Movie Savior

: Timeline of "Interstellar" in this book

  Interstellar Timeline in this book

  Note: This timeline contains a lot of second-generation components, but it matches all the nodes mentioned in the movie.

   In 2019, wormholes appeared, and the aerospace boom began

   Cooper was born in 2032. He once said that everyone was robbing food when he was growing up, indicating that blight has occurred at least since he was sensible.

   In 2035, Fusarium Wilt appears

  In 2040, global unrest begins, and Europe loses a lot of food

   In 2042, NASA's underground base and space station began construction

   In 2052, Cooper was 20 years old, and his eldest son Tom was born

   In 2055, Cooper crashed on mission and left NASA

   In 2057, Operation Lazarus began, 12 astronauts set off, Cooper's daughter Murphy was born, the army was disbanded, the North American UAV Command Center and the Derry Command Center were disbanded, the global riots officially ended, and refugees rose everywhere

   In 2058, NASA was disbanded because it refused to bomb the starving people, leaving only the Lazarus operation personnel

   Around 2059, 12 astronauts traveled through a wormhole to their respective planets

  In 2060, wheat will be extinct

  2065, NASA reorganized

   In 2067, the plot began, the okra went extinct

   (end of this chapter)

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