Modify Super God

Chapter 121: Delivery, chasing your dream new home!

Seeing the figure of the cat disappear from sight, Sui Yu was shocked at the time.

Originally, he just suspected that the reason why the Tomcat didn't obey his command was because he called her "Isa".

Although Isa is indeed the real name of the cat, but the spirit of the cat is obviously confused.

It may even be completely amnestic, so only animal instincts are left, and they can't even speak, only meow!

Therefore, compared to the real name of Isa, it is really necessary for everyone to be used to the name "Mad Cat" to be able to understand it.

As for the previous time when Sui Yu gave his name, why did the cat agree?

I'm afraid this is a complete misunderstanding!

In fact, the Tommy Cat didn't understand Sui Yu's meaning at all at that time, it just called out instinctively.

Also, in the state of Mammoth, it is estimated that it can only understand some relatively simple commands. If you go around a little, Mammoth may not understand it.

Therefore, Sui Yu pointed out who ordered the Mammoth not to attack, or ordered Mammoth to follow or something.

But wanting to give a name to the Tomcat is beyond the scope of the Tomcat's logical thinking.

This topic is over the top!

However, this only verified Sui Yu's inference before, but it was not worth Sui Yu's surprise.

What really surprised Sui Yu was that the digging speed of the Mammoth was a little too fast, right? !

In a blink of an eye, no one was there!

He walked quickly to the big hole dug by the cat, and avoided the sand thrown up by the cat in a circle.

Good guy, only after getting close did Sui Yu discover the secret of how fast the cat digs holes.

At this moment, the emotion was on the hands of the cat, and there was a layer of golden energy phantom covering the hands of the cat.

The reason why the Mammoth can dig so fast is obviously because of the power of this pair of golden cat claws!

"This is the power of the practice?!"

Sui Yu, who had memories of the future, saw at a glance the origin of the pair of golden cat claws. It was a special effect of the exercise!

Its principle is almost to release the magic power of cultivation to form a shield that resembles fighting qi.

Of course, it is purely natural to see the use of Mammoth, and then consider the situation of Mammoth.

It is estimated that this pair of golden cat claws should be a special skill in itself!

And to be able to display this ability, it is not enough to have this skill in the skill list, in addition to that, you must have a profound cultivation base!

Speaking of which, it seems that this God of Creation, who has become an evil god, can learn from it.

The world he created not only has magic and fighting spirit, but also has exercises that belong to the world of martial arts and self-cultivation!

However, Sui Yu, who knew the power of the exercises, had to admit that he could cultivate a system with great potential for development.

Really very powerful!

What made Sui Yu puzzled was that he did not expect that he would meet a man like Tommy Cat in the initial town during this period, who had mastered the exercises that were only gradually popularized in the later stages of the game!

Presumably, this is the effect of increasing the variable at work, right?

It seems that because of this effect, Sui Yu has unknowingly changed the original fate of many people!

Speaking of which, Sui Yu vaguely thought at this time that Wu Qiong seemed to have heard the name in his future memory.

Seems to be a game merchant with huge assets.

It's a pity that in this timeline, the unlucky Wu Qiong kicked Sui Yu's iron plate.

Now it seems that, let alone a wealthy businessman, when this kid comes out of prison, Sui Yu intends to bully this kid until he is forced to abandon the tour!

After a little distraction, Sui Yu stopped guessing about the origin of the Mammoth.

It doesn't make any sense anyway, it doesn't matter if you guess or not.

Then, when Sui Yu came back to his senses, he found out...

It seems that the pit dug by the cat is a bit too deep, doesn't it? !


no response.

"Fighting cat!"

In an instant, Mammoth stopped digging holes, raised his head and stared at Sui Yu with erect ears, as if asking Sui Yu with his eyes: "I'm Mammoth, what's your purpose?!"

Well, seeing the reaction of the fierce cat, Sui Yu was completely convinced.

It seems that Mammoth still only recognizes the name "Mammoth".

Since that's the case, then in the future, whether it's a title or a narration, just continue to call the cat!

Sure enough, the cat meows smoothly.

Then Sui Yu pointed to the side and gave the order to the cat: "Don't just dig a place, are you planning to dig a well? Dig to the side!"


With a loud shriek, Tommy Cat followed Sui Yu's instructions and began to expand to the side without saying a word.

Although the cat seems to be very mentally ill.

But she is very smart.

It looks like a random excavation, but in fact, it fully considers where the excavated mound will go.

In the end, under the command of Sui Yu, the cat rammed left and right, and finally succeeded in digging a satisfactory hole according to Sui Yu's instructions!

It only took a few hours before and after, and the foundation for building a new house for Chasing Dream was completed!

This efficiency is really far beyond Sui Yu's expectations!

Especially the depth of this big pit can definitely meet the requirements of chasing dreams and build a very gorgeous dungeon!


So, in the next few days, Sui Yu focused his energy on the construction of his new house.

Anyway, this is a full 1.5 million RMB!

Not to mention, whoever gives more money is the uncle! Sui Yu will work hard to serve well!

Finish the foundation on the first day and start building the dungeon on the second day.

For the "game experience" of his good brother Dongjie, Sui Yu specially took sound insulation measures and also made a very perfect treatment of the air vents.

Relying on the magic circle of this world, even in a dungeon, Sui Yu can make Dongjie feel as if he is in nature!

No way, who makes everyone a good brother!

Then on the third day, the dungeon is complete.

On the fourth day, Sui Yu began to build a wooden house.

And this time, with the help of the cat, the construction efficiency of the wooden house is very fast! .

Using the pair of gleaming golden claws, the cat can knock down a tree that requires two people to hug together!

Later, after Sui Yu lured the small fish and finally let the cat learn how to process wooden boards, the construction speed of Sui Yu's wooden house has been further accelerated!

In addition, Sui Yu's basic construction level has been working hard to upgrade.

At this time, relying on the basic construction of level 136, when Sui Yu was building the wooden house, he could clearly feel that his body was being accelerated, so let's not mention the one that was built soon!

No, with one day left of this login, Sui Yu finally successfully completed the order for chasing dreams.


Looking at the hut that looked very warm under the sunset glow, Dongjie was moved to tears at that time.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Sui Yu with a complicated expression, and then said to Sui Yu earnestly, "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!" Sui Yu waved his hands in a humble and low-key look: "This is what I should do!"

Anyway, for the RMB... RMB!

When it comes to RMB, Sui Yu whispered to Chasing Meng: "The dungeon is not only ventilated and has a good environment, but also I have set several levels of environmental modes in the dungeon. You can choose different styles according to your needs."

"Some styles are Some styles are full of technology, and some of them are fairy tale style."

"Although most of them are background illusions created by magic, they are more than enough to add interest!"

"Besides that..." Sui Yu's voice became smaller and smaller: "I also specially prepared a few small gifts for you in the dungeon. These are the woodwork products I made in my spare time these days, I hope you like it!"

Hearing this, Dream Chasing's eyes brightened at that time, and Dong Jie's eyes darkened at that time.

Then Dream Chasing was very decisive, without saying a word, he directly pulled Dong Jie by the back of his neck and walked towards the just-built log cabin.

While walking, Chasing Meng said loudly to Sui Yu: "Two million, pay when you go offline!"

At this moment, Sui Yu saw how charming and tall the back of Dream Chasing was!

I have to admit that rich people, especially those who are willing to give themselves a lot of money, are really good-looking!

that is……

When Sui Yu praised the good-looking back of Dream Chasing.

Dongjie's collar was suddenly torn off due to tearing.

Dongjie wanted to escape, but unfortunately he was caught up by Dream Chaser after only a few steps.

With a volley and a flying kick, Dongjie was easily brought down!

Then Meng Chasing dragged Dong Jie towards the wooden house with one foot, while Dong Jie clung to the ground with both hands, forcibly grabbed ten depressions on the ground that Sui Yu had paved with soil.

At the same time, Meng Chai said excitedly: "This time, we will play until the offline time! Then when the offline time comes, we will happily be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same life and experience the feeling of offline erasure together!"

"Ah! So romantic!"

"No!" Dongjie's roar gradually faded away: "This is definitely not romantic!"


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