying his best to aim at the prince in the distance, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and his blood is pouring.


When the arrow flew out, everyone on board held their breath and waited for the result.


Without exception, the arrow hit the stern of the ship again, directly breaking a big hole in the stern again, and the speed of the influx of river water accelerated again.

His Royal Highness didn't even move when he was shooting the arrow just now, he just chewed the flesh and blood in his mouth, and looked at Jiang Heng with a pair of tiger eyes with great interest. Seeing that it was as expected, he had no scruples in his heart.

"Then it's time to enjoy a full meal!"

His Royal Highness Shizi hunted the fleeing prey unhurriedly, while everyone on Jiang Heng's side looked ashen.

Fu Qingshui looked at Jiang Heng with a face full of despair, he really wanted to say, take away the supernatural powers!

Liu Shizong didn't look at this side at all, he was already a little numb, just quietly accumulating his sword, preparing for the next tough battle.

Even Zhang Fu, who was full of admiration, had a drooping face at the moment, and looked at Jiang Heng with trembling legs.

Every time my lord shoots an arrow, the ship will be finished.

At this time, Jiang Heng was also holding back his breath, looking at the only two arrows left in the basket, gritted his teeth, and simply shot them all at once.

Even if one arrow is shot, it may be able to severely injure the opponent!

Picking up an arrow again, nocking the arrow and bending the bow, injecting energy and blood.


The arrow shot out again. With the previous two defeats, Jiang Hengxin could no longer calm down and became completely impetuous. The aim of this arrow was even more erratic.

"This ship is almost full, and we can have dinner next!"

His Royal Highness Shizi licked his lips with a bright red tongue, and suddenly stepped on all fours. Nearly one-third of the ship's hull had already sunk into the river. At this moment, it completely sank, and his huge figure of three to four meters also sank. He shot towards the big ship Heng Jiang.

Opening his bloody mouth wide, his body began to swell rapidly again!

Talented supernatural powers!

Swallow the sky!

The aura also skyrocketed with the posture, this is the innate ability of their lineage, swallowing the sky!

The purer the blood, the greater the power it will display.

"not good!"

Suddenly, His Royal Highness Shizi felt the hairs all over his body explode, but saw an arrow shooting straight at him in the distance.

how is this possible? This arrow! !

His Royal Highness, who had jumped four or five meters, could not dodge in mid-air.

The fear in his heart was only for a moment, and the next moment his mentality quickly returned to calm, a ferocious tiger face covered with brown and black lines intersecting showed a ferocious look.

The figure began to swell rapidly, and soon became the same as before, a behemoth of more than ten meters.

"Such a small arrow, are you trying to pick my teeth?"

With a grin in his heart, he rushed forward with unabated momentum.....

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