Modern Immortality: My Gain Takes Effect A Hundred Times

Chapter 116: Head Straight To The Yangtze River!

Together, they also explored other secrets deep in the Shiwan Mountains and discovered many precious resources and treasures.

As time goes by, the story of Zhao Wumian and his partners is known to more and more people. They became heroes and legends in people's hearts. Their friendship and trust have also become the envy and pursuit of everyone.

One day, Zhao Wumian suddenly had the idea that they could use the power of the King of Poisonous Insects and other herbs to create a powerful medicine that could help more people heal their injuries and enhance their physique and strength.

So, he and his partners began to study the properties of herbs and the King of Poisonous Insects, trying to create this medicine. After countless failures and attempts, they finally succeeded in developing this drug.

Now Zhao Wumian's strength can also be improved, as long as Zhao Wumian's strength reaches a certain level

In the following days, Zhao Wumian's strength improved rapidly. He felt that his body was gradually getting stronger and his strength was constantly increasing. His speed and reflexes have also been improved, and he can climb trees and jump over streams with ease.

One day, Zhao Wumian was looking for herbs in the forest when he suddenly encountered a ferocious beast. This is a huge tiger, with a fierce light shining in its eyes. Zhao Wumian was shocked, but he knew that now was not the time to back down.

He quickly observed the surrounding environment and found that the branches of a big tree could be used as cover. He quickly climbed up the tree and hid behind the branches.

Beast 25 came under the tree. It kept grabbing the trunk with its huge claws, trying to shake Zhao Wumian down from the tree. But Zhao Wumian clung to the branch tightly, knowing that as long as he persisted, he might escape the danger.

Suddenly, the beast stopped attacking, its eyes flashing with fear. It seemed to sense something dangerous, and then quickly fled the scene.

Zhao Wumian breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt his body trembling. He knew that it was because of his improved strength that he was able to survive this dangerous battle.

In the following days, Zhao Wumian continued to search for herbs to enhance his strength. He believes that as long as he keeps working hard and persevering, one day he will stand on the stage that belongs to him and show his talent and charm.

In a wide meadow, Zhao Wumian and his friends gathered in a circle to share their adventures and herbal knowledge. Their laughter and chatter echoed in the air, and black hawks and bison were beside them, sometimes watching their surroundings alertly.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound broke the silence. They looked up and saw hundreds of poisonous insects coming from all directions. They seemed to be summoned by some kind of power. Zhao Wumian's heart tightened, and he knew that this battle had just begun.

They quickly mounted their defense. The black hawk spread its wings and hovered in the sky, while the bison used its huge horns to dig into the ground, trying to build a strong position. Zhao Wumian is responsible for command and dispatch. He has Black Hawk and Bison disperse the enemy in different directions, while using terrain and herbs to counterattack.

The fighting was extremely fierce. The poisonous insects continued to attack, and their targets were the vital parts of Zhao Wumian and his companions. But Zhao Wumian and his friends did not show weakness. They cleverly avoided the attacks and fought back with sharp blades and bows and arrows.

During the battle, Zhao Wumian discovered a key weakness. The poisonous insects seem to be allergic to certain herbs. As long as they come into contact with these herbs, their movements will become sluggish. Zhao Wumian quickly informed his partners of this discovery, and they began to exploit this weakness and use herbs to make traps and defenses.

After a hard battle, they finally defeated all the poisonous insects. Zhao Wumian felt that his body was exhausted, but he knew that they had won the victory. He looked at the poisonous insects lying on the ground, and his heart was filled with joy and pride.

It turns out that these poisonous insects are actually the new generation of poisonous insect kings. They want to kill Zhao Wumian's partner, the old poisonous insect king. Fortunately, Zhao Wumian is here, otherwise the old poisonous insect king would be in danger.

Zhao Wumian left Shiwanqun Mountain with a few companions and headed towards the Yangtze River

Under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, they successfully left Shiwanqun Mountain and headed towards the Yangtze River. During the journey, they were careful and often encountered attacks from poisonous insects and other wild beasts, but they were skillfully resolved.

One evening, they came to a dense bamboo forest. There is a hut in the bamboo forest, and a mysterious old man lives in the house. The old man claimed to be a friend of the King of Poisonous Insects and a physician proficient in herbal medicine. He told Zhao Wumian that in order to treat the old poisonous insect king, a precious herbal medicine called "Baicao Shuang" was needed. This herb can only be found in a place called "Baicao Valley".

Zhao Wumian and his partners decided to go to Baicao Valley to search for this herb. After an arduous journey, they finally arrived at Baicao Valley. As expected, this place is well-deserved, with all kinds of rare herbs everywhere. They carefully searched among them, and finally found "Baicaoshuang" under a cliff.

After collecting enough Baicaoshuang, Zhao Wumian and his friends returned to the hut. The old man told them that if they want to treat the old poisonous insect king, they also need a rare medicinal material called "ambergris". This medicinal material is only secreted by giant sea beasts living in the deep sea.

Zhao Wumian decided to go to the deep sea to find this medicinal material. Under his leadership, they traveled through countless dangerous sea areas and encountered attacks by various strange marine creatures. but in the end

They didn't succeed in finding "ambergris".

After obtaining the two medicinal materials, the old man began to treat the old poisonous insect king. He used his superb medical skills to refine two medicinal materials into a unique potion, and then applied the potion to the wounds of the old poisonous insect king.

After the old poisonous insect king took the potion, his painful expression gradually relaxed and his wounds began to heal. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt happy for the old poisonous insect king.

"Okay, now the old poisonous insect king is no longer in danger, you can rest assured." The old man said.

Zhao Wumian looked at the old man gratefully. He knew that without the help of this old man, they would not be able to complete this mission. He bowed to the old man and thanked him [then led his companions out of the bamboo forest.

On the way back, Zhao Wumian and his friends were in a happy mood, chatting and laughing. They talked about the experience of this adventure and shared each other's gains and growth. Black Hawk and Bison were also listening, as if they could understand their conversation.

Next, Zhao Wumian is heading towards the Yangtze River

Led by Zhao Wumian, they headed towards the Yangtze River along the winding path. The sunlight shines on the soil through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of mottled light and shadow. Black hawks circled in the sky, bison followed behind, everything seemed so harmonious and peaceful.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps broke the silence. Zhao Wumian raised his head warily and saw a young man running towards him panting.

"Are you going to the Yangtze River? There's something going on ahead!" the man said out of breath.

"What's going on?" Zhao Wumian asked doubtfully.

"It is said that a group of thieves were causing trouble by the river, robbing passing ships and merchants. The local people were so frightened that they did not dare to go out easily," the man explained.

Zhao Wumian frowned, knowing that this journey would not be smooth sailing. He thanked the man and led his companions on their way.

Soon after, they came to the Yangtze River. The river in front of us is wide and rough. A majestic bridge spans both sides of the bank, connecting the north and the south. However, a group of thieves dressed in black gathered at the bridge. They were armed with weapons and looked fierce.

Zhao Wumian discussed with his partners and decided to observe the situation before making a decision. They quietly hid in the grass at the head of the bridge and paid close attention to the thieves' actions.

Soon after, a group of businessmen-looking people were surrounded by thieves. The thieves smiled greedily and seemed to have regarded the merchant as their own. Zhao Wumian was angry and could no longer sit idly by.

He resolutely decided to come to the rescue, although he knew it would be a hard battle. He signaled to his companions to prepare for action, then jumped up and shouted: "Stop!"

Black Hawk and Bison also followed closely and joined the battle. Zhao Wumian pulled out the long sword from his waist and rushed towards the thieves bravely. The partners also took out their weapons and started a fierce battle with the thieves.

Zhao Wumian's swordsmanship was sharp and precise, and he quickly defeated several thieves. Seeing this, other thieves flocked to Zhao Wumian. They were armed with machetes and spears and tried to knock Zhao Wumian down.

Zhao Wumian has extraordinary skills and can move freely among thieves. His sword is like a poisonous snake, cunningly stabbing every thief. Every time he swings his sword, a thief falls at his feet.

The partners also showed no weakness and attacked the thieves with weapons such as bows, arrows, daggers and slings. Their tacit cooperation quickly defeated a group of thieves.

But the number of thieves is great, and they keep coming. Zhao Wumian and his friends felt exhausted, and the wounds on their bodies began to increase. They need to find a breakthrough as soon as possible, otherwise they will face the risk of being besieged.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of horse hooves. Zhao Wumian looked up and saw a group of officers and soldiers rushing towards the thieves. It turned out that the local government had learned about the thieves' rebellion and sent officers and soldiers to put it down.

When Zhao Wumian and his partners saw this, their morale was greatly boosted. Together with the officers and soldiers, they quickly defeated the remaining thieves. After a fierce battle, the thieves were finally defeated.

Local people came in droves to express their gratitude to Zhao Wumian and his partners. They helped people rebuild their homes and escorted them safely across the bridge.

Before leaving the Yangtze River, Zhao Wumian expressed his gratitude to the officers and soldiers. He knew that although this journey was full of dangers, it was also rewarding. He and his companions set out on their way home, filled with joy and pride. .

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