Modern Immortality: My Gain Takes Effect A Hundred Times

Chapter 129: Harvest From The Extreme Cold

So Zhao Wumian decided to go deep into the glacier to speed up his cultivation.

Zhao Wumian took a deep breath and then slowly dived into the cold river water. He felt that his body was surrounded by the river water, as if the whole world had become quiet. Only the sound of his own heartbeat echoed in his ears. He took a deep breath and felt the coldness and freshness brought by the river water.

He began to swim, each stroke bringing a subtle sense of accomplishment. His body was light and free in the water, as if he had turned into a fish. His sight passed through the transparent water and saw the unknown world below. He saw some rare herbs and minerals, which shimmered faintly in the river bed. These resources are very important to him. He knows that only by continuously collecting and accumulating them can he improve his strength faster.

However, there are not only resources in the river, but also various dangers. Zhao Wumian saw some ferocious beasts wandering in the river, their eyes full of threats. In addition, he also felt undercurrents surging in the river, which would sweep people away and make people unable to control their own direction.

But Zhao Wumian was not intimidated by these dangers. He moved forward slowly and firmly. He used his senses and skills to avoid danger. He took a deep breath and guided his breath into his Dantian to keep himself calm and collected.

As time goes by, Zhao Wumian's strength has improved even more. His body became tougher and stronger, and his skills became more proficient and in-depth. He felt that his strength had surpassed that of ordinary practitioners, but he was not complacent because of it. He knows that he still has a long way to go, and he needs to keep moving forward, constantly practicing and improving his strength.

So Zhao Wumian continued to go deeper into the glacier. He wanted to explore more unknown worlds.

The deeper Zhao Wumian swam, the more strange and dangerous things he saw. He saw some huge ice blocks floating in the river. These ice blocks were like huge stones, making him feel small and powerless. He also saw some fish that shone with cold light. The eyes of these fish were full of vigilance and threat.

But Zhao Wumian did not stop, he knew that these were all part of his cultivation path. He faced these challenges with skill and courage. He took a deep breath to keep himself calm and collected.

As Zhao Wumian went deeper into the glacier, he felt some wonderful changes begin to occur in his body. His body became tougher and stronger, and his skills became more profound and skilled. He knew that his strength had reached a new level, but he was not complacent about it. He knows that he still has a long way to go, and he needs to keep moving forward, continue to practice and improve his strength.

In the process of going deep into the glacier, Zhao Wumian also discovered something very helpful to him. He discovered some rare herbs and minerals, and these resources were very important to him. He also discovered some secret passages in the glacier that would allow him to reach his destination faster. He knew that these were the results of his hard work, and he felt very proud and confident.

Finally, Zhao Wumian reached the end of the glacier. He saw a vast ocean full of mystery and unknowns. He knew this was his next challenge, so he took a deep breath and prepared to face the new challenge.

Zhao Wumian stood at the end of the glacier, looking at the mysterious ocean. He felt his heart beating faster, and his heart was filled with anticipation and excitement. He knew that this would be his next challenge and another milestone on his path of cultivation.

He slowly stepped into the sea water, feeling the coldness and freshness brought by the sea water. He began to swim, each stroke bringing a subtle sense of accomplishment. His body was light and free in the water, as if he had turned into a fish.

As he went deeper into the ocean, he felt his strength improved even more. His body became tougher and stronger, and his skills became more proficient and in-depth. He knew that his strength had reached a new level, but he was not complacent about it. He knows that he still has a long way to go, and he needs to keep moving forward, continue to practice and improve his strength.

In the ocean, Zhao Wumian encountered various challenges. He encountered ferocious sea beasts, whose eyes were full of threats. He also encountered endless undercurrents and whirlpools that would make him lose direction and prevent him from controlling his body.

But Zhao Wumian was not intimidated by these challenges. He took a deep breath to keep himself calm and collected. He faced these challenges with his own skills and courage, and each challenge made him stronger and more confident.

As time goes by, Zhao Wumian's strength has improved even more. His body became tougher and stronger, and his skills became more proficient and in-depth. He knew that his strength had surpassed that of ordinary practitioners, but he did not become complacent because of it. He knows that he still has a long way to go, and he needs to keep moving forward, constantly practicing and improving his strength.

Zhao Wumian began to use the cold energy to strengthen his body

He believes that only through continuous accumulation and practice can he become stronger.

During the days of practicing in the ocean, Zhao Wumian gradually discovered some wonderful changes in his body. He felt that his muscles became tighter, as if they were full of strength

His skin also became tougher, as if it could withstand any attack.

He knew that these were the benefits brought by the cold air. In this cold ocean, he not only cultivated his strength, but also strengthened his body with the help of icy air.

As time goes by, Zhao Wumian becomes stronger and stronger. His skills became more and more proficient, and his body became stronger and tougher. He knew that he had reached a new height, but he was not satisfied with it.

He knew that there were more secrets and unknowns in this ocean waiting for him to explore. He wants to explore unknown places and find resources that are beneficial to him.

So, Zhao Wumian began to delve into the deepest part of the ocean. The water pressure there is getting stronger and stronger, and the undercurrents and whirlpools are becoming more and more dangerous. But he did not back down. He believed that only by facing challenges can he become stronger.

In the process of going deep into the ocean, Zhao Wumian also discovered something very helpful to him. He discovered some rare ores and herbs, and these resources were very important to him. He also discovered some secret passages in the ocean that would allow him to reach his destination faster.

He knew that these were the results of his hard work, and he felt very proud and confident.

Finally, Zhao Wumian reached the deepest part of the ocean. He saw a mysterious cave with a faint light shining in it. He knew this was his next challenge

He took a deep breath and prepared to face new challenges.

Zhao Wumian took a deep breath and prepared to enter the cave. He felt his heart beating faster, and his heart was filled with anticipation and excitement. He knew that this would be his next challenge

It is also another milestone on his path of cultivation.

He walked slowly into the cave. The interior of the cave seemed dark and mysterious. He took out a torch and lit it, illuminating the surrounding environment. He saw some faint light deep in the cave, which seemed to be telling him something.

Zhao Wumian slowly walked towards the place where the light was, his heartbeat and pace getting faster and faster. He felt that his strength was constantly improving, as if the ocean and the cave were special for him.

Gradually, he saw the truth behind the light. He saw a mysterious treasure that seemed to tell ancient legends. He knew that this was what he had been looking for, and it was also the most important treasure on his path of cultivation.

Zhao Wumian was filled with excitement and excitement, and he wanted to get this treasure immediately. But he also knows that only through his own efforts and courage can he get it. So, he took a deep breath and prepared to face the final challenge.

He begins a fierce battle with the guardians surrounding the treasure. His skills became more proficient and in-depth, and his body became tougher and stronger. He knew that his strength had surpassed that of ordinary practitioners, but he did not become complacent because of it. He knows that he still has a long way to go, and he needs to keep moving forward, constantly practicing and improving his strength.

In the end, Zhao Wumian successfully defeated the guardian and obtained this mysterious treasure. He felt that his strength had been improved even more, and his body had become tougher and stronger. He knew that he had reached a new height, but he was not satisfied with it.

Zhao Wumian begins to look for a way home

Zhao Wumian's heart was filled with joy and satisfaction. He got the treasure he had been looking for and cultivated to a higher level in this ocean. But he also knew that he had been away from home for a long time, and he began to miss his family and friends.

So, Zhao Wumian decided to leave this ocean and return to his hometown. He knew that he needed to find a safe route before he could successfully return to his hometown.

During the voyage, Zhao Wumian encountered many difficulties and challenges. Sometimes he encounters storms, sometimes he encounters undercurrents and whirlpools. But he did not back down. He believed that only by facing challenges can he become stronger.

During the voyage, Zhao Wumian also discovered something very helpful to him. He discovers rare ores and herbs, resources that are very important to him. He also discovered some secret passages in the ocean that would allow him to reach his destination faster.

In the end, Zhao Wumian returned to his hometown smoothly. He saw his family and friends coming to greet him, their faces filled with joy and blessings. He knew this was the place he had been looking forward to, and he felt very happy and satisfied.

Zhao Wumian began to tell his family and friends about his experiences and gains. He told about his cultivation experience in the ocean and the mysterious treasure he obtained. He told them that only through continuous accumulation and practice can they become stronger.

In the process of telling the story, Zhao Wumian also felt that his heart became calmer and more confident. He knew that this was the result of his own cultivation and a manifestation of his own growth. .

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