Master of Fist

Chapter 466 Tianchen Battle (2)

"Senior Brother Yue, can this formation really trap this beast?" Jiang Heng asked slowly after glancing at the Xuanqi clan's ancestor-level beast clan in the distance.

"Don't worry about this matter, I dare not say anything else, but this set of formations was jointly deduced by gathering more than 3,000 warriors who have studied formations in the city. After months of grinding and grinding, everyone can stand in their respective positions accurately, and can also adapt to changes as the formation evolves.

And after Senior Brother Lu and Junior Sister Lin serve as the eyes of the formation, the power of this formation will be fully displayed, and some flaws that were originally due to the lack of skilled personnel will be made up one by one.

Right now, the Great Ten Directions Sea Formation, which has been improved by the Ten Directions Sea Formation, is a bit inferior in terms of attack and kill, but it is extremely good at trapping and searching for enemies. Generally, once a high-level warrior enters the battle, there is absolutely no possibility of escape. As for the half-step dao state, the minimum time to trap half a stick of incense is no problem. "Yue Shan was full of pride, and he was also responsible for this formation.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, he didn't distrust everyone.

"Brother Yue, can you read the formation map?"

Hearing that Yue Shan was a little surprised, but without hesitation, he took out a piece of animal skin paper from his bosom and handed it out.

One hundred thousand copies of the map have been reprinted and distributed to all participants.

After receiving the map, Jiang Heng quickly opened it and read it carefully. Yue Shan was a little suspicious, but he couldn't say anything.

"Junior brother Jiang? Junior brother Jiang?"

After a while, seeing that Jiang Heng was still reading, he thought he was fascinated by it. The situation is critical now, and the orcs will launch a general attack at any time. At this time, we should not be distracted.

"But what's the problem?"

"Oh, Senior Brother Yue, you have studied the formation. Would it be better if you swapped these nodes and the positions of these nodes?"

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Heng put the formation map in front of Yue Shan and then stretched out his fingers for a few nodes.

Yue Shan frowned. Is Junior Brother Jiang trying to improve the formation?

"Junior Brother Jiang, this formation was staged jointly by 3,000 people..."

"Brother Yue may wish to see if this is feasible?"

Seeing this, Yue Shan had no choice but to look down patiently. He didn't know what Junior Brother Jiang was thinking. Could it be that this kid had recently read books on formations, so he was confident enough to modify the formations?

But after a short look, Yue Shan's expression became serious, which seems a bit wrong!

According to the positions of several nodes that Jiang Heng said earlier, Yue Shan tried to exchange them in his mind, and then deduced whether it was feasible. But the more he deduced, the more he discovered the feasibility of this modification!

After a long while, Yue Shan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Good boy! The power of the formation has increased by at least 40%! While taking care of the trapped formation, it still has a little ability to attack and kill. It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Yue Shan couldn't help sighing, and when he looked at Jiang Heng again, his eyes were full of surprise and emotion.

"Junior Brother Jiang, your improvement is really amazing. Just a few small improvements in a few nodes have increased by about 40%. Such a small amount of improvement will not cause major changes in the formation. We can even temporarily modify it!"

Yue Shan exclaimed that this change is the best solution for the current situation, because if it is a big change, even if it is increased by 100%, it will not be able to be used in time. The 100,000 people performed the formation according to the original Dashifang Qihai Formation before, so it is definitely not possible to make a major change, and it is too late to practice.

It doesn't matter if it's just a few nodes.

"It's good if it's beneficial to the battle!" Jiang Heng also smiled.

Just now he used a lot of energy in the sphere to improve its deduction!

The more he thought about the ball's ability, Jiang Heng knew that the consumption of the ball's improvement ability was different according to the difficulty of martial arts. The higher the difficulty and the higher the level of martial arts and martial arts, the more energy is needed to improve them.

"When did you learn formation? When I was your age, I was just a beginner in martial arts." Yue Shan shook his head with a wry smile. He found that it is best not to compare people.

Because it is likely to be pissed off.

"It's started!" Suddenly, Yue Shan's expression became solemn, and a pair of sword eyebrows walked around Jiang Heng and looked into the distance.

Jiang Heng also turned around to look. At this time, dozens of war beasts in the distance began to rush towards the city of Tianchen, and at the same time, a dense army of beast tribes gushed out from the huge mouth of the huge war beasts.

The orc army was like a motley torrent, shouting and rushing towards the city of Tianchen.

boom! bang bang!

A series of huge muffled sounds suddenly sounded, but it was a war beast that directly launched a brutal charge towards Xingshield.

The huge beast's head was directly smashed into blood, the beast let out a wail, and the star shield shook even more.

"It's crazy!"

Yue Shan murmured, "It takes a lot of effort to cultivate every war beast of the Beast Clan, and it often needs to consume several C-level hunting grounds as rations to become an adult!"

Jiang Heng was also watching silently. Jiang Heng had heard about the training method of orc war beasts before. It was said that the orcs directly threw the creatures into the hunting grounds they found and let them devour them.

When the body of the war beast is strengthened and adapted to other foods, it will be brought to the universe by the beast clan to find other energy mines to feed on.

It can be said that the cultivation of each war beast is huge. These are not only the vehicles of the orcs, but also the weapons of the orcs.


A set of energy crystal cannons and star cannons on the city wall began to fire, and extremely thick energy beams were continuously ejected from the barrels of the energy crystal cannons and star cannons.

Each bombardment represented the rapid burning of tens of omnipotent crystals, and beams of light, like death rays, began to quickly wash over the impacting beasts.

Jiang Heng found that the energy crystal cannon of the alliance is really powerful. After being hit by the light beam, the war beast may not be pierced directly, but once it is bombarded by the light beam for more than one breath without avoiding it, the hot rays will completely penetrate and tear it.

But at this time, the beast that was attacking the star shield didn't flinch at all. Even though there were several pierced wounds on its body, it still hit the star shield again and again like crazy.

"The opening of the star shifting formation will consume a lot of star stones and cannot be wasted on these beasts. We can only temporarily close the star shield and let them in!"

Yue Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, and in a blink of an eye, he left the platform and flew towards the high tower in the city. He couldn't stay here for a long time.

Yue Shan is the one who knows the situation in the city best, and he is also the supreme commander of this battle, which is also the tacit agreement of several superiors.

At this time, the insiders of the alliance are often respected as leaders. This is the default rule that many superiors in the alliance have fought against the orcs countless times.

Of course, Lin Heng's status is the highest among these superiors, whether it is prestige or status in the alliance. But he didn't do that either. Let the professional ones come. Yue Shan has learned all aspects of fighting against the orcs in the alliance, and he also has experience in commanding battles many times.

The star shield above the head shut itself off after flickering slightly, and the blood-stained war beasts rushed towards the city wall like huge world-destroying beasts.


This is the voice of countless guard warriors on the walls.

Tightening the weapons in their hands, the warriors were still a little nervous waiting for the battle.


At this moment, following the shouts of some middle-level warriors on the city wall, groups of low-level warriors gathered next to the super-giant siege equipment began to rivet their feet and pull the giant string in front of them.

These are giant bed crossbows. The overall length of the bed crossbow is 100 meters. The giant spear placed on it is 500 meters long, and the diameter of the spear shaft is close to 60 to 70 meters.

Such a ferocious behemoth may still be nothing compared to the huge size of the war beast. After all, every war beast here is at least 3,000-meter-level, and the 500-meter-long spear is just a little threatening to them.

Hundreds of low-level warriors began to push around a giant winch, pulling the bed crossbow to perfection little by little.

At this time, there is no identity of a warrior here, nor the identity of a disciple of the gymnasium. They are only a small link on the battlefield. One by one, like wrestlers, their upper bodies were exposed, revealing their steaming muscles.


As a middle-level martial artist in command yelled, a man who had been waiting at the side slammed the big ax on his shoulders at the thick twisted rope in front of him.


There was a crash, the rope broke, and the bowstring of the bed crossbow lost its resistance and shot out instantly.

The terrifying ejection force of the bowstring directly caused a huge wave of air to blow away the warriors near the winch. At the same time, the spear shot out. A special iron chain was attached to the end of the spear. The spear flew out and the iron chain was pulled The clacking sound can be heard endlessly.



A galloping war beast was about to wave its big hand and slap towards the port, trying to sweep away the obstacles in front of it. A sharp spear with a length of 500 meters arrived in an instant.

The thick scales on the beast's body hardly hindered it in the slightest, and the spear entered the body in an instant.

The huge penetrating force instantly pierced through the flesh and blood, scoff!

The spear head directly penetrated the back of the beast, but it didn't penetrate completely, and most of it was still stuck in the flesh and blood.

The war beast let out a wail, and when he came back to his senses, he found an iron chain attached to his chest. When he was in a daze, the iron chain stretched instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the spearhead piercing through the back bounced off a circle of barbs with ferocious blood grooves, and soon the iron chain began to pull back at an extremely fast speed, and the iron chain drove the spearhead back together.

With this pull, the spearhead full of ferocious blood barbs sank into the beast's body again in an instant. The huge pain made the beast howl even more painfully, and it began to constantly want to break the iron chain in front of it. But I don't know what kind of metal this iron chain is made of. No matter what he does, he can only leave white marks on it.


Finally, the spear barb pierced into the beast's body and got stuck near the spine, directly pulling the beast to the ground, and pulling it all the way to the city wall.

Almost no need to pull to the edge of the city wall, halfway through the walk, the war beast is already dying.

Jiang Heng watched this scene the whole time, and nodded secretly in his heart, it seems that the alliance still has a way of defending the city.

Previously, because the resources on the Golden Huoxing Star were not easy to get, the battle of Tianchen almost pulled out the entire treasury. All kinds of precious materials are provided without measurement, and it is almost enough effort to spend them.

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