Master of Fist

Chapter 292 One Enemy Hundred

At this moment, the eyes are blood red, and the heart fluctuates wildly like a high-frequency amplitude.

There are so many Black Armored Army, if each one is equivalent to a martial arts master, that is one hundred martial arts masters!

And they are stronger than martial arts masters, not weaker!

The eruption of a drop of blood essence was partly to test how strong the foreign training grandmaster was in the eruption of blood essence, and on the other hand, it was also because the opponent had too many people.

Jiang Heng wasn't worried about himself, but worried that if he didn't gain the upper hand in an instant, he would be in big trouble if he missed a few to get to Lu Yixin.


Almost at the moment when the blood essence detonated, Jiang Heng's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place. In the midair, his figure began to twist and swell rapidly like inflated air, and jumped into the midair. His figure was already three or four meters high. Highly raised the blood pattern on the blood soldier in his hand, at this moment it was like a coquettish bloody streamer.

A black-armored soldier facing him raised his head and looked at the rapidly expanding and approaching figure above his head. He didn't know what his expression was inside the black armor, but he still instinctively quickly raised the saber at his waist and put his hands on the blade to block it. This blow.

But when the thick black blood blade touched his blade, his figure suddenly shook, and immediately the blade and his whole body began to collapse downwards.


The air wave swept across, and a smear of blood began to splash out to both sides. At this moment, the black armor soldier was like a watermelon that exploded. The armor on his body did not give him the slightest sense of security. A soldier.

Jiang Heng's action stunned the Heijia soldiers who rushed into the hall. They hadn't made many attacks before, but at this moment they drew their swords and rushed towards Jiang Heng as if they had received an order.

Jiang Heng silently mentioned the blood soldier. To Jiang Heng's surprise, the moment he lifted the blood knife, a splash of blood was directly drawn up, sucked into the blood soldier like a dragon absorbing water.

At the moment of the bloody pattern, the red bewitching light is even more bewitching.

Still have this ability? !

Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, but before he had time to think about it, he swiped his arm to the right side forcefully, and there was a terrifying humming sound, as if the air would be compressed into a ball.


The three black-armored sergeants who charged first were cut off at the waist, and even the bones where the blood soldiers passed were exploded into pieces!

At the same time, the left arm jerked forward and the left hand was grasped forward, and it was covered by dense silver gloves like fish scales.


With a bang, the chest of a black armored soldier on the left exploded directly, and his fist pierced through his back.

However, the black-armored sergeant didn't seem to have the slightest fear, and he still rushed towards Jiang Heng one after another.

Lu Yixin stood behind and watched the scene in front of him, and took a deep breath.

The face is a little complicated, and there are all kinds of emotions in this kind of complexity.

This was the first time he saw a foreign martial artist make a move. To be honest, he was still a little scared.

In the past, he used to kill people with that type of careful calculation. He thought about every sword for a long time. Although a sword can kill the opponent, he also has to consider whether the opponent is worth the sword.

Seeing Jiang Heng make a move today, he vaguely seemed to have caught something.

My heart was agitated, wishing I could kill all directions with my sword.

"There's something missing."

Lu Yixin muttered to himself, he was very aware of his flaws, once the sword gang in the sword pill was exhausted, he would only be at the level of an ordinary master. It is difficult to deal with these black armor troops in front of them.


At this moment, there was a violent shout, but Jiang Heng raised the blood soldier in his hand again with a leap, and made a series of neighing sounds piercing the air.


A black-armored sergeant was hacked and blasted from the head. It was a real hack. The terrifying weight of the blood soldier combined with the falling momentum and Jiang Heng's blood rush, each knife contained terrifying power, and the opponent's flesh and blood and bones chopped into pieces.

Lu Yixin observed carefully from the side, and seeing the scene just now, he couldn't help frowning, this feeling of wanting to grasp was getting closer and closer.

His eyes were fixed on the blood soldier in Jiang Heng's hands. The terrifying weight doubled every time he fell.


There was a trace of doubt between Lu Yixin's eyebrows.

"But how do you make the little sword pill use its momentum?"

Jiang Heng naturally didn't know the confusion in Lu Yixin's heart at this time, he just felt extremely happy in his heart now.

In the past, these monsters killed people like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and now he also experienced this feeling.

Almost no black-armored sergeant could block his blood blade bombardment, not even his punch.

Of course, this is because none of these are of the ?? level.

Jiang Heng was harvesting these black-armored sergeants at an extremely fast speed at this time, and the effect of blood essence ignition was surprisingly good, which made him bombard with all his strength almost every time, and his speed and strength were in a state of crazy surge.

kill kill kill!

What surprised Jiang Heng was that the blood soldiers still had the ability to suck blood. He could feel that every time he killed a black-armored sergeant, the blood soldiers would draw nearly one-third of the blood.

Without absorbing it once, Jiang Heng could clearly feel the blood blade becoming heavier.

I don't know what the specific effect of this change is yet, but the increase in weight still makes Jiang Heng very happy.

Jiang Heng, who was in the state of eruption of essence and blood, had a sharp increase in strength and speed.

At this time, every time Jiang Heng moved, there was a faint sound of neighing in the air, not to mention his strength. He was carrying nearly 60,000 catties of weight as if there was nothing, and the blood soldier did not feel heavy at this moment.


The blood soldiers swept out, but this time it was a little different. Wherever the blood soldiers passed by, there was a burst of blood spurting out. The blood was like an invisible person, and directly chopped off several black armored soldiers in the distance.

Jiang Heng was even more pleasantly surprised. He didn't even gushe out much energy and blood just now, but he still released the blood energy cut that was nearly ten meters away!

At the same time, outside the hall.

"There seems to be something wrong!"

This place is not a short distance from the main hall of the Sword Alliance, but it can be heard from the sound alone, and it seems that there is not a one-sided massacre inside.

Zhu Fugui became a little anxious. He looked at Huang Wen next to him, and found that Huang Wen had disappeared at some point.

"Master Huang?"

"Master Huang?"

Zhu Fugui frowned and shouted anxiously. But no one answered him at all.

"Where did Master Huang go?"

Zhu Fugui thought secretly in his heart, but at this moment he already had a bad premonition in his heart.

From time to time, roaring sounds could be heard from the distant hall, even if it was hundreds of meters away, the ground could still be felt trembling.

I was a little uneasy in my heart, but I shook my head and showed a relaxed look again.

It's not like he hasn't been here before, so what could happen?

But when the roaring sound in the distance fell silent for a moment, his heart skipped a beat unconsciously.

It is a very bad psychological hint that the originally noisy place suddenly becomes quiet.

"A group of ants, what am I afraid of?"

Zhu Fugui shook his head, a look of relief appeared on his face. Although Huang Wen's disappearance just now made him vaguely feel that something was wrong, but his long-term behavior style and his concept of human ants gradually settled down.

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