Master of Fist

Chapter 411 Five-Star Battle (4)

Up to a thousand meters away, the three-eyed man in front of him has now turned into a gigantic monster with a length of a thousand meters. The huge monster that appeared above out of thin air is like a terrifying giant beast that covers the sky exuding a savage air.

Although it is still not as good as those huge war beasts, but standing in front of countless warriors and beast races, he is like a majestic giant looking down on everything.

The slightest movement of a thousand-meter giant represents great power.

The prototype of the three-eyed giant is naturally many times stronger than the previous state, the most obvious of which is strength and defense.

At this time, Jiang Heng compared this majestic giant to dust, and the three star-like eyes gleamed with strange light, scanning around, and finally converged on Jiang Heng and the others.


There was no nonsense, the moment the words came out, it was like a thunderous explosion in everyone's ears, and a big hand began to crush at a high speed, almost blocking everyone's sight. If this palm falls, all warriors within a radius of 100 meters will be smashed into a pulp.

Sometimes it is so unreasonable to face the talented orcs. The orcs have many bloodlines, and the abilities of each bloodline are different, and they have all kinds of strange abilities.

The third eye of the three-eyed giant can trap the enemy, and its strong body can kill the enemy.

At this time, Jiang Heng and thousands of people around him were in a state of rigidity, and could only watch helplessly as the ever-enlarging giant hand approached rapidly.

Turned into a prototype and enlarged, the ability of the third eye seems to have been magnified several times, not only lasting longer, but even controlling more people at once.

"Break it!"

Jiang Heng roared in his heart, but no matter how he resisted, even using the power of the totem to fight against that huge eye was useless. It was too strong, and the third eye seemed to have magical powers, completely depriving Jiang Heng of his body. control.

"No! If you continue like this, you will definitely die!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, the current situation was very clear, but there was nothing he could do.


The giant palm that covered the sky came in the blink of an eye, and the feeling of oppressing the space made people have no doubt that this palm would definitely be smashed into a pulp.


At this moment, a pleasant sword sound resounded, but a small green sword came from nowhere and stabbed directly at the giant palm that covered the sky.

The little green sword began to grow rapidly during the flying shot, and when it came to the palm, the little green sword had become a giant sword with a length of 100 meters, and the sword collided fiercely with the giant palm.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, the giant sword was slightly bent by this palm, and the sharp point of the giant sword was firmly trapped in the thick flesh of the giant palm, and the bright red blood could be seen at a glance.


The thousand-meter giant let out a cry of pain, he slowly withdrew his palm, his eyes scanned around, and finally his eyes fell on the tall and elegant woman who slowly floated to Jiang Heng's side.

Impressively, it was Lin Yanwei, with a move by Qianqian's jade hand, the huge sword instantly turned into a small green sword, circling around her arm like a snake.

This is her way of martial arts, which is different from conventional martial arts. Her martial arts is to nourish sword embryos with blood essence and blood. The path of martial arts is very rare in the alliance, even some gymnasiums and dojos that respect the way of swords may not be as brilliant as Lin Yanwei's martial arts.

Her martial arts was learned from a ten-thousand-year-old martial arts classic that Lin Heng accidentally obtained in the early years. It was just for Lin Yanwei to watch and play, but she was fascinated by it.

It was too late when Lin Heng found out, and every time Lin Heng thought of these things, his heart ached. If he had known earlier, he would not have let this girl read that Laoshizi sword manual. Now Lin Heng is a master of martial arts, but no one in his family is going to learn it, what's the matter?

"Sir, are you alright?"

Lin Yanwei turned her head with an anxious look on her face.

Jiang Heng's complexion moved slightly. At this moment, he was a little confused whether this woman was showing her true feelings or just pretending.

After all, he had been amazed at this woman's transformation before, but now Lin Yanwei is like this, he is really not sure.

It is true that Lin Yanwei's appearance at this time is very different from the previous elegant and dignified image. There are many damages to the skirt on her body, most of which are traces of corrosion and flame burns, and several places have white skin like suet white jade. A hideous scar.

Her hair was also much messier than before, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. It could be seen that she came here in a hurry.

Jiang Heng really can't figure it out, as if this is still pretending, is this too much effort? After all, what is this picture? Both sides of their relationship are well aware of it.

It's just a deal, but this woman...

"It's okay, why are you here? How are Senior Brother Lin Heng and the others doing?"

Jiang Heng shook his head, then looked at Lin Yanwei and asked.

Right now, there is one more high-level warrior sitting here, the situation is still not optimistic, but at least it is much better than being teased before.

"Not so optimistic!" Lin Yanwei shook her head, and gently rolled up her temples with her hands: "Including myself, a total of six superior fighters besieged the nine mysterious wonders. Unexpectedly, each of the nine mysterious wonders has nine heads. With different abilities, each head is comparable to the combat power of a high-level warrior.

After some discussions, the senior brothers all decided to disperse the heads first. In this way, I only chose one head to fight, and most of the other senior brothers also chose one head to meet the enemy.

Brother Lu and my grandfather picked two and three heads respectively.

This plan is correct, but it's a pity that the nine mysterious wonders themselves have some extraordinary abilities, and they can actually create clones. He has prepared two superior combat clones in advance to wait for work.

When we were fighting in full swing, the two clones came out. It caught us off guard. "

Wen Yanjiang's face turned a little ugly.

"So, don't we lose this battle?" Jiang Heng said with a grim expression.

"Well! Lost!" Lin Yanwei's fair and pretty face was a bit miserable, although she didn't want to admit it, she had to say this answer.

"What's next?" Jiang Heng asked with a frown.

"Prepare to evacuate. For now, the only way is to evacuate the North District completely, and wait for the alliance to send more superior combat forces to join the battle. Otherwise, we have to avoid their edge for the time being!"

Lin Yanwei shook her head, there was no other way for her to do this, the importance of the North District was self-evident, but the defeat was already settled, any further delay would be nothing but a waste of the lives of the warriors under her command.

"But this..."

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the three-eyed giant in the distance, with a serious expression on his face.

"The Nine-Headed Mystery has swallowed the two senior brothers Meisha, and has already left the battlefield ahead of time. Other orcs dare not pursue them!"

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Yanwei still told the news.

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bolt from the blue in Jiang Heng's mind, and the two superior fighters were swallowed just like that?

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