Now that Zhao Wumian is strong enough, the next task is to find the base camp of the black organization.

Zhao Wumian first asked Zhao Changren to help find manpower, and then he began to tame the beast.

Zhao Wumian first planned to tame some flying units, so that it would be easier to find the black organization.

Zhao Wumian searched for a long time in the forest and finally found an eagle.

He plans to use the eagle to train his ability to tame flying units.

Zhao Wumian took the eagle back to the camp, took out a thin rope and tied it to the eagle's leg.

Then, he tied the other end of the string around his wrist so that he could control the hawk's movements.

He began to train with the eagle. Every morning and evening, he would take the eagle out to fly.

At first, the eagle was very uncomfortable and always wanted to fly away. But Zhao Wumian is not discouraged. He believes that as long as "Qiqi0" persists, the eagle will slowly get used to it.

A week later, Zhao Wumian finally succeeded in taming the eagle.

Now, as long as he gives the order, the eagle will fly to the place he designated.

He was very happy because he knew this was an important step towards finding the black organization.

Next, Zhao Wumian began to look for more flying units. He spotted some wild geese and pigeons, which are good flying units.

He began to try to tame them and successfully mastered their movements.

Now that Zhao Wumian has many flying units, he begins to consider his next move.

He knew that the black organization would not be found so easily, so he had to be patient and determined.

Zhao Wumian first asked these flying units to start wandering in the sky, looking for the black organization.

While continuing to look for more animals to help.

Next, Zhao Wumian is going to find some animals with excellent fighting capabilities to help him kill the enemy.

After some searching, Zhao Wumian finally found a very strong orangutan.

This orangutan is tall and looks very fierce.

Zhao Wumian decided to try to tame the orangutan and make it his fighting partner.

He started to approach the orangutan, but as soon as the orangutan saw him, it let out a roar.

Zhao Wumian was shocked, but he did not give up.

He slowly approached the orangutan while making friendly sounds from his mouth.

He wanted the orangutan to feel his kindness, rather than treat it as an enemy.

After a period of hard work, the orangutan finally slowly accepted Zhao Wumian's existence.

Zhao Wumian started feeding the orangutan and gradually developed a deep relationship with it.

He found that the orangutan was very smart. As long as he gave some simple commands, the orangutan could quickly execute them.

After a period of training, Zhao Wumian was able to fully control the orangutan.

Now, as long as he gives an order, the orangutan will rush towards the enemy and use its strong body and sharp claws to destroy the enemy.

Zhao Wumian is very happy because he now has many powerful fighting partners.

Then Zhao Wumian was going to find some mice to help him find the black organization.

Only flying units, no ground units, can't go far, and there are enough rats and they are concealed enough, so they can definitely help themselves very well.

So Zhao Wumian was ready to find a large rat hole.

After searching around in the forest, Zhao Wumian finally found a large rat hole.

He observed the surrounding environment and determined that the rat hole was safe, so he slowly approached the rat hole.

As soon as he got close to the mouse hole, he heard a "squeaking" sound, which was the sound made by the mouse.

Zhao Wumian felt excited and knew that he had found the right place.

He began to try to catch the mouse, but because the mouse was very fast, he did not succeed at first.

So he thought of a way to tie some delicious food with a string, and then lure the mice to eat it.

Soon after, the mice were attracted by the scent of the food.

Zhao Wumian had quick eyes and quick hands and caught one of the mice at once.

He carefully brought the mouse back to the camp and prepared to tame it.

Zhao Wumian put the mouse in a basket and started communicating with it.

He gently stroked the mouse's hair while making friendly sounds from his mouth.

He wanted the mouse to feel his kindness rather than treat it as an enemy.

After a period of hard work, the mouse finally slowly accepted Zhao Wumian's existence.

Zhao Wumian started feeding the mouse and gradually developed a deep relationship with it...

He found that the mouse was very smart. As long as he gave some simple commands, the mouse could quickly execute them.

After a period of training, Zhao Wumian was able to completely control the mouse.

Now, as long as he gives an order, the mice will look for traces of the black organization and report to him.

Zhao Wumian is very happy because he now has many powerful combat partners and scouts.

He knew that these rats and flying units would definitely help him find the location of the black organization and provide strong support for his next move.

So Zhao Wumian called Zhao Changren and asked how the person Zhao Changren was looking for was doing.

Zhao Wumian picked up the phone and called Zhao Changren.

Chang Ren, how are my people doing?"

Zhao Changren's tired voice came from the other end of the phone: "We have found them, and they are on their way here now. However, there are only three of them, and we need more people."

Zhao Wumian frowned, knowing very well that finding more people was not an easy task.

But now the black organization's affairs are imminent, and he must take action as soon as possible.

"Okay, I will continue to think of a solution."

Zhao Wumian said and hung up the phone.

Now, he needs to find some animals with excellent fighting ability again.

This time, he was going to look for some poisonous snakes and scorpions.

He believes that these animals can not only help him, but also add security to his battles.

After searching for a while, Zhao Wumian finally found some poisonous snakes and scorpions.

He carefully brought them back to the camp and prepared for training.

Every night, Zhao Wumian would take these poisonous snakes and scorpions out for training.

He found that these animals were very smart and could quickly execute simple commands as long as he gave them.

And their attack power is also very powerful. If you are bitten by them, you will be poisoned and die.

After a period of training, Zhao Wumian has been able to completely control these poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Now, at his command, these poisonous snakes and scorpions will rush towards their enemies and destroy them with their deadly venom. .

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