Minecraft: Starting With The Awakening Block Puppet Master

Chapter 176: He's Cheating. Someone's Coming!

This old man doesn’t look like such a nice guy!

Ji Xin looked at the strange scene around him and immediately fell silent.

You, notch, the father of the gods, I didn’t expect you to be so hypocritical. Could it be you who killed him?

The more Ji Xin thought about it, the greater the possibility.

The strength of notch in this world is definitely not the only one, and he is probably another creator god who restricts him.

Strength represents power and status.

When there is someone with the same power as you, he will definitely take away half of your rights and status.

Thinking about it this way, it is very reasonable that notch, the father of the gods, designed to kill him, who is also the creator god.

After all, everyone in the world is here to benefit, how can there be so much brotherly love!

But this notch's acting was too similar to when he first came here.

The scene where the other party burst into tears in front of his coffin was so real and touching.

Everyone who comes here has to say "Heroes cherish heroes" and lament the friendship between the Creator Gods.

But now Ji Xin is lying in the crystal coffin and looking at all this, it feels completely different.

The key words are still the same twice, not a word has been changed.

The difference between the outside of the coffin and the inside of the coffin is so big!

No, no!

An idea flashed in Ji Xin's mind. He seemed to be his corpse now. Could this be what he was expressing to himself?

Beware of notch?

Or are these two different scenes deliberately shown by some people?

The more Ji Xin thought about it, the more he thought about it, and eventually a lot of conspiracy theories emerged.


No matter what the truth of the matter is, it seems that it has nothing to do with him!

Why do you involve him in your gods’ affairs? ! !

Star, you big star!

Ji Xin lay speechless in the coffin and stopped beating and shouting. People outside could not hear or see her at all.

The smile that Notch looked back at before was probably just a coincidence. The other party was probably just smiling at him lying in the coffin.

Now he could only pray silently in his heart that the iron puppet with white eyes could save him again.

Just like before, notch left the space soon after he finished speaking.

"Now it's time for the Drowned God to appear!" Ji Xin closed his eyes and recalled the order of the previous characters' appearances.

"Sorry, I am late!"

A low and suppressed voice sounded. This was not the voice of the Drowned God.

Ji Xin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the person standing in front of the crystal coffin.

"Wu Nian? Why are you here!"

Ji Xin spoke in surprise. The person in front of him was wearing a purple robe. Under the purple robe was a white skeleton, which was exactly the same as Wu Nian's appearance after taking off his flesh and blood.

The only difference may be that there is a large aperture behind the back of his head.

Looks like a high and mighty god.

"No! You are not Wu Nian!" Ji Xinfan suddenly realized, "You are the Fear Demon King!!!"

He felt that Wu Nian's purple robe looked familiar to him before.

After working on it for a long time, I couldn’t remember who it was.

Now think about the characters derived from the MC. Isn’t this the proper Dreadlord!

Wu Nian and the Dread Demon King look so similar?

"has a problem!!!"

Thinking about Wu Nian's strange behavior again, Ji Xin felt that Wu Nian was hiding something from him.

If he could go back, he would definitely ask Wu Nian for details.

The Dread Lord outside the coffin did not reply to Ji Xin's words, or perhaps he did not hear them at all.

"I didn't expect that so many things would happen while I was away."

The Dread Lord's expression was extremely sad, but he did not shed tears, but murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"I know there are traitors among the gods, and they designed to kill you."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain."

"One day I will find that person out!"

Having said this, the divine power in the body of the Dread Demon King fluctuated, and the terrifying pressure directly shrouded the surrounding white space.

In the face of the powerful divine pressure, this space seemed as fragile as a piece of paper that could be torn to pieces at any time.

However, the Dread Lord suppressed his inner anger, took a deep breath, turned around and left.

When he was about to leave, he turned around and glanced at Ji Xin, then smiled as if saying goodbye and said.

"Don't worry about me, I won't trust anyone but you now."

"Just take a nap here first. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

After saying that... the figure of the Fear Lord disappeared and left this space.

Ji Xin was speechless for a long time, trying to digest everything in front of him.

He didn't understand. It was all nonsense. It was simply baffling.

From your own perspective, that notch looks like a traitor, but he is the father of the gods, and you can't defeat him!

Of course, he couldn't be so arbitrary. He did see Notch crying last time, but somehow, it was like he was a different person this time.

After the Dread Lord left, Ji Xin lay in the crystal coffin, quietly waiting for the next god to visit.

There was a sense of déjà vu as if I had died and said goodbye to everyone one by one.

Just as he was wondering who was coming next, suddenly his own screams sounded.

"No! It's impossible. I'm not him. Why would I be lying in there? It's impossible! Ah——"

Outside the crystal coffin, a young man who looked exactly like him was holding his head and collapsed, shaking his head uncontrollably, and then shouted that it was impossible.

Ji Xin's eyes were quickly attracted.

I saw that my other self was retreating uncontrollably. It was obvious that he had seen something terrible.

Ji Xin was immediately alert. He was very familiar with these words. They were exactly what he said when he first came here.

"What's going on? Is that my past self?"

Then, an idea that sent shivers down Ji Xin's spine arose in his mind.

What I saw last time is my current self!

Just as Ji Xing was about to hit the crystal coffin to attract his attention, an extremely crazy laugh followed.

"Hahaha, come with me. If you don't leave, you will really become his mortal body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the iron puppet with white light appeared again, and a black hole appeared out of thin air on the ground, and they both fell into it.

Before Ji Xin could react, he was the only one left in this white space.

ah? ? ?

This scene almost burned Ji Xin's CPU.

If that white-eyed puppet picks up the dying self.

What should I do now?


Will I be trapped here forever?

Ji Xin was a little panicked now and beat the crystal coffin crazily, "Ah ah ah, is there anyone? He has faked his body. Is there anyone who can take care of me!!!"

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