The entire war in Iraq is divided into four stages: the opening stage, the stalemate stage, the turning stage and the closing stage.

At the beginning of the war, the coalition forces composed of the Eagle Federation and other countries launched large-scale air strikes and ground offensives against Iraq starting at 5 a.m. on October 12, 2008.

In this large-scale air attack, 700 carrier-based aircraft, 200 fighter jets, 100 bombers and 100 helicopters from the African military base and eight aircraft carrier formations; in addition to There were more than 30,000 precision-guided missiles of various types, graphite missiles, and cruise missiles, which bombed all military bases, air force bases, artillery, airports, resource warehouses and other important targets in Iraq.

During the first five days of the war, Iraq lost more than 200,000 troops out of a total of more than two million, and all kinds of tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft and other heavy weapons were also destroyed.

After being bombarded by the coalition forces, the Iraqi state suffered heavy losses. The leader Imda ordered all the people to mobilize and use all their strength to resist the coalition forces of the Eagle Federation and developed countries.

The Eagle Federation and the coalition of Western countries also entered a stalemate in the next month due to the long supply line and the stubborn resistance of Iraq.

After a month of stalemate, the coalition forces of various countries, which had carried out large-scale supplies, relied on their strong air superiority and mechanized troops on the ground to launch a new round of all-out offensive against Iraq from five directions.

With the decapitation tactics of special forces and the coordination of various high-tech weapons, several important towns and cities in Iraq were successively captured by the coalition forces, and a siege was formed on Igueda, the capital of Iraq.

At this point the war entered a turning stage.

The five-way coalition that was fighting outside Igueda finally launched an offensive together. In just three days, Igueda was completely captured and the leader of Igueda, Imda, was captured alive.

On the third day after capturing Imda alive, he was hanged and Imda was completely killed.

On February 25, 2009, the Eagle Federation announced that it had occupied the entire territory of Iraq. The main military operations had ended. In the war that lasted for more than three months, the coalition forces suffered more than 3,000 casualties.

The death of Imda and the fall of the Iraqi government caused the situation in Iraq to completely collapse and disperse into hundreds of armed forces, large and small.

These armed forces hide among ordinary people in Iraq and carry out suicide attacks on all coalition forces.

At this point, the war in Iraq has entered the final stage, which is the stage of guerrilla warfare.

Before the outbreak of the war in Iraq, Iraq had a territory of 3 million square kilometers, a population of 130 million, and a total army of more than two million.

Relying on its rich oil resources, Iraq aggressively purchases military equipment from developed countries, especially weapons and equipment from the Eagle Federation, and its military strength is very strong.

It has 12,000 tanks, 13,000 armored vehicles, more than 7,000 artillery pieces of various calibers, and more than 1,200 combat fighters, bombers, and helicopters.

Such a powerful conventional military strength is not far behind that of the Yanlong Kingdom. It is said to be ranked fifth in the world, and is even more powerful than the Yanlong Kingdom, because the weapons and equipment of the Yike Kingdom are better than those of the Yanlong Kingdom. Much more advanced.

However, such a powerful Iraqi state only lasted for more than three months under the attack of a total of 1.5 million coalition forces. The leader was captured alive, the government was defeated, and more than half of the army was killed or injured.

The coalition suffered only more than 3,000 casualties. This jaw-dropping war shocked the entire world.

The Yanlong Kingdom, which is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, has been paying close attention to the direction of the war since the outbreak of the Iraq War, and wanted to take this opportunity to understand the strength of the Eagle Federation, the current world hegemon.

However, this war that lasted for more than three months completely shattered the Yanlong Kingdom’s pride and dreams.

Both the military and the government, after learning about Iraq’s military strength and the results of the war, held various meetings for a month to discuss how to enhance national defense strength and speed up the construction of a modern army.

The military defense line constructed by the Iraqi State in this war was the same as that of the Yanlong State, using a combination of sand embankments, anti-tank trenches, barbed wire, and anti-tank minefields to defend against enemy attacks.

This concept of combat defense is still stuck thirty years ago.

However, after decades of Cold War confrontation with the Hongsu Empire, the Eagle Federation has undergone earth-shaking changes in terms of weapons and equipment and combat concepts.

In the face of various high-tech weapons and the modern information-based combat system integrating land, sea and air, Iraq suffered a complete defeat and the entire combat system was completely disrupted.

If the Kingdom of Iraq is replaced by the Kingdom of Yanlong, it is obvious that the results will not be much different, because the combat and defense concepts of the two are almost the same.

However, Yanlong State has nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, and nuclear submarines, and has the power to fight back when faced with desperate situations.

But no one knows whether the missile defense system of the Eagle Federation can intercept intercontinental missiles. Therefore, apart from these trump cards, if a war breaks out between the Yanlong Kingdom and the Eagle Federation, the outcome of the Yanlong Kingdom may be no different from that of the Iraq Kingdom.

This war not only shocked the whole world, but also woke up the whole world and the Yanlong Kingdom.

Lu Jianlin, Lu Jinhe, and Lu Jinfeng were in the Galaxy Building, looking at Lu Xingfan solemnly.

Lu Jianlin said in a serious tone:”Xiaofan, you told me half a year ago that there will be a war that will wake up the whole world. Do you mean this war?” This was the first time Lu Jinhe and Lu Jinfeng knew about this. He looked at Lu Xingfan in shock.

Lu Xingfan smiled slightly when he heard this and said:”Yes, this is the war between Iraq and Iraq. Except for terrorist attacks, no war breaks out for no reason.

The Eagle Federation has planned this war for a long time. It took a long time to prepare.”

As he spoke, Lu Xingfan snapped his fingers, and suddenly, with the shocked expressions on Lu Jianlin, Lu Jinhe, and Lu Jinfeng’s faces, the entire office changed.

As if traveling through time and space, the lights change and a virtual light screen formed by holographic projection technology appears in front of everyone’s eyes.

Lu Xingfan waved his hand, and the virtual light screens shifted and transformed one by one, displaying pictures, documents, and videos.

“This is just holographic projection technology, so there’s no need to be too surprised.

When Iraq planned to attack Soko State a year ago, the Eagle Federation was already planning a war to attack Iraq. These are the intelligence I obtained using foreign secrets and a large amount of funds.

There are all the combat plans and military deployments of the Eagle Federation to attack Iraq. Let’s take a look at them.”

Lu Xingfan pulled both hands, and the virtual light screen expanded five times, clearly displayed in front of the three of them.

Holding back the shock in their hearts, Lu Jianlin, Lu Jinhe, and Lu Jinfeng browsed the information, pictures and videos.

Time. Unconsciously, a whole afternoon passed. Lu Jianlin, Lu Jinhe, and Lu Jinfeng all looked at all the information attentively.

—–Second update.

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