Zhao Wumian's journey is not over yet, he still has further goals and dreams to pursue. However, he will never forget this wonderful memory and experience. He knows that in this world, everyone has his own value and meaning. As long as he pursues and cherishes it with his heart, he can create a better future.

During the rest of his journey, Zhao Wumian encountered many different tribes and ethnic groups, each with their own unique culture and traditions. However, they all expressed great welcome and kindness to Zhao Wumian, making him feel the warmth and friendliness of the desert people.

In a place called "Nausicaa of the Wind", Zhao Wumian met a group of brave hunters. They told Zhao Wumian that this place was often invaded and plundered by foreign tribes, and they hoped to get his help and support.

Zhao Wumian sympathized with the plight of these hunters and decided to help them protect their homeland. He lived with the hunters for a few days, learning about their culture and traditions and teaching them how to use the power of the Sand Spirit to protect themselves and their homes.

With the help of Zhao Wumian, the hunters successfully resisted an invasion by an alien tribe. They used their strength and wisdom to repel the enemy and protect their homes and families.

This incident makes Zhao Wumian very gratified and proud. He realized that everyone has their own strength and value, and as long as they help and encourage them with heart, they can create a better future.

During the rest of the journey, Zhao Wumian met more people and things. He used his strength and wisdom to help many people in need and made many like-minded friends.

Finally, Zhao Wumian reached the end of his journey - a place called "Oasis". There are dense oases here, clear rivers flowing through them, and surrounded by vast deserts and towering mountains.

Here, Zhao Wumian met a mysterious elder. The elder told him that this oasis is a pearl in the desert and a place protected by the spirit of the desert. He hopes that Zhao Wumian can stay here and continue to protect this land and people.

But Zhao Wumian came here just to gain the power of the desert, so he refused.

Zhao Wumian continues to go deeper into the desert

, crossing countless sand dunes and deserts to find the legendary mysterious power.

He traveled across mountains and rivers, experienced hardships, and finally came to a mysterious oasis. The water source here is abundant, the vegetation is lush, and there are many animals. It is a paradise full of life.

In the oasis, Zhao Wumian met an ancient prophet. The prophet told him that the power of the desert spirit was hidden deep in this oasis. However, to gain this power, he must pass a test.

Zhao Wumian bravely accepted the test. He began a long journey of exploration. He passed through dense jungles, climbed towering peaks, and crossed wide rivers. He encountered countless difficulties and challenges, but he never gave up.

Finally, Zhao Wumian came to the deepest part of the oasis. There, he discovered a mysterious cave. The cave is filled with a mysterious atmosphere, as if it contains endless secrets.

Zhao Wumian bravely entered the cave. Deep in the cave, he found a huge crystal. The crystal radiated dazzling light and seemed to possess magical power.

The prophet told him that this was the power of the legendary desert spirit. Only those with pure will and strong will can obtain this power.

Zhao Wumian put his hand on the crystal, his heart filled with pure will and strong will. Suddenly, the crystal emitted a strong light, enveloping Zhao Wumian in it.

After the light disappeared, Zhao Wumian found that he already had the power of the desert spirit. He can manipulate the sand at will, build houses and roads, and protect himself and others from external aggression.

Zhao Wumian decided to use this power to help more people. He left the oasis and returned to the tribe in the desert, teaching this power to the people of the tribe.

They began to use the power of the desert spirit to protect their homes and the people around them. They built solid houses and roads, established prosperous commerce and handicraft industries, and lived a happy and healthy life.

Zhao Wumian also made many like-minded friends, and together they explored unknown areas and helped people in need. Their fame spread throughout the desert area, and more and more people joined their ranks and worked together for justice and peace.

However, as time passed, Zhao Wumian gradually felt tired and lonely. He began to miss his hometown and relatives, and decided to return to his hometown to find a new life and goal.

Before leaving, Zhao Wumian said goodbye to the people of the tribe and thanked them for their friendship and support. He told them that even if he left them, he would always cherish this wonderful memory and experience.

Zhao Wumian set foot on the road home, full of expectation and excitement. He returned to his hometown, saw familiar faces and scenery, and felt particularly kind and warm.

However, after returning to his hometown, Zhao Wumian found that his parents had passed away and his relatives and friends had also moved away. He felt very lost and helpless and didn't know how to face this reality.

In this strange place, Zhao Wumian began to re-examine his life and values. He realized that everyone has his own destiny and mission, and his mission is to help more people.

Therefore, Zhao Wumian decided to embark on a journey again to find new friends and goals. He knows that only by helping others and himself can he create a better future

During his new journey, Zhao Wumian met many new people and things. He helped a young man who was expelled from the tribe and taught him how to use the power of the desert spirit, allowing him to find his home and family again.

He also met a girl who was being hunted by the enemy, helped her escape from the enemy's pursuit, and protected her and her family. The girl was so grateful that she regarded Zhao Wumian as her savior.


During this journey, Zhao Wumian also made many like-minded friends. Together they explore unknown territories and help those in need. Their fame spread throughout the desert area, and more and more people joined their ranks and worked together for justice and peace.

Therefore, Zhao Wumian decided to embark on a journey again to find new friends and goals. He knows that only by helping others and himself can he create a better future

During his new journey, Zhao Wumian met many new people and things. He helped a young man who was expelled from the tribe and taught him how to use the power of the desert spirit to help him find his home and family again.

He also met a girl who was being hunted by the enemy, helped her escape from the enemy's pursuit, and protected her and her family. The girl was so grateful that she regarded Zhao Wumian as her savior.

Zhao Wumian thinks that in the next period of time, a huge city will be built in the desert

………please give me flowers)………

Building a city in the desert is an extremely challenging task for Zhao Wumian. But he was determined. He believed in his own abilities and the power of the Desert Spirit.

Zhao Wumian began to look for building materials everywhere. He discovered that the desert was rich in resources, including stone, wood, bricks, etc. He taught those who would follow him how to extract these materials from the desert and began building houses, roads, and walls.

Under the guidance of Zhao Wumian, houses were built one after another, the roads became wider and wider, and the city walls gradually surrounded the entire city. In the desert, this city is like a bright pearl, giving those people who once wandered in the desert a new home.

As the city gradually grows, more and more people begin to join Zhao Wumian's ranks. Some of them are craftsmen, some are businessmen, some are farmers, and some are soldiers. Under the leadership of Zhao Wumian, they jointly built the city and made it more and more prosperous.

The city's name is designated as "Sleepless City", which means that this city was born under Zhao Wumian's dream and efforts. The Sleepless City has gradually become a shining pearl in the desert, attracting the attention of many people.


However, as the city prospered, it also attracted many greedy enemies. They seek to invade the city and rob it of its wealth and resources. Facing these enemies, Zhao Wumian was not afraid. He led the soldiers in the city to resist bravely and protect their homeland.

After a fierce battle, Zhao Wumian and his soldiers finally drove back the enemy. They proved the courage and strength of the Sleepless City, and also protected the city's peace and prosperity.

At the victory banquet in the Sleepless City, Zhao Wumian was revered as a hero, and his deeds were praised in every corner. However, Zhao Wumian is not complacent because he knows that his mission has not been completed yet.

He also needs to lead the people of Sleepless City to move forward, to help more people and realize their dreams. He knows that only by helping others and himself can he create a better future.

Therefore, Zhao Wumian decided to continue his journey to find new friends and goals. He led the soldiers of Sleepless City out of the desert and towards the wider world.

During their journey, they met many new people and things. They helped a young man who was expelled from the tribe and taught him how to use the power of the desert spirit, allowing him to find his home and family again. They also met a girl who was being hunted by the enemy, and helped her escape from the enemy's pursuit and protected her and her family. The girl was so grateful that she regarded Zhao Wumian as her savior.

Every time of help makes Zhao Wumian feel extremely happy and satisfied. He feels that his mission is being realized step by step, and he is leading the people of Sleepless City to create a better world.

During their journey, they also encountered many other tribes and cities. They shared the power of the desert spirit with the people in these places and taught them the techniques for building houses, roads and walls. They also taught the people in these places knowledge of agriculture, handicrafts, and commerce, helping them live a more prosperous and happy life.

As time went by, the reputation of the Sleepless City spread throughout the world. More and more people are beginning to yearn for this place full of hopes and dreams, and are beginning to follow Zhao Wumian's footsteps to create a better future. .

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