Movie Savior

Chapter 164: Pioneer (seeking a monthly ticket subscription)

164 Chapter Herald (seeking monthly subscription da)

Cardinal sky covering the entire planet.

On earth.

Surging undulating ocean full of organic nutrients of various breeds monsters need.

These substances as "waves" of tumbling rush into a huge balloon.

These capsules are regular ups and downs, strange life is rapidly growing inside.

Here is a factory.

A building surrounded by the flesh and bones of the dead from the monster factory.

The capsule is being manufactured in a monster head, body bag being beat them, seems like a giant heart is hanging in the air.

Body ferocious, the devil seemed to stand above the bones of the pioneers of the pool fence nutrition, but also witnessed a monster break open a capsule of birth, jump in front of their inspection.

There are some strange pioneer in discussing recent events.

Recently traveled to the planet by sinking new monster died too strange a wormhole.

Two somehow was sent to the space, and two more are being suddenly cut off the hands and feet.

Coupled with the frequency of wormhole time to time disturbed.

They almost certainly, where organisms may have a special hyperspace technology.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

Pioneers in their own language roaring.

"We need a more powerful monsters!"


Suddenly break open a capsule, a hundred-meter-high giant monster set foot bones of the fence.

Pioneers look at yourself and quickly vetoed this monster of value.

Ignorance monster instinctively follow instructions, nutrition jumped pool fence from the bones of the dead, in the huge waves, so that the human monsters of all conventional weapons fail quickly sank disappear ...

"Dr. Herman, we need you now according to the latest attack monsters, to guess their next move trajectory."

Hermann and Newton shared in the laboratory, Lao Pan is speaking.

Herman words where the protagonist standing in front of his own big blackboard filled with equations, kept to himself, did not know what to say.

Zhang Tianyuan is on the other side of the lab, Newton observed anatomical monster.

It is now day monster crisis is over, Ning Jihua weeks old and they are still open discussion.

In the outside world.

After four monsters are all destroyed, the Government and the earth seems to have restored calm.

With the exception of the dome base, people know, just calm appearance.

This time the monster attacks entirely broke the laws of the past.

Both the frequency and quantity, are far beyond the predictions Herman -

Before PPDC forecast Herman was very trusted because he's always had a very high calculation accuracy.

Except this time, to the outrageous wrong.

So Laopan all night, after the end of affairs out of his hand, hurried personally come face to face with Herman understand the situation.

Zhang Tianyuan is the fresh corpse of a monster very curious, so come here to see Newton.

Newton man's desire for a strong performance and saw a big shot in his side, but also very intimate basis to explain Zhang Tianyuan.

He cut down a bit on fresh tissue from monster corpses, placed inside the instrument fiddle, mouth talking about:

"You see, this gland structure is how familiar, familiar to me if you saw it ..."

Then he turned and scored the same slice from a gland behind the monster specimen, but also to Zhang Tianyuan show a bit.

The above has a bizarre streak, like traces of monster blood vessels or nerves.

Newton will perform this piece with another piece of new glands glands observe contrast, took Zhang Tianyuan say he concluded: "These two glands are exactly the same, they have the same DNA."

Zhang Tianyuan nodded.

Newton went on to say: "This means that it is a clone of the organ, but the two cloned organs has appeared in two look completely different monster who ..."

"What does this mean?" The other side Laopan suddenly turned around.

Newton looked a little mad, He speaks to accelerate:. "This means that these monsters is just an organ for the part opposite the wormhole aliens are using a variety of different parts, assemble a head not the same monster. "

"It's like our cars, if you like, you can even give it on rocket engine ..."

"The beast is the amount of those alien-produced weapons, non-stop to replace them by a monster body parts, thereby changing the monster 'performance', perhaps we can use this word."

Laopan listening, looking straight to Zhang Tianyuan, wanted to see him.

And Zhang Tianyuan thought for a moment, decided to believe Newton's argument.

After all, no matter the movie is Newton and Herman, their research is tricky.

After seeing Zhang Tianyuan statement, Laopan let Newton be organized into reports this statement, submitted to his office, he will be responsible to the science department countries.

Yes, since the hold on the thigh and mutual aid will, PPDC cooperation with all countries at once resumed.

All transactions are fast through the green light.

PPDC go before the Ministry of Scientific Research and left Herman Newton, and now they again gained new scientific support.

At this time, he has been immersed in their own world Herman suddenly subdued.

"I can not be calculated," he shook his head, "simply can not be calculated, now too little data, with the former law is completely different."

"I only certainty is that this monster of delivery, both the quantity and time, are definitely not in the other's plan."

"This is definitely a temporary decision to make!"

The results given in the face of Herman, Lao Pan also helpless.

Even Zhang Tianyuan there is no way.

Now obviously his arrival attracted the attention of the pioneers, under the butterfly effect, breaking the pioneer of the plan.

Originally calculations, the pioneer will launch a general offensive in the 2025 New Year's Day, but now they can not determine.

After this time change, the impact is far-reaching.

Laopan immediately report this matter to the Ning Jihua.

He knocked on the table, the spot will give directions:. "It does not matter whether the monster comes or not, we have carried out in accordance with the original plan."

"Then you wait for the opportunity, would choose to destroy the monster appears wormhole, and we will resume production of energy on the go, at least ready for."

With the mutual aid will help, Ning Jihua strategic space much larger.

If the former, then he will not choose such a strategy.

Zhang Tianyuan here soon received a decision Ning Jihua's.

For this resolution he had no opinion, the frequency of monster invasion was broken, it is really troublesome.

But the more true since, in fact, so it was.

Is nothing more than the execution time of the nuclear attack wormhole plan to postpone it.

Not a big deal.

Now he is more concerned about another problem.


Fifth world be searched out.

There are seven thousand words, do not panic, minor problems



   (end of this chapter)

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