Zhao Wumian began to explore the treasures left by this group of giant wolf believers.

Zhao Wumian took a deep breath and tried to suppress his restless emotions. He began to explore the forest, looking for the mysterious treasure.

He soon discovered that there were many unusual traces in this forest. In some places, the trees were cut down, but the cuts were extremely neat, as if someone had cut them with a huge knife. In some places, the grass was trampled into a mess, as if a fierce battle had just ended.

As Zhao Wumian went deep into the forest, he gradually discovered a pattern. These traces all point in one direction, which is the northeast. His heart moved and he immediately chased to the northeast.

During the chase, Zhao Wumian discovered many new traces. Some are giant wolf tracks, and some are human tracks. He was getting more and more excited, and he knew that he was getting closer and closer to the treasure place.

As he was walking through a dense forest, he suddenly heard a deep roar. He was shocked and immediately stepped back. But when he saw the scene in front of him, he was deeply attracted.

What appeared before him was a huge valley. In the center of the valley, there was a huge wolf standing there. Its eyes were fierce, like a real beast. At the bottom of the valley, there is a huge cave. The entrance to the cave is blocked by a huge stone, as if something is hidden inside.

Zhao Wumian felt excited. He knew that he had finally found the treasure place. He immediately walked towards the cave, ready to reveal the secret of the treasure.

At the entrance of the cave, Zhao Wumian felt a strong breath, an ancient and mysterious breath, as if thousands of years of history were telling him. His heart was full of expectations, and he knew that he was about to reveal an unknown secret.

He pushed open the boulder at the entrance of the cave. When the boulder slowly moved away, he saw a dark cave entrance. He took a deep breath and stepped into the cave.

There was darkness in the cave, with only the torch in his hand flickering. He began to explore the cave, taking every step carefully. Deep in the cave, he began to hear some strange sounds, a low roar, as if something was whispering.

As he got deeper and deeper into the cave, he saw a huge shadow ahead. He was shocked and immediately stepped back. But when he saw the true face of the shadow, he was deeply attracted.

It was a huge wolf, its eyes were fierce and cruel, like a real beast. Beside it are piles of gold and silver treasures, shining brightly. Zhao Wumian's heart was full of surprises. He knew that he had found the treasure place.

He began to explore the cave and found that the treasures contained not only gold and silver jewelry, but also mysterious runes and ancient relics. He knew that the origin of these treasures must not be simple. This must be an ancient and mysterious treasure place.

When he was about to leave the cave, the giant wolf suddenly roared. Zhao Wumian was shocked, but he knew that he had to deal with it calmly. He showed his sincerity to the giant wolf and told the giant wolf that he was only here to find the treasure. The giant wolf seemed to understand his words and slowly lowered his head, as if to show respect to him.

Zhao Wumian took a deep breath, filled with gratitude. He nodded to the giant wolf, then turned and left the cave.

When he walked out of the cave, he felt a strong sunlight shining on his face. He closed his eyes and felt the warmth of the sun. He knew that he had completed his mission and found the mysterious treasure place.

In this mysterious treasure place, he found endless wealth and mysterious power. These treasures not only surprised him, but also made him full of curiosity about the world.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wumian began to explore this clan land that had long been deserted.

Zhao Wumian walked among the clan, his eyes full of expectation. Although this clan land was deserted, everything here made him feel friendly.

He soon discovered that the buildings here were different from those he saw outside. The buildings here were older and made of a material he had never seen before. This material is as hard as iron but as light as feathers. His heart moved, and he immediately walked towards a big room in the clan.

This big room is the largest building in the clan and the most important building. Zhao Wumian opened the door and immediately saw a huge altar. There is an ancient sword on the altar, with mysterious runes engraved on the sword.

Zhao Wumian's heart was full of surprises. He knew that this sword must have mysterious power. He immediately walked towards the altar, ready to pick up the sword.

But the moment he touched the sword, his body suddenly felt a strong vibration. He was shocked and immediately stepped back. But when he saw the true appearance of the altar, he was deeply attracted.

The altar is a huge magic circle, with a mysterious gem in its center. The gem exudes a faint light, as if there is a mysterious power constantly pouring out.

Zhao Wumian's heart was filled with surprise. He knew that this gem must have mysterious power.

It's just that Zhao Wumian couldn't understand the words of this ethnic group, so he couldn't inspire him. So Zhao Wumian began to look for a way to understand these words.

After leaving the treasure place, Zhao Wumian began his journey of exploration. He traveled throughout the clan, trying to find a way to decipher these mysterious words.

In a small room in the clan area, Zhao Wumian found a shabby book. This book seems to be an ancient document of the ethnic group, with some ancient words and symbols recorded on it

Zhao Wumian flipped through the book carefully, trying to find some clues.

After several days of hard work, Zhao Wumian finally found a key clue. He discovered that these words and symbols were actually an ancient code that could be decoded in certain ways. He returned to the altar excitedly and began to try to interpret these words in this way.

After a period of hard work, Zhao Wumian finally successfully decoded these words. He discovered that these words were actually an ancient summoning spell of this ethnic group. This spell can awaken the sleeping mysterious power, help the tribesmen resist foreign enemies and protect this land.

Zhao Wumian felt very shocked. He realized that this ethnic group must have been a very powerful and mysterious tribe. However, as time went by, the tribe gradually declined, and this treasure place became uninterested.

After leaving his clan, Zhao Wumian began his journey of exploration. He traveled throughout the treasure land, trying to find a way to decipher these mysterious words.

In a small room in the treasure land, Zhao Wumian found a shabby book. This book seems to be an ancient document of the ethnic group, with some ancient words and symbols recorded on it. Zhao Wumian flipped through the book carefully, trying to find some clues.

After several days of hard work, Zhao Wumian finally found a key clue. He discovered that these words and symbols were actually an ancient code that could be decoded in certain ways. He returned to the altar excitedly and began to try to interpret these words in this way.

After a period of hard work, Zhao Wumian finally successfully decoded these words. He discovered that these words were actually an ancient summoning spell of this ethnic group. This spell can awaken the sleeping mysterious power, help the tribesmen resist foreign enemies and protect this land.

Zhao Wumian felt very shocked. He realized that this ethnic group must have been a very powerful and mysterious tribe. However, as time went by, the tribe gradually declined, and this treasure place became uninterested.

Zhao Wumian's heart was full of emotion, and he felt sorry for the legendary story of this ethnic group. He knew that although this treasure place was deserted, everything here was full of life and stories.

When he was about to leave the treasure place, the giant wolf suddenly appeared in front of him. It seems to be saying goodbye to him, and at the same time, it also hopes that he can pass on this story.

Zhao Wumian nodded deeply to the giant wolf, then turned and left the treasure place. He knew that this story not only belonged to him, but also to this ethnic group and this land. He will pass on this story and let more people know about this mysterious and legendary treasure place.

Next, Zhao Wumian is going to find his partner Black Eagle, let him fly in the sky to help with the investigation, and then look for the last tribesman in this ancestral land.

After leaving the treasure place, Zhao Wumian began his journey of exploration. He decided to find his partner Black Eagle, let him fly in the sky to help with the investigation, and then search for the last tribesman in this ancestral land.

Zhao Wumian walked in the forest, his heart full of expectations. Black Hawk has been his partner for many years, and they have experienced many adventures and dangers together. He believes that "Black Hawk will definitely be able to help him find the last member of this tribe.

Soon after, Zhao Wumian arrived at the Black Eagle's nest. He saw the Black Eagle, a giant black eagle. After the black eagle saw Zhao Wumian, it immediately flew towards him. Zhao Wumian's heart moved, and he knew that Black Eagle had felt his call.

Zhao Wumian nodded to Black Eagle, and then said: "Black Eagle, I need your help. I want you to fly in the sky and help me scout this land. I know that the last member of this ethnic group must still be here. On the land.”

Black Eagle seemed to understand Zhao Wumian's words, he nodded, and then flew into the sky. Zhao Wumian watched the black hawk fly away, and he knew that this might be the last time he saw the black hawk. His heart was filled with gratitude and respect, and he knew that [Blackhawk had paid a lot for him.

Zhao Wumian began to search in the forest, hoping to find the last member of the group with the help of Black Eagle. He believed that this ethnic group must have been a very powerful and mysterious tribe, and that this treasure place was also full of mysterious power. He hopes to find the last member of this ethnic group and let him know the history and treasures of this ethnic group.

With the help of Black Eagle, Zhao Wumian finally found the last member of this group. He is an old man who has lived on this land for hundreds of years. Zhao Wumian told him about the history and treasures of this ethnic group. The old man was very moved and shocked after hearing this. He knew that this ethnic group had declined, but he did not expect that this treasure place still retained their history and strength.

In the next few days, Zhao Wumian and the old man explored the land together, trying to find more treasures and historical relics. They found many ancient words and symbols, but they were all obscured. However, they can still feel the mysterious power conveyed by these words and symbols.

One night they camped on a meadow. Zhao Wumian looked at the stars in the sky and remembered everything he had experienced in the treasure land. It suddenly occurred to him that these stars seemed to be flashing some ancient words and symbols. He observed the stars carefully, hoping to find some clues.

Under his observation, he found that these stars seemed to form a huge pattern. This pattern looks very mysterious, but Zhao Wumian can feel the power it conveys. His heart moved, and he knew that this pattern must have some meaning.

He returned to the camp and told the old man what he had discovered. The old man was very shocked after hearing this. He told Zhao Wumian that this pattern was an ancient totem of their ethnic group and represented their faith and strength. Zhao Wumian looked at the old man in surprise. He did not expect that he could discover the ancient totem of this ethnic group.

Over the next few days, they continued to explore the land and discovered many treasures and history

remains. They recorded these discoveries and passed them on to let more people know about this mysterious and legendary treasure place.

Finally, Zhao Wumian and the old man bid farewell to this land and began their new adventure. They know that although this treasure land is deserted, everything here is

Full of life and stories. They will pass on this story and let more people know about this mysterious and legendary treasure place.

After leaving this land, Zhao Wumian and the old man began their new adventure. They decided to find more treasures and historical relics and pass on these stories.

Let more people know about this mysterious and legendary treasure place.

During their adventures, they encountered many difficulties and dangers, but they were always able to help and support each other. They encountered many strange terrains, animals and plants,

We even encountered some mysterious tribes and cultures.

During these adventures, Zhao Wumian and the old man gradually became good friends. 963 They exchanged their experiences and stories with each other, allowing them to understand and trust each other better. One of them

Exploring this land together, we discovered many treasures and historical relics, and recorded and passed on these stories.

In the process, Zhao Wumian and the old man also discovered more secrets. They discovered that this treasure land was actually created by an ancient mysterious power.

He once helped this ethnic group become the masters of this land. But as time goes by, this power gradually weakens, and this ethnic group gradually declines.

On their last adventure, Zhao Wumian and the old man came to a mysterious cave. They found that there were many ancient words and symbols in the cave, which were

The secrets and beliefs of this group. They knew the cave might be the group's last secret.

Deep in the cave, they discovered an ancient relic—a mysterious sword. This sword seems to have great power, making the holder stronger and more powerful.

Po. Zhao Wumian and the old man knew that this sword was the most precious to this ethnic group.

Responsible for property.

After leaving the cave, Zhao Wumian and the old man began their last adventure. They decided to find more treasures and historical relics and record these stories

Handed down.

During their adventures, they encountered many dangers and difficulties, but they were always able to help and support each other. They encountered many strange terrains, animals and plants,

We even encountered some mysterious tribes and cultures.

During these adventures, Zhao Wumian and the old man gradually became good friends. They exchanged their experiences and stories with each other, allowing them to understand and trust each other better. they explore together

Along this land, many treasures and historical relics were discovered, and these stories were recorded and passed down.

In the process, Zhao Wumian and the old man also discovered more secrets. They discovered that this treasure land was actually created by an ancient mysterious power.

He once helped this ethnic group become the masters of this land. But as time goes by, this power gradually weakens, and this ethnic group gradually declines.

Zhao Wumian was ecstatic. He wanted to become stronger, so he started to touch the power star on the sword.

In the next few days, Zhao Wumian began to try to contact the power of the mysterious sword. He found that whenever he held the hilt of the sword, he could feel a powerful

Power was transferred from the sword to his body. This power made him feel an indescribable excitement and impulse, as if he had become the leader of this group.

During his practice, he gradually discovered what was special about this sword. This sword seems to possess a mysterious power that can make the holder more powerful and mysterious. Zhao Wu

Mian began to try to use the power of the sword, and he found that he could use the sword to manipulate elemental powers, such as making fire burn, making water flow, etc.

As time goes by, Zhao Wumian becomes more and more powerful. His body became stronger and more flexible, and his mind became clearer and more agile. .

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