Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 43: After the war and compensation

   "Skin." The cross-character bat has been hiding there for so long, don't you plan to come out?

   Pixi strongly propped up his weak body, staring at the shadow of a huge stalactite pillar in the upper layer of the cave, and his tone was affirmative.

   Musashi finally let go of the heart that had been hanging in her heart, because from the beginning, when the two races opened up, she noticed the hidden peeping, but could not accurately identify the location of the peeper.

   Bawanghua also sensed the sense of voyeurism, so she stood by Musashi's side every step of the way, and guarded against the emergence of unexpected situations in her childhood.

   After all, there is no Yin Gu's big needle bee guard by his side, everything can only rely on him and Aboguai.

Don’t look at Abbot’s walking leisurely on the carpet of supersonic bats, unconsciously devouring the supersonic bat right next to her mouth, in fact, her perception has also been maximized, hoping to find out in the first place. Target, and carry out effective interception and stop, to provide the overlord flower with a chance to attack.

   "Cough..." Pixie, you are not dead yet.

   A crossed bat slowly flew down from the top of the huge rock pillar, its spherical body and two pairs of bat wings rhythmically flapped up and down, maintaining its own balance, and the old tone of voice was full of jealousy.

   Musashi noticed a scar on the abdomen of this fork bat, which seemed to be quite old.

   "Skin." Oh, you are not dead, can I walk in front of you? Why is the scar on my stomach healed, or I will fix another one for you?

  Pixy waved his hand, indicating that Yue didn't need to hold him anymore. He squeezed out the remaining little spiritual power without changing his face, and a spiritual blade appeared in his hand, the meaning of which was self-evident.

   Without Musashi's command, Abokai directly showed a normal posture, with a serpentine neck stretched out, watching this hidden target that could not be determined from beginning to end and locked on.

   "Cough." Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, isn't it just saying hello.

   Seeing the spiritual blade in Pixi's hand, the cross-character only felt that the wound in the abdomen began to ache again, and as a Pokémon of the same period as Pixi, the two tribes fought a lot.

   The young self is still a sturdy big-mouthed bat, and Pixie is just a skinny Pippi.

   The scar on the abdomen is the trace left by an unreserved fight between them during an ethnic war. The past cannot be traced.

   Pixi did not take back the spiritual blade in his hand because of the words of the fork bat. Instead, he meant to launch it immediately. This made the fork bat even more uncertain about Pixie's current state.

   And his own strength is not better than that of the past, after all, the age is here, and there is an Abo monster looking at him eagerly, and the Overlord Flower not far away is ready to attack at any time.

  If you are ten years younger, the cross-character bat will definitely not be counseled, but the time will not spare the bat.

   "Cough." I didn't come to fight with you. What I want to say is that you won, and we will return all the things we took from you. The only condition is to let go of the children who have a chance to survive.

   "Pi." Patriarch, you come and talk to him about this.

The Pixis always know their identity and their current state, slowly converging the spiritual blade in their hands, stepping back and giving up their position to Pippi, who has only recently become the patriarch. Proper training will help Yue's growth. .

   "Cough." I didn't expect your clan to choose a new patriarch so quickly. In that case, what do you think of Patriarch Pippi?

   The crossed bat lowered its flying height again, but it was still in a condescending state.

   For this kind of negotiation, Pippi only felt a fire in his heart, and wanted to launch an attack again. Your supersonic bat clan is the defeat of our Pippi clan. Is this your attitude?

   But Musashi’s words and the old Pixi clan’s erudite teachings suddenly appeared in my mind, and reason slowly became dominant, and I also figured out the key points.

   is still due to their own strength.

If she has the strength of the Quasi-Uranus now, even if it is still weaker than this cross-word bat, the gap will not be too huge, but it is because she does not have the strength of the Quasi-Uranus that she will be underestimated by the cross-word bat, but If you want the strength, status and posture of the cross bat on both sides, you need to show your own means.

   I saw the moon and didn’t flutter the little wings behind her, the decorative meaning of which was greater than practical value, her body slowly floated under the action of super powers, pointed at the cross-character bat, the super power trick was activated by gravity!

   This is just a super power that has been learned for two days, and Yue has shown it to be pretty. Sometimes the talent is so difficult to understand.

   The invisible gravity pushed down the flying height of the fork bat again to be at the same height as Pippi.

   "Pi." It is not enough to return what belongs to our Pippi clan. You still need to pay due compensation. As for letting go of those big-mouthed bats and supersonic bats, it depends on your sincerity.

  月 did not speak loudly, but only explained the benefits and compensation that a winner deserves.

The cross-character bat, who was forced to lower its height again, was about to attack, but found that this Pippi had the same super talent as the old immortal. Why did their Pippi clan continue to appear geniuses, and their super sound The bats are about to enter a situation where they don't meet.

   sighed helplessly in his heart, he's getting old.

  I am not as angry as I was when I was young, and now I just want to spend my old age peacefully.

   "Cough." As long as you can bring these children back to normal, I will not be less than you Pippi.


   This time it’s the turn of the month to entangle, because she wants to treat these big-mouthed bats and supersonic bats, she can’t do it, the old Pixi people’s basic oil lamp that can do it runs out, what should I do?

   "This is what you said, don't deny it. Fan, grass field, aromatherapy, moonlight."

   Musashi released the siege for Yue, Bawanghua stepped forward to spread out the Tai Chi field, and the grass field was paved in an instant. All the Pokémon present only felt that their tired bodies were full of strength.

Immediately afterwards, the aroma treatment quickly neutralized the poison in the supersonic bat and the fork bat, so that they were refreshed, and finally had the strength to flap their wings back into the air, and flew behind the fork bat honestly, wanting to face the skin. Pi and the others uttered two cruel words, but they saw the corpses of the same clan all over the ground and the big snake Aboguai not making a sound.

   The last condensed moon hovered over the Pippi The focus is on the elderly Pixi and Yue.

   The cold moonlight greatly relieved Pixi's exhausted mental power, and the source of spiritual power finally began to operate slowly, replenishing the dried up soul lake.

The fork bat was shocked by Bawanghua’s exquisite recovery method. According to his concept, the healer must never offend you, because the front foot can cure you, and the hind foot can kill you again, so it just came out of the bill. Directly pinch off.

   "Cough." The big-mouthed bat, went to take Pippi and their scraps and return them, and sent the same amount of compensation.

   The only remaining big-mouthed bat took the lead, flapping its wings and beckoning the little brother to fly to the core of his nest.

   "Cough." I won't leave you to eat here, things will not deny you, you give a designated place, I will let the big-mouthed bat send it to you.

  月 heard the fork bats and looked vaguely in the direction of Pixi and Musashi, and found that they were nodding their heads, and let her decide on her own, relieved to speak to the tribe.

   "Skin." Team one, you stay here to meet the team of big-mouthed bats, and the others, let's go back.

   "Kai, you can still help with that thing when you leave it."

After the baptism of war, more than forty Pippis involuntarily produced some brutal aura called murderous or blood, and under the command of Yue, they won the victory of this war, so there is no more command to Yue. Dissent, the obedient, act according to Yue's instructions.

   The cross-character bat looked at the Pippi clan and the human beings like Musashi who were going away, sighed again in his heart, and flew in the direction of the clan land without looking back.


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