Military Technology

Chapter 700 Returning to the Desert

In the northwest desert, at an airport in an autonomous prefecture, a white and black Gulfstream 650 taxied smoothly onto the rough apron.

The cabin door opened, and Wu Hao and Zou Xiaodong appeared at the cabin door wearing sunglasses. After looking at the outside environment, he quickly walked down the hanging ladder and got into the car that was already in good condition on the tarmac.

This was originally a military airport built in a special era. Later, the army reformed, and this military airport was abandoned and handed over to the local authorities.

However, because of the remoteness and backwardness of the place, the airport was gradually abandoned. Only a few propeller planes take off and land every year for aerial seeding or artificial rainfall.

Since Wu Hao and the others built a rocket launch test site deep in the desert, the airport has been renovated by Wu Hao and the others.

In this regard, the local government naturally welcomes it very much, and actively cooperated with the expansion of the airport. It makes it possible to take off and land ordinary regional airliners from the dilapidated dilapidated airport.

Moreover, because the rocket launch test site requires frequent personnel to go back and forth, Wu Hao and the others deliberately contacted the airline and the air traffic control department to open up a route from Anxi to here. There is one flight per week, and each flight is a small regional aircraft such as the MA 700 that has just been put into the market.

Despite this, it has been welcomed locally. In the past, if you want to go to a big city like Anxi, you need to go to the train station of the nearby prefecture-level city first, and then take the train to Anxi. Or go directly to the provincial capital by car, and then fly to Anxi by plane, which is very troublesome.

But now, you can fly directly to Anxi by plane, which makes the local people, including the local leaders, very happy.

The local leaders are happy because this is a proper achievement. And with airports and air routes, they can better attract investment and develop tourism. Secondly, the transportation is also much more convenient, and we can strengthen our connection with big cities like Anxi.

The same is true for the people's happiness. If the transportation is convenient, just go to Anxi by plane. The important thing is that the air ticket is not expensive, only a few hundred dollars, which is very cheap, saves time, and does not need to travel by car.

Secondly, it is the enthusiastic expectation of the local people. They all know that their place is relatively remote and lacks natural resources, so the development is relatively backward.

I hope that the completion of this airport and the opening of air routes can develop the local economy so that everyone can become rich as soon as possible.

Of course, these are just a matter of little effort for Wu Hao and the others. Originally, they only needed a simple airport and an air route, so that their scientific researchers needed to travel easily.

Unexpectedly, such an unexpected move brought a huge surprise to the place. This also made the local people more convinced that the arrival of Haoyu Technology will definitely bring development to the local area.

Wu Hao's arrival did not disturb the local authorities, and he was a little afraid of disturbing the local authorities. The last time he came, the local leaders almost led someone to stop him on the road, but he avoided him. Knowing that he is coming this time, I'm afraid I have to come and catch him.

How could he not understand the thoughts of the local government? It was nothing more than seeing him as the chairman of Haoyu Technology, a young rich man, so he naturally wanted to make a decision from him.

But for Wu Hao, there is nothing in this remote place, and there is nothing to develop. Even if he wanted to invest, he couldn't realize it.

Generally, the choice of investment location is nothing more than considering five factors, either rich in natural resources, so enterprises or factories that have a large demand for natural resources will choose this location.

Either rich in human resources, labor-intensive enterprises are suitable for location here. Either the transportation is developed, which is convenient for transportation, or it is close to the market, which is convenient for sales. Either the policy is good, and those companies that need policy support like it the most.

But these five points are not available here, at least not suitable for Wu Hao and the others.

First of all, natural resources are not abundant here. Secondly, Wu Hao and the others don't need them either. What they need for production are parts and raw materials produced by factories.

The second is human resources, where the labor cost is very low. But Wu Hao's production factories are all intelligent, unmanned and fully automatic factories, which do not require people at all, or do not need production workers. Only a small number of technical engineers are needed, so it is obviously not suitable here.

In terms of transportation, there is no railway station, no highway, and no dock. Even if the airport is still a dilapidated and refurbished small airport, the traffic is not very developed.

Not to mention the market, and the northwest is sparsely populated, and the only markets are concentrated in those big cities, which can be ignored here.

As for policies, they are just a county-level autonomous prefecture, so what policies can they have. So these five, they don't have any of them, how can Wu Hao think about it.

But in the eyes of the leaders of these places, Wu Hao is a rich man and the boss of a big company. Just grab a little bit from the gap between your fingers, it's enough to make their place famous and spicy.

It is understandable that the local government wants to seize opportunities and develop the economy, but Wu Hao is a little scared after being pursued so hard.

That's why he ordered that he try to keep a low profile when he comes this time, and don't disturb the place if he can.

However, what Wu Hao didn't expect was that when his plane landed, the person in charge at the airport immediately called the local leader's office to report the situation.

And the leader of the place that was worrying about economic development, his glasses lit up when he heard it, and hurriedly called to discuss strategies to see how to keep Wu Hao and how to take money from him.

The convoy did not stop at the capital of the autonomous prefecture, but drove directly out of the city and into the endless desert.

On the straight and flat provincial road, there are endless deserts on both sides. From time to time, one or two oases can be seen on the side of the road.

It's just that these oases are not big, and they seem to be formed by underground water springs in rivers or lakes.

Against the background of the vast desert, the oasis reveals a piece of vibrant green. Occasionally, they can see wild donkeys, rabbits, deer, and cattle and sheep drinking water and grazing leisurely on the oasis.

"It's so beautiful!" Zou Xiaodong couldn't help sighing while looking at the scenery outside the window wearing a pair of smart AR sunglasses.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Hehe, let you live here for a few years, no, live for a few months, you won't think so."

Zou Xiaodong smiled, then opened the car window, blowing the hot wind in the desert and said, "How far away is it? Why did you build the rocket launch site so far away? It's really like a secret base."

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Rocket test launches are very dangerous, so naturally we have to choose a place with a lot of land and few people. It took us a long time to find this place. Come on, we'll be there in an hour."

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