Modern Immortality: My Gain Takes Effect A Hundred Times

Chapter 118: Old Man Of The Yangtze River!

In the process of chasing, Zhao Wumian gradually understood some water skills. He found that the resistance in the water was very high. If he wanted to swim faster, he had to reduce his resistance. So he began to learn how to better master the flow and power of water to make his swimming smoother and faster.

In the end, Zhao Wumian still failed to catch up with the finless porpoise. But he learned a lot of water skills and wisdom during the chase. He felt that he had become lighter and more flexible, as if he had become one with the water.

When he returned to the shore, he saw the finless porpoise jumping and flipping on the water in the distance, as if to show him its freedom and happiness. Zhao Wumian's heart was full of respect and gratitude. He knew that this chase was not only a battle, but also a process of growth.

Zhao Wumian stood by the river, the breeze blew gently, and his body was wet, which was the trace left by the finless porpoise. He looked at the river in the distance, his eyes shining with excitement and thought.

"Huh..." He took a deep breath and felt the breath of water. The light, salty breath seemed to have been integrated into his blood. He closed his eyes to make the feelings in his heart clearer.

Suddenly, he felt a strong vibration coming from the river. He immediately opened his eyes and saw a huge whirlpool appearing on the river, as if it was about to swallow the entire river.

Zhao Wumian's heart tightened. He knew that this was the signal for the finless porpoise to summon him. Without hesitation, he immediately jumped into the river and swam toward the whirlpool.

His body moved lightly and quickly in the water, like a flexible fish. He felt the power of water coming from all directions, as if it wanted to swallow him. But he was not afraid because he knew this was a test for the finless porpoise.

When he entered the vortex, he felt his body being attracted by a powerful force, as if it was pulling him into an unknown world. He did not hesitate [continue to move forward.

Gradually, he saw a huge shadow swimming in the water. That was the shadow of the finless porpoise, and it seemed to be signaling to him to follow it.

Zhao Wumian followed the shadow of the finless porpoise and swam forward. He felt that his body was becoming lighter and more flexible, as if he had become one with the water.

He didn't know how long it took before he finally saw the true form of the finless porpoise. It is a beautiful creature with a streamlined body and smooth and elastic skin. It swung its tail gently, as if showing its freedom and happiness to Zhao Wumian.

Next, Zhao Wumian, led by the finless porpoise, traveled in the Yangtze River, and Xia quickly found the sunken treasure.

In the days that followed, Zhao Wumian followed the finless porpoises as they swam in the Yangtze River, searching for sunken treasures. They passed through rapids and reefs, bypassed fish schools and coral reefs, and continued to explore the mysterious and deep Yangtze River.

Sometimes, they would encounter some powerful spiritual beasts and relics, but Zhao Wumian was no longer the fledgling young man. He successfully solved these difficulties with his courage and wisdom. The tacit understanding between him and the finless porpoise is getting deeper and deeper, and sometimes it only takes a look to understand each other's intentions.

Finally one day, they came to a sunken treasure hidden in a tributary of the Yangtze River. It was an ancient merchant ship that had sunk at the bottom of the river for many years, but was still quite well preserved. There were countless treasures and cultural relics on the merchant ships, which dazzled Zhao Wumian.

He and the finless porpoise carefully explored the merchant ship, looking for the most precious treasure. In the process, they not only gained countless wealth and knowledge, but also learned a deeper level of martial arts and underwater skills.

In the end, Zhao Wumian found a mysterious treasure box filled with gold, silver, jewelry and rare cultural relics. His heart was filled with joy and gratitude. He knew that this was a gift given to him by the Yangtze River Water God.

Before leaving, Zhao Wumian decided to record the location of this sunken treasure and offer it as a sacrifice to the Yangtze River Water God. He believed that doing so would not only express his gratitude to the Yangtze River Water God, but also provide valuable information for future explorers.

He and the finless porpoise said goodbye to the sunken treasure and returned to the main stream of the Yangtze River. They continued to move forward, exploring the mysterious and magnificent Yangtze River.

On this day, the finless porpoise discovered a huge sunken ship

Finless Porpoise found a huge sunken ship ahead. It was an ancient merchant ship that had been mostly buried by the mud in the Yangtze River, leaving only the bow and stern exposed.

Zhao Wumian felt excited when he saw this sunken ship. He guessed that there must be a lot of treasures and cultural relics on this merchant ship, so he decided to go explore.

He swam toward the sunken ship with the finless porpoise. When they approached the merchant ship, they found that the wood on the ship had been soaked in the river water and was rotten, as if it would break with the slightest touch. Zhao Wumian carefully clung to the hull, trying to find an entrance.

They explored the sunken ship for a long time and finally found a dilapidated wooden door. Zhao Wumian opened the door, and a burst of moist air hit his nose. He picked up the torch in his hand and lit up the space inside the door.

Behind the door is a huge cabin filled with various treasures and cultural relics. There are gold and silver jewelry, porcelain, silk and satin, copperware, ironware, etc., all of which are dazzling to see.

Zhao Wumian shuttled among these treasures, watching each cultural relic carefully. He found that these cultural relics and treasures came from different countries and regions, some from the Central Plains, some from the Western Regions, and some from the South China Sea... He felt that these cultural relics and treasures not only represented wealth , but also represents the exchanges and friendship between different countries and regions.

When he picked up a gold box inlaid with gems, he suddenly felt a strong vibration coming from the river.

Just when Zhao Wumian was panicking, the finless porpoise swam over

The finless porpoise swam over and gently touched Zhao Wumian's body. Zhao Wumian's heart moved and he immediately understood what the finless porpoise meant. He followed the finless porpoise and swam out of the cabin.

As soon as he swam out of the cabin, Zhao Wumian heard a roar, as if something was approaching. He looked up and saw a huge ship heading towards the sunken ship.

Zhao Wumian felt nervous and immediately signaled to the finless porpoise to let them leave the sunken ship. He and the finless porpoise quickly swam downstream, trying to avoid the unknown ship.

But the ship seemed to be heading towards them, and kept getting closer to them. Zhao Wumian felt strong vibrations coming from the river, as if something was chasing him

His heart tightened, knowing that this was Jiang (cfcg) Dolphin's warning. He and the finless porpoise speeded up and swam downstream, trying to escape from this mysterious ship.

But this ship seems to be their nemesis, constantly approaching them. After they swam a certain distance, several figures suddenly jumped out from the boat and flew toward them.

Zhao Wumian's heart tightened, knowing that these people were here to rob the treasure of the sunken ship. He and the finless porpoise quickly swam downstream, trying to escape the pursuit of these people.

But these people were very fast and soon caught up with him and the finless porpoise. They held sharp knives and stabbed at Zhao Wumian and the finless porpoise.

Zhao Wumian knew that his strength was not enough to fight against these masters, so he signaled to the finless porpoises and asked them to take him away from here. The finless porpoise understood what he meant and immediately swam downstream, leading him to escape from the pursuit of these people.

In the days that followed, Zhao Wumian and finless porpoises swam in the Yangtze River, searching for sunken treasures. They passed through rapids and reefs, bypassed fish schools and coral reefs, and continued to explore the mysterious and deep Yangtze River.

In the process of training, the body of the finless porpoise becomes larger and larger.

In the process of training, the bodies of finless porpoises have become larger and larger, and they have changed from small and flexible to majestic and powerful. Whenever Zhao Wumian swims with them in the Yangtze River, he seems to feel the power and enthusiasm of life.

One day, they came to a wide river and found a damaged ship. It can be seen from the marks on the hull that the ship suffered a violent impact and seemed to be attacked by something.

Zhao Wumian and Finless Porpoise approached the ship and found that there was no one on board, with only some broken items scattered on the deck. He felt a wave of doubt, not knowing what happened to the ship.

Just as they were about to leave, there was suddenly a strange noise from the cabin. Zhao Wumian's heart tightened, and he immediately swam into the cabin with the finless porpoise.

There was darkness in the cabin, and Zhao Wumian used a torch to illuminate the surroundings. They found that the cabin was filled with all kinds of strange items, including ancient books, mysterious spells, and strange rituals.

Just when they were surprised, a burst of hoarse laughter suddenly came from the corner of the cabin. Zhao Wumian and the finless porpoise immediately became alert. They looked in the corner and saw a thin figure huddled there.

Zhao Wumian walked forward and found that it was an old man wearing a shabby robe. His face was covered with wrinkles and spots, and he looked very old. The old man smiled at them and said something surprising: "You are finally here."

Zhao Wumian was surprised and asked the old man why he said that. The old man smiled and said: "I have been waiting for you here for a long time. You are the last group of people I am waiting for."

Zhao Wumian's heart tightened. He didn't know who this old man was or what he was waiting for here. Trying to remain calm, he asked: "Who are you? What are you waiting for here?"

The old man smiled, pointed to the items piled in the cabin, and said: "I am waiting here for the end of the world and the judgment of fate. These items are treasures and cultural relics that I have collected over the long years, and they represent different exchanges and friendship between countries and regions.”

Zhao Wumian felt surprised. He didn't know where this old man came from, nor why he was here waiting for the end of the world. He tried to change the subject and asked: "You just said that we are the last group of people you are waiting for. What do you mean?"

The old man smiled and said: "You are the last batch of humans to come here, and you are also the last batch I am waiting for. Because the world is about to face a disaster, and all life will be destroyed."

Zhao Wumian's heart tightened. He didn't know whether what the old man said was true or false, and he didn't know how to respond. Trying to stay calm, he asked: "So what do we do? How do we avoid this disaster?"

The old man smiled and said: "You are lucky to be here. Only through specific methods can this disaster be avoided. You need to find a mysterious treasure, which is the only power that can save the world."

Zhao Wumian's heart tightened. He didn't know where the treasure was or how to find it. Trying to stay calm, he asked, "So where is this treasure? How do we find it?"

The old man smiled and said: "This treasure is on this ship, right in front of you. But you need to solve a puzzle to find it.",

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