Modern Immortality: My Gain Takes Effect A Hundred Times

Chapter 127: Exercise On The Ice Waterfall

When he climbed to the top of the ice waterfall, he discovered a huge ice crystal. This ice crystal exudes a faint light and looks very beautiful. Zhao Wumian began to absorb the energy of this ice crystal, and he felt that his strength had been greatly improved. His body seemed to have turned into a piece of hard steel, and he could easily lift a huge stone.

Zhao Wumian was very happy about this, and he realized that he had found a good way to improve his strength. He decided to continue exploring this ice and snow world, looking for more ice crystals to improve his strength.

He continued to explore the ice and snow world and discovered huge ice crystals one after another. Every ice crystal contained powerful energy and power, making him feel that his strength was constantly improving.

Finally, Zhao Wumian found the largest ice crystal, which was located in a huge iceberg. This ice crystal emits a strong light and looks very beautiful. Zhao Wumian began to absorb the energy of this ice crystal, and he felt that his strength had been improved as never before.

Zhao Wumian felt as if his body had turned into a piece of hot steel, and he could easily lift a huge stone. He felt that his strength had reached an unprecedented height, and he was very satisfied with his achievements.

However, when he was absorbing the energy of this ice crystal, he suddenly felt a strong cold air coming from behind. He turned around and saw a huge ice beast rushing towards him.

Zhao Wumian was shocked. He didn't expect there to be such a powerful creature in this ice and snow world. He felt his body became very cold, and he began to struggle to escape.

However, this ice beast was very fast, and it quickly caught up with Zhao Wumian. It opened its big mouth, exposed its sharp teeth, and pounced towards Zhao Wumian.

Zhao Wumian felt that his body was bitten by the sharp teeth of the ice beast, and he felt that his blood seemed to be frozen. He began to lose consciousness and his body began to tremble and fall.

However, at this moment when he was about to fall into coma, he suddenly thought of the ice crystal energy he had just absorbed. He decided to try to use these powers to fight the ice beast.

He gathered all his strength and energy and rushed towards the ice beast. He felt that his body became hotter and harder, and he could easily break through the ice beast's defense.

In the end, Zhao Wumian successfully defeated the ice beast. He felt that his strength had been further improved, and he understood the true mystery of this ice and snow world.

It turns out that this world of ice and snow contains powerful power and energy, which can enhance people's strength and make them stronger. However, these powers and energies are also limited, and they will only be absorbed and utilized by those with real courage and wisdom.

Zhao Wumian felt that his body was bitten by the sharp teeth of the ice beast, and he felt that his blood seemed to be frozen. He began to lose consciousness and his body began to tremble and fall. However, at this moment when he was about to fall into coma, he suddenly thought of the ice crystal energy he had just absorbed. He decided to try to use these energies to fight the ice beast.

He gathered all his strength and energy and rushed towards the ice beast. He felt that his body became hotter and harder, and he could easily break through the ice beast's defense. In the end, Zhao Wumian successfully defeated the ice beast. He felt that his strength had been further improved, and he understood the true mystery of this ice and snow world. It turns out that this world of ice and snow contains powerful power and energy, which can enhance people's strength and make them stronger. However, these powers and energies are also limited, and they will only be absorbed and utilized by those with real courage and wisdom.

After defeating the ice beast, Zhao Wumian's exploration of the ice and snow world became deeper and bolder. He is constantly looking for new ice crystals and energy, and constantly improving his strength. His body became harder and hotter, as if it had turned into a steel-like rock.

However, as his strength increased, he also encountered more and more challenges. Other ice and snow creatures began to notice his presence, and they rushed toward him. Zhao Wumian felt that his body was bitten by the sharp teeth of these creatures, and he felt that his blood seemed to be frozen. However, he did not give up, he still insisted on his beliefs and goals

In the challenges one after another, Zhao Wumian continues to improve his strength and wisdom. He learned how to use ice crystals and energy to create powerful weapons and defenses, and how to avoid attacks from other creatures. His body became stronger and more flexible, and his speed became faster and faster.

In the challenges one after another, Zhao Wumian continues to improve his strength and wisdom. He learned how to use ice crystals and energy to create powerful weapons and defenses, and how to avoid attacks from other creatures. His body became stronger and more flexible, and his speed became faster and faster.

During an adventure, Zhao Wumian accidentally discovered a forgotten ice crystal castle. This castle exudes a mysterious light and seems to hide some huge secret. Zhao Wumian decided to explore the castle to see if he could find more ice crystals and energy.

When he entered the castle, he discovered a huge palace of ice crystals. This palace exudes powerful energy, making him feel that his strength is constantly improving. He began to search for ice crystals and energy in the palace, but he soon discovered that it was full of dangers.

Deep in the palace, he encountered a huge ice crystal monster. This monster's body is composed of ice crystals, which exudes powerful energy and power. Zhao Wumian felt as if his body was frozen and he began to lose consciousness. However, he did not give up and decided to use all his strength and energy to fight against this monster.

He gathered all his strength and energy and rushed towards the monster. He felt that his body became hotter and harder, and he could easily break through the monster's defense. In the end, Zhao Wumian successfully defeated the monster. He felt that his strength had been further improved, and he had also obtained more ice crystals and energy.

When he left the Ice Crystal Palace, he discovered an astonishing fact: there was a huge ice crystal heart hidden deep in the palace. This ice crystal heart exudes powerful energy and power, and it seems to be the core of the entire ice and snow world. Zhao Wumian decided to use this ice crystal heart to create a powerful weapon or defense so that he could better protect himself and those he loved.

Zhao Wumian left the Ice Crystal Palace, his heart full of surprises and expectations. He held a piece of ice crystal that shone with cold light in his hand, which was the treasure he obtained from the Ice Crystal Palace. He decided to use it to create an invincible weapon, which would be his last line of defense to protect himself and his friends in this world of ice and snow.

…Please give me flowers…

In the following days, Zhao Wumian studied this ice crystal day and night. He used his blood and faith to smelt the ice crystal bit by bit into a sword radiating cold light. The sword is as thin as a cicada's wing and extremely sharp, seemingly capable of cutting anything. He waved the sword and felt as if he was holding a cold and powerful force. This was exactly the weapon he had been looking for.

However, just as he was about to celebrate his victory, the creatures in the ice and snow world seemed to be aware of the existence of this sword. They felt the powerful power contained in the sword and rushed towards Zhao Wumian one after another. Among these creatures, there were ice beasts that he had defeated before, as well as new creatures that he had never seen before. They are all crazy about fighting for this sword, and Zhao Wumian falls into an unprecedented crisis.

Faced with the siege of these creatures, Zhao Wumian did not flinch. He waved his sword and resisted their attacks again and again. His body became hot and hard, as if it had turned into a hot rock. He used his speed and wisdom to dodge their attacks time and time again.

In the end, Zhao Wumian successfully defeated these creatures with his courage and wisdom. He used his own strength to prove the power and value of this sword. However, he knew that the power and energy in this ice and snow world were limited, and they would only be absorbed and utilized by those with real courage and wisdom. Therefore, he decided to continue exploring this ice and snow world in the coming days to find more power crystals and energy zones.

After defeating the ice and snow creatures that besieged him, Zhao Wumian breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally celebrate his victory with peace of mind. He clenched the sword in his hand, feeling the cold yet powerful power coming from the blade, and his heart was filled with confidence and courage.

However, just as he was about to leave this forgotten ice crystal castle, suddenly the entire ice and snow world began to tremble. Zhao Wumian felt that the ground beneath his feet began to shake, as if something huge was moving in this direction. His heart tightened, and he immediately realized that this might be the bigger challenge he had been looking for.

As the ground shook more and more intensely, a huge ice crystal monster appeared from the other side of the iceberg. This monster's body is composed of the hardest ice crystals, which exudes powerful energy and power. Zhao Wumian felt as if his body was frozen and he began to lose consciousness. However, he did not give up. He decided to use all his strength and energy to fight against this monster.

He gathered all his strength and energy and rushed towards the monster. He felt that his body became hotter and harder, and he could easily break through the monster's defense. However, the power and energy of this monster far exceeded his imagination. It seemed to be able to absorb the power of the surrounding ice and snow, becoming more and more powerful.

Zhao Wumian felt that his strength was losing little by little, and he began to worry about whether he could defeat this monster. However, he did not give up. He decided to use his last strength and wisdom to fight against this monster.

He used his speed and wisdom to avoid monster attacks time and time again. He discovered that the monster's weak point was its head, so he decided to launch a final attack on that part. He gathered his last strength and energy and rushed towards the monster's head to claw at it. .

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