Time has entered March 2034.

In the past 2033, Yanlong Kingdom’s economic aggregate reached 131.12 trillion federal dollars, an increase of more than 10% from the economic aggregate in 2032. (The unit of federal dollars is used for ease of writing, and will not be used again in the future.)

Many countries in the world, such as the Eagle Federation, have not yet emerged from the economic crisis. In 2033, the total economic volume of the Eagle Federation was only 1.0554 million. billion federal dollars, the economic gap between Yanlong Kingdom and Yanlong Kingdom has widened to more than 24 trillion.

This is a very huge number, which means that in the four years from 2030 to 2033, the total economic output of Yanlong Kingdom has been more than one-fifth of that of the Eagle Federation.

In the past twenty years or so, a series of layouts and various super projects have laid the foundation for Yanlong Kingdom’s rapid development.

In 2032 and 2033, the cabinet led by Lu Jinshan rectified medical care, smashed real estate, lifted the curse on countless people, rectified food safety, fought against corruption, and redressed unjust, false and wrongful cases, thus adjusting some of the imbalances in Yanlong Kingdom. The economy has injected firepower into economic development and greatly won the hearts of the people.

If nothing unexpected happens, the economic growth rate of Yanlong Kingdom will be more than 10% in 2034.

In April 2034, Lu Xingfan completely conquered the nano-armor technology and realized the nanotechnology of super carbyne materials. Lu Xingfan saved the lives of himself, Ling Xin, Yan Zhi, Jiang Lai and others, as well as his parents, grandparents, and six others. The disciples each designed a set of nano battle armor.

Just like Iron Man’s nano armor in the movie, once activated, the armor can quickly cover the whole body.

However, such nano battle armor is also very expensive. The cost of a set of nano battle armor is 10 billion Yanlong coins.

When Lu Xingfan was making nano-war armor, people from the military came to the door again and proposed the idea of competing with the students of Galaxy University again.

This year the military plans to launch another joint exercise, covering the three theaters of Jianghai, East China Sea and South China Sea.

Over the past decade or so, the military has been exporting various weapons and equipment, especially after it plans to upgrade its weapons, including more than 20,000 third-generation fighters, as well as various weapons and equipment for the army, air force, and navy. They all began to sell outside one after another.

These weapons and equipment are advanced weapons that other countries, except the Eagle Federation, the Puss Empire, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Ceylon, etc., dream of!

Even if they are purchased at a premium, those developing countries and backward countries can only covet them. In addition, the weapons and equipment sold require specialized after-sales service, so the military has made trillions in these years.

Coupled with the tens of trillions of dollars previously requested from the cabinet, the military’s new-generation weapons and equipment plan has already covered most of the funds, and there is still extra money to conduct a major military exercise.

Lu Xingfan did not refuse the request made by the military. Anyway, he was idle. Abuse of food was a very relaxing and enjoyable thing for his students.

Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, Zhang Yuanheng, Wei Zisheng, Huo Yuanfei, and Mu Chenge rushed over immediately after receiving Lu Xingfan’s notification.

Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, Zhang Yuanheng, Wei Zisheng, and Huo Yuanfei are all students in the first batch of Galaxy University, and they are also unique geniuses with extremely outstanding spatial perception talents.

Mu Chenge was the only peerless genius in the fourth phase of Galaxy University who could rival Shen Qinghe and others. Without exception, he was accepted as a disciple by Lu Xingfan. Like Shen Qinghe and others, he commanded a sky formation to form the Galaxy University. The city’s six sky formations.

In this competition with the military, Lu Xingfan did not lead the team himself, but left it to Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, Mu Chenge and other six people, and let them each lead their own small teams to the military.

“This time you go with your own people and show off to the military. You’re welcome. The military people think they want to defeat you after years of research, so you let them know who is the boss.

After you come back this time, I should be able to make the things I prepared for you.”Lu Xingfan looked at Shen Qinghe and the other six people and said

“is teacher.”Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, Zhang Yuanheng, Wei Zisheng, Huo Yuanfei, and Mu Chenge replied. For this military exercise, the military adopted an evenly matched deployment, that is, the three major war zones of Jianghai, East China Sea, and South China Sea were divided into two major forces. Equivalent camps, and then attack each other.

The people from Galaxy University command the 600,000-strong army of land, sea and air in the defensive camp as the defensive side, and the people from the military command the 620,000-strong army as the offensive side.

In order to regain their breath, this time the twelve troops from the military Most of the military commanders in each war zone gathered in the offensive camp, intending to defeat the defensive camp with the help of elite military commanders who were at least four times more numerous than the defending side.

Unfortunately, after the military exercise began, Shen Qinghe from the City of Galaxy , Chen Fengyun and others once again let everyone in the military know what the gap is between ordinary people and geniuses.

Although the military people have worked hard over the years, the teams led by Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun and others have not remained where they are. Stepping forward, with the help of two sets of virtual reality military games,”Planet Hegemony” and”Galaxy War”, has made great progress.

Three hours into the war, the military led 90% of the attacking side’s headquarters, and All the important combat units were blown up, and the military personnel were completely defeated again. They were severely beaten!

The military, which did not believe in evil, conducted another military exercise after three days of rest. The result was still miserable this time. Three hours Ten minutes later, the exercise ended. The winner was Shen Qinghe and others.

Before the war, the military people were so confident and proud, but after the two exercises, they were so discouraged and doubtful about life.

The last nine founders of the country were The general decided to continue the third exercise, but the people leading the two armies became Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun and others.

Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, and Huo Yuanfei led the attacking side; Zhang Yuanheng, Wei Zisheng, Mu Chenge A group of three led the defensive side, and there was a contest between the two sides.

Similar history repeated itself. Shen Qinghe, Chen Fengyun, Zhang Yuanheng, Wei Zisheng, Huo Yuanfei, and Mu Chenge led their respective teams, with more than 1.2 million soldiers by sea, land and air. The armies were chess pieces, and they fought fiercely on the battlefield. Various strategies and tactics emerged one after another, and the combination of tactics was also at your fingertips.

The war lasted for fifteen days, and finally ended in a draw with both sides dying. It taught everyone in the military a good lesson.

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