When the virus crisis broke out, Lu Xingfan had already learned from the system elf that this virus crisis would not end easily. This was just the first wave, so Lu Xingfan knew the crisis it meant.

In this virus crisis that targets all human civilizations on the entire ancient Blue Star, it is impossible to avoid death. Lu Xingfan is not a nanny. What he can do is to preserve the Yanlong Kingdom as much as possible within his own capabilities. of vitality.

When he knew that there was still a virus crisis in 2025, Lu Xingfan consciously exchanged a large amount of medical and biological virus technology materials from different civilizations from the system, and also exchanged a lot of advanced equipment.

After nine years of study, Lu Xingfan’s attainments in biology and virology were unmatched by anyone in the entire Galaxy City, and even in the entire world.

This time, Lu Xingfan personally led a team to develop specific drugs and vaccines using the original virus solution extracted from more than a dozen cities in the Yanlong Kingdom where the ancient virus crisis broke out.

Although these ancient viruses mutate very quickly and have powerful destructive power on the human immune system, these ancient viruses have still been cracked layer by layer under the attack of a group of outstanding scientists led by Lu Xingfan.

A virus is a non-cellular microorganism composed of a nucleic acid molecule (DNA or RNA) and protein.

Although the virus mutates very quickly, no matter how it mutates, or fuses with other viruses of the same type, or mutates during the proliferation process, its own reverse transcriptase is very critical.

The team led by Lu Xingfan is looking for a solution from the reverse transcriptase of the virus. As long as the reverse transcriptase loses activity, the virus cannot replicate and proliferate. Viruses that cannot replicate and proliferate are not a threat to the human body.

If you want to kill the activity of virus reverse transcriptase, you have to start at the genetic level. Fortunately, the medical super laboratory has enough technology, enough talents, and sophisticated enough equipment to extract the virus’ reverse transcriptase.

With the assistance of a professional biological quantum computer, in just two days, Lu Xingfan led his scientific team to develop a method to inhibit the proliferation of ancient spiral viruses.

There are currently twenty-three types of ancient viruses breaking out in Yanlong. There may be other types of virus patients, but none have been found so far.

Because of the decisive measures of the cabinet, when patients infected with these ancient viruses first appeared, they immediately implemented a blockade and martial law. Later, it was even implemented nationwide. People stayed at home and did not come out, which fundamentally eliminated the way the virus spread..

Therefore, so far, there are only more than 5,000 cases of virus infection in Yanlong in China, and some of them are medical staff, so the spread of the virus can be controlled.

It is extremely incredible to conquer a virus that has never appeared in two days, but compared to these viruses with short incubation periods and very fast onset, it seems to be a very long time for those patients infected with the virus..

At this time, the importance of ancient medicine and energy drinks is revealed.

According to the medication results in the hospital, almost all Western medicine drugs have no effect. Only energy drinks, which can strengthen the human body and enhance immunity, have a certain effect and can make patients survive longer.

And with the comprehensive interventional treatment by senior ancient doctors, those who had been diagnosed and waiting to die finally ushered in the dawn of hope.

It is different from the treatment concept of Western medicine, which is to fight and kill viruses. However, the treatment concept of ancient doctors is not to fight these unknown viruses, but to find ways to eliminate these viruses from the body.

No matter how powerful any virus is, it cannot pose a threat to patients as long as it is excreted from the body.

Due to differences in medical concepts, doctors who studied Western medicine simply did not know how to expel the virus from the patient’s body. On the contrary, ancient doctors were better at this aspect.

With the help of the more powerful Qiangti No. 1, those ancient doctors either used acupuncture or prescribed different medicines according to the different conditions of the patients, mobilizing the body’s own immune function, and finally gradually stabilized the condition. condition of those patients.

Some patients infected with unknown viruses have even begun to improve. Although they are not cured, at least they are no longer getting worse.

This situation made those Western medicine doctors who looked down on ancient medicine feel shocked and ashamed at the same time. The original idea that ancient medicine was making mysteries also changed.

The performance of the ancient doctors this time was worthy of the strong support from the cabinet. The news quickly spread throughout Yanlong. At this moment, what the Chinese people need is hope. The news that the conditions of all patients are gradually being controlled makes countless people happy..

After Lu Xingfan learned the news, he smiled and nodded. His strong support for the ancient doctors was not in vain. At the critical moment, the Yanlong Kingdom’s own inheritance was still effective.

The development of a vaccine does not happen overnight and will take a long time. However, the specific drugs developed from the Galaxy City Medical Super Laboratory were delivered as quickly as possible to all hospitals where viral infections broke out.

Time has entered January 20, 2035. Special medicines for the twenty-three unknown ancient viruses that broke out in Yanlong have been developed. After being expedited, they were sent to all hospitals with outbreaks of viral infections.

With the help of special medicines and the treatment of ancient doctors, in addition to more than 500 people who died because their illness was too serious and too late to save, more than 4,600 people were finally cured.

This was exciting news. The news quickly spread throughout the country, and Lu Xingfan’s name and the effects of ancient medical skills also quickly spread abroad along with this good news.

There is no heavy mortgage, water, electricity and food supplies are all normal, and masks, disinfectants and other supplies are sufficient.

Under the order of the cabinet, banks have also suspended collection of corporate loans, as well as a small number of housing loans, credit cards, etc., until the crisis has passed.

Under this situation, apart from being a little bored, countless people in Yanlong Kingdom had a relatively relaxed and nourishing life in the past two months.

But in contrast, the situation abroad is becoming more miserable and chaotic day by day. Dozens of ancient viruses from the ice caps of the North and South Poles are attacking cities around the world and spreading rapidly.

More and more people are infected, more and more people are dying, and more and more medical staff are dying of infection. It has reached an uncontrollable level, causing panic around the world.

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