When the Eagle Federation was attacked by plane bombs, the Puss Empire, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Ceylon, the Kingdom of East India, and the Kingdom of Olia were also not spared.

Unidentified cargo planes that disappeared off their routes exploded near the capitals of these countries or over the cities. While affecting many people, it also caused extremely bad effects.

After these plane bombing attacks broke out, all the large terrorist organizations in the world united and claimed responsibility for this series of attacks. This suddenly detonated the Yanlong Kingdom, the Eagle Federation, the Puss Empire, etc., and all the others were affected. to the wrath of the nation that attacked.

There is no doubt that both Mikallan and the Minister of Defense were ousted, because after they had already been attacked, the same thing happened again. This is definitely the responsibility of the government and the military, and they cannot be shied away even if they want to.

After the new president of the Eagle Federation came to power, the first thing he did was to severely crack down on the growing terrorist organizations, and he also formed an alliance with the Yanlong Kingdom, the Yingdun Kingdom, the Puss Empire, the Ceylon Kingdom, and the Olia Kingdom. deal with terrorist organizations.

Lu Xingfan, on the other hand, asked his Queen Bee to withdraw the agents long ago without leaving any evidence or tail.

“You must find something to do for these countries, otherwise it is not a pleasant thing to spend all day thinking about plotting against Yanlong Kingdom and plotting against me. As long as Yanlong Kingdom is fine, other countries will not care about them.”

After Lu Xingfan withdrew his men, he no longer cared about fighting against terrorist organizations, but devoted himself to various super plans.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, 2025 passed, and time entered 2026 In June of 2025.

In the past 2025, the total economic volume of the Yanlong Kingdom reached 61.24 trillion federal dollars, an increase of 11% from the economic total in 2024.

In 2025, the total economic volume of the Eagle Federation It only increased by 2%, reaching 77 trillion federal dollars.

Originally, in 2025, the Eagle Federation’s economy was expected to resume an economic growth rate of more than 3%, but the reality is different from that of Yanlong Kingdom. Defeated in the war, and later attacked by plane explosions, resulting in continued sluggish economic development, and in the end it only increased by 2% compared with 2024.

After entering 2026, the Eagle Federation, the Kingdom of England, and the Kingdom of Ceylon , the Pus Empire has increased its military expenditures and research and development funds for new weapons, and has begun to promote the upgrading of new weapons.

The weapons and equipment of the Yanlong Kingdom have all led the world, including the Eagle Federation, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Ceylon, The Pus Empire, these traditional powers that have dominated the world since World War I, will naturally not let Yanlong Kingdom be more beautiful than before.

As for the weapons and equipment that have been eliminated? Needless to say, there are still many other countries in the world. There are many backward countries that are eagerly looking forward to it. Those third-generation fighter jets, decommissioned warships and other weapons and equipment, but there are many developments that Chinese families can only dream of. In

July 2026, a primary school teacher from Qingyun City asked about the new version of Chinese and history textbooks. The dissatisfaction caused a storm of discussion across the country.

Unlike the situation in Lu Xingfan’s first life, in this life of Yanlong Kingdom, any new version of the textbook will be reviewed by the school teachers in advance before it officially becomes a textbook for students to study. , only after comprehensive opinions from many aspects and no major problems can be officially entered into the school.

And 2026 is the year of the five-year revision of textbooks, but an old teacher from Qingyun City Primary School is interested in the new version of primary school Chinese He was very dissatisfied with the textbooks and history textbooks, and he was not the only one who was dissatisfied. Many primary school teachers in the entire Yanlong Kingdom were dissatisfied with the textbooks.

Teacher Wang Tienian from Qingyun City Primary School was the first to bombard the new version of the textbooks and included Listed all the shortcomings of the new version of the textbook and posted it on the Internet

“I never expected that our country, already so powerful, would still have academic scoundrels who worship foreigners. Instead of writing so many celebrity allusions in the history of our country, we would include the story of a foreign invention expert who picked up money and handed it over!

How? Is there no such thing as amnesty in our country? What does it mean when you write about a foreigner in primary school textbooks? If we want to educate our country’s primary school students, they should learn foreign culture and liberal spirit from an early age?

The people who write the textbooks are bastards, and the people who review them are also bastards. The people you are riding on are undercover agents sent by foreigners, right?”

“And this history textbook, what kind of bullshit are you writing? You are blatantly tampering with history! The decadent Manchu dynasty, which lost power and humiliated the country, was weak and incompetent, and plunged the Yanlong nation into dire straits, was actually written into a prosperous dynasty by you bastards.

The Minglong Dynasty, which is very advanced in science and technology, culture and thought, is powerful in the world, and attracts all nations to come to court, but you bastards have actually described it as a cruel dynasty that is decadent and dark, and the people are living in dire straits.

You damn bitches, the Yanlong Kingdom can’t let you go, right? All the reviewers in the education department have stepped on their horses, are they all trash? You’ve lost your mind to lard, what are you doing to eat? You’re just letting the country’s future Learn from this tampered history?”

Teacher Wang Tie is also an upright and hot-tempered teacher. He pointed out the flaws in the primary school Chinese textbooks and history textbooks. He was furious and scolded the people who wrote the textbooks and the reviewers of the education department.

In After Mr. Wang Tie’s public scolding on the Internet, many primary school teachers and even middle school teachers in Yanlong Kingdom took the textbooks in their hands and pointed out the bad things without hesitation.

One person or ten people may not pay much attention, but hundreds and thousands of teachers are using those teaching materials to curse. This is simply an anecdote that has never happened in the country since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

People with the ability and connections, in After I got the new version of the textbook, I looked at it carefully and found that it was full of flaws. It was completely different from the previous textbooks. Many of the contents of the history textbooks had tampered with history, and the contents of the Chinese textbooks also included a lot of foreign materials. Culture.

When someone posted these new textbooks for elementary and middle schools on the Internet, this guy, the entire Internet was detonated.

There are many trolls who have nothing to do all day long, and there are also many patriotic angry youths. Someone was here. After seeing the new version of the textbook, the guy got excited and went to the official website of the education department. He started furiously typing and cursing at the top of his lungs.

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