Master of Fist

Chapter 607: The Strange Man on the Rooftop (Part 1)

The recent development momentum of Freed Tours is indeed good!

Auer recalled what he knew, and remembered that there were many travel companies contracting travel business in the super universe belt. Later, with the start of the Star Wars with the Federation, especially the two large-scale battlefields in the stars in the southern border.

Most of the business here was directly interrupted. It was not until the stars in the southern border returned to tranquility and the war ended that the Transcendent Universe star belt resumed commercial trade. And Freed Company is the first company to reopen the tourism project here.

Like many other travel companies, they are still waiting and watching, for fear that the Federation will attack the stars in the southern border again, and if any accident happens, it will be a huge loss.

Rao has Freed Travel Company to undertake the tourism projects here, and there are not many tourists who have come to the Super Universe Star Belt recently. The main thing is the fear of war. It is also partly due to the large reduction in personnel caused by the war.

Only the children of officials like Orr and Raffle, or the children of rich businessmen, have the leisure to go out and wander around at this time.

"Al, what are you talking about this time? My father said before that this war may last for a long time, and even not long ago we were still at a disadvantage. Why did we suddenly win?"

I don't know how to talk about the military and political affairs while chatting, but this is also normal, one of the two fathers is mixed, and the other is a mid-level military officer!

"I'm not very clear, but I just heard from my father that there seems to be a very powerful martial arts senior who turned the tide and killed the strongest enemy army." Orr scratched his head. He really didn't know very well, but every time his father said The senior's face was full of fanaticism.

"Senior Martial Arts?!" Raffle was stunned, and murmured: "Al, I remember that it was a super war with a scale of billions, right? Is the strength of the senior who can reverse this kind of war?" Great?"

"Awesome? It's more than just amazing!" Orr exclaimed a little bit. Because of his family background, he knew more about this aspect than Raphel, and he knew more inside stories.

"Raffle, do you know the strength of the vice-governor of the stars in the southern region? He is a half-step martial arts superpower. It is said that this kind of powerhouse also participated in the battle at the time. But why did it turn the tide of the battle in the end? Where is the mysterious martial arts senior?"

"Why?" Raffle was confused, how did she know about martial arts, what her father taught her since she was a child and what she said seldom involved martial arts.

"Of course that senior is far stronger than our vice-governor!" Auer's eyes were frenzied.

Hearing this, Raffle nodded, and immediately looked at Orr with a headache. Orr is always like this. Once he talked about martial arts, he couldn't stop.

After chatting for a while, the two came to a corridor on the bridge. The side of this corridor is completely transparent, and from here you can see the magnificent and magnificent super-universe star belt outside.

"Auer, it's so beautiful! It's like seeing our entire galaxy from here!" Raffle moved a little closer to Auer, looking at Auer from the corner of her eyes from time to time, her eyes full of admiration.

However, Orr seemed to be aware of it, and moved to the side calmly. He sighed in his heart, he didn't want to delay Raphel, Raphel's father had already expressed his attitude. He loves Raffle very much, but for his own selfish desire...he can't do it.

What Raffle's father wanted was a son-in-law with a strong background in politics, or a young and handsome martial artist. None of these Auer, he is just a mediocre person who can't do anything.

In fact, there are many mediocre people like him in this world, just because he has a father who is a middle-level warrior, so his aptitude is a mistake.

The starship slowly approached the watchtower port at the outermost edge of the Transcendent Universe Star Belt. This is because the location of the port is very suitable for viewing the entire Transcendent Universe Star Belt, hence the name.

The hatch opened and Orr led Raffle out along the crowd.

The Super Universe star belt is indeed a very famous tourist attraction among the stars in the southern border. Even though it has just experienced the baptism of war, many commercial activities have not yet fully recovered, and a lot of vitality has been restored here.

Shops with virtual projection billboards can be seen everywhere, and robot women are constantly shouting.

Here is extremely lush, here is also a mixed bag.

The pair of Orr and Raffle are obviously fat sheep in the eyes of the locals. Both of them have young faces, and one of them still looks innocent.

This is the best target to start with.

Freed Travel Company is responsible for contracting passengers' navigation, but will not involve passengers in local travel issues. Because every passenger has already recorded in the database of Freed Travel Company that the business is completed when they step out of the cabin door.

Even if someone wants to ask Imperial professional law to make trouble for this point, the responsible party is no longer Freed Company, but can only find the government of the local tourist area.

Sure enough, Orr and Raffle were pitifully stolen by thieves in a crowded street, and their star cards were stolen.

Although the star card can only be used with its own genetic code, some people can break through the security program in it through some special means and successfully withdraw all the money in it.

"Al, what should we do now?" Raffle said pitifully, she would have hired a bodyguard if she knew about it. In order to worry about Orr's feelings before, she was too embarrassed to hire bodyguards. After all, what's the point of having someone next to her on a date?

"It's because I didn't think carefully!" Orr shook his head helplessly.

"Now I still have some fragments of energy crystals on me. It should be fine to stay here for a while, but it's definitely not enough to buy the return boat ticket." Auer smiled wryly and scratched his head.

"How about this, we just stay here for a while, how about looking for a job here during the day? I have never experienced this kind of life before!" Raffle's eyes lit up, this is something she has never experienced I have heard some students from poor families in the school tell me about their life. Now that I think of this kind of experience, Raffle, who was born in a wealthy family since childhood, is eager to try it.

"We still have to find a hotel first, right?"

The two finally spent 30 energy crystals to rent a hotel here with relatively poor conditions for a month. Well, this poor condition is only based on their standards. In the eyes of ordinary people, they live in a good high-end hotel.

Otherwise, I wouldn't need thirty energy crystals for a month.

Neither of them had done much work for others, and they had been picking and choosing in the past few days. Looking at the dwindling energy crystals, the last one applied for the equipment cleaning work of a local boxing gym. One works as a receptionist in a restaurant.

"Al, it turns out that ordinary people's work is so tiring!" Raffle complained after only a few days. Once the novelty wears off, it becomes boring and monotonous.

"By the way, Al, isn't your job more tiring?" Raffle, who was talking to herself, suddenly noticed that Orr was constantly punching and closing, with a look of reluctance to leave.

"Al, did you listen to me?" Seeing this, Raffle was immediately annoyed.


While talking back, Orr still punched and closed his fists with great interest. He thought he could forget about martial arts, but working in the martial arts gym these days, he found that the owner of the martial arts gym was actually disabled.

"The owner of the museum is right in saying that anyone with a disability can become an official low-level warrior. Why can't you?"

Thinking about what the master of the gymnasium taught the apprentices of the martial arts hall during the day, Orr felt a burst of enthusiasm, yes! I am not disabled, so why not?

"Hmph! If you want to practice boxing, go out and practice! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

La Fuer's words are actually just angry words, after all, she also knows the characteristics of Aurwu's idiot. However, Orr really nodded and went out excitedly.

Seeing this scene, Lafur opened her small cherry mouth wide, and after a while she couldn't help but sighed and said, "It would be great if you could really practice martial arts."

She loves Auer very much in her heart, obviously Auer likes martial arts so much, why doesn't God give him this chance?

Auer and the others live on the top floor of the hotel on the thousandth floor, above which is a small rooftop with landscaping, which is very suitable for watching the scenery on weekdays. It's just that there is the most famous watchtower on the port side, which is a huge project with a scale of 10,000 meters.

Most tourists like to go there to watch the wonders of the universe, and Orr knows that the rooftop is usually empty.

"Just clean..."

Talking to himself, he found a couple who looked like a couple sitting on a small bench not far from the rooftop.

The two leaned close to each other, and they didn't seem to pay attention to Orr's approach. They seemed to be whispering and watching the scenery.

Seeing this, Orr shook his head and ignored it, and began to practice punch after punch according to the movements taught by the gymnasium master during the day.

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