Regarding the transportation system in Galaxy City, Lu Xingfan exchanged relevant information from the system and gave it to the designers for reference.

The planned transportation system in Galaxy City includes underground, ground and aerial three-layer transportation rail systems. All transportation vehicles use electric vehicles, maglev transport vehicles, and maglev trains that circle the city.

The most rigorous and advanced cellular monitoring system, the most advanced power system, fire protection system, drainage system, environmental protection system, security system, temperature control system, anti-electromagnetic pulse system, anti- satellite monitoring system, etc. are deployed in every corner of Galaxy City. There are missile defense systems and dual ground and air defense systems.

It can be said that the City of Galaxy is not only a super high-tech city and R&D base that surpasses the world level, but also a super military fortress armed to the teeth.

Everything in the entire Galaxy City is so advanced, sci-fi, and powerful.

The Galaxy Group was upgraded to Galaxy City. The Galaxy Battleship headquarters is located in the center of Galaxy City. The various subsidiaries of the original Galaxy Group were upgraded to the group. This is Lu Xingfan’s plan for the Galaxy Group.

When Galaxy City was officially opened and employees of Galaxy Group were fully stationed, the appearance of Galaxy City was also conveyed to the entire Yanlong Kingdom through video recorders and reporters.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, this shit, this shit is so, so sci-fi, are you sure it’s not a special effect?”

“Damn awesome, Galaxy City deserves it. Look at the Galaxy Battleship headquarters, it’s so advanced and incredible!”

“It’s really unbelievable that in this day and age, in 2012, such a grand project that transcends our time will come into being.”

“It is said that in order to build this Galaxy City, Galaxy Group mobilized 300,000 people and spent more than 4 trillion yuan. It took two years to complete the construction, all using the most advanced technology and materials of Galaxy Group.”

“Tsk tsk, look at the appearance of this city of stars. It’s not just twenty years ahead, it’s as simple as thirty years!”

“Damn it, did you see it? Those are the maglev trains, maglev transport vehicles, driverless trams, and drones flying everywhere that are still being imagined. Damn it, Nima Galaxy Group is so arrogant!”

“There are even more arrogant things. Didn’t you see those tanks, armored vehicles, and that—fuck, is that a missile defense system?! Do you even have this?”

“Haha, I’m afraid you don’t know the inside story and how awesome Galaxy Group is. Galaxy Group can even build aircraft carriers. These are just small scenes.”

“Come on, have you seen it? That’s holographic projection technology. Damn it, it’s so sci-fi.”

“I really want to work for the Galaxy Group, but I don’t know what the recruitment requirements of the Galaxy Group are. I’m willing to even sweep the floors!”

“Haha, I’m sorry, I am a sweeper at Galaxy Group, with a monthly salary of 6,000 Yanlong coins, five insurances and one housing fund, which is great.!”

“Damn it, the thief upstairs is here to die! Kill this show off dog!”

The appearance of Galaxy City not only shocked countless netizens, but also the military and government representatives who came to visit were stunned.

Looking at the small sweeping robots everywhere, it was super sci-fi. Holographic projection technology, fully automatic elevators and door mirror systems, ultra-modern three-dimensional transportation systems and maglev trains; intelligent voice control systems and office systems, fully automatic universal factories, super advanced laboratories, and environmentally friendly and efficient solar power generation Wait.

The people in the government are okay, but the representatives of the military are envious. Compared with the City of Galaxy, their military’s scientific research base is simply a piece of shit.

The representatives of the military have a look of resentment on their faces, and they can’t forget it. He returned to the military headquarters without saying anything. He showed the video of the visit he took in front of the big guys at the military and political headquarters. It’s up to you to decide what to do.

After watching the content in the video, the big guys in the military I couldn’t help it anymore, Cao! The military must have such an advanced science fiction base.

So the military bosses and the heads of scientific research institutions went to the City of Galaxy to see with their own eyes the super advanced, science fiction Everything

Lu Xingfan put on the surface for outsiders to see was a technological level that was 20 to 30 years ahead of the current world. He did this just to stimulate the major scientific research institutions in Yanlong.

As for the truly super-advanced military factories and laboratories, they are all located underground. Outsiders do not know about them and will not allow outsiders to visit.

Naturally, the military base headquarters and major scientific research bases will not be contracted by a private company. Construction, so the military bosses spent money to buy technology and equipment from Lu Xingfan and built it themselves after returning. However, no matter how the military people studied, it was impossible to build a super-era century comparable to the City of Galaxy. Engineering.

The time came to April 2012. On this day, Lu Xingfan published the proof process of ‘Maffei’s Theorem’, one of the ten most difficult mathematical problems of the century, in Galaxy Science Magazine.

As soon as he finished writing, the communication button on the table It rang, and when Lu Xingfan answered the call, it was the call from his queen bee.

“Sir, we have discovered two unusual pieces of information.

The first is that the senior officials of the Eagle Federation suspected that you were involved in the financial war against the former Red Soviet Empire because they learned about the content of your lectures to domestic financial and economic experts after the collapse of the former Red Soviet Empire..

Also, the emergence of Galaxy City has made the Eagle Federation pay more attention to you. They think that you and the Galaxy Group are a threat to the Eagle Federation, so they want to assassinate you.

Our people are still investigating the specific assassination plan, but according to the intelligence we have found now, the Eagle Federation plans to use the forces in Yanlong that collude with them.

The second one is that in the Middle Ages, we discovered a very brutal terrorist organization that seemed to be planning to launch a terrorist attack on the Eagle Federation.

But they are still planning, and our people have not been able to find out their specific plans.”

“Well, I understand. Be careful not to expose our people. If you can’t pry, don’t force it. No one can threaten me in the City of Galaxy, and my parents and other members of the Lu family are protected by people I have arranged for them.

If the Eagle Federation wants to become a monster, then I can just kill all the forces they secretly collude with.

As for the terrorist attack, let it take its course. It has nothing to do with our Yanlong Kingdom anyway. We will evacuate our people when necessary. Lu Xingfan said

“Yes, sir, I understand.”Queen Bee replied.

After hanging up the communication, Lu Xingfan walked to the window, looked down at half of the city of Galaxy, and said as if to himself:”Terrorist attack, Eagle Federation, it seems that there are some things in different worlds. The development trajectories do have similar trajectories.

Alas, it is developing too smoothly, which is not a good thing. Some people are too distracted and forget who they are, and they just use the actions of the Eagle Federation to uncover a group of traitors.”

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