Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 55: Chlorophyll properties and round stone

Fragmented pages of the Wordless Heavenly Book: The content is all-encompassing, but it can only be viewed once, and it will dissipate after viewing.

   This is the instruction given by the Qingshan Old Road. As for why the Qingshan Old Road can be condensed after seeing it once, this Musashi does not know it. It can only be attributed to the vast power of the Qingshan Old Road.

   But Musashi, who has been added to the system, will naturally become interested in the things in his hands after getting the "Fragmented Pages of the Wordless Book of Heaven", so it is inevitable to passively check the details.

   Although the introduction given by the system is basically the same as the content of Qingshan Lao Dao's complaint, there is still a slight difference. It is based on this subtle difference that Musashi agreed to accept the Qingshan Lao Dao's assignment to help the Pippi clan.

   That is, in the description of the system, on the premise of reading the Fragmented Pages of the Heavenly Book without Words, there is the possibility of multiple people reading it together.

System introduction, the essence of reading the wordless books is based on the perspective of the soul, obtaining random knowledge from the vast sea of ​​knowledge, and reading at the soul level, for Musashi, the operability can be greatly expanded. .

Because of the snake contract, this kind of contract built on the soul level, as long as you start to read the wordless book, you can guide the Abo monsters who have signed the contract with you, and the souls of the Bawanghua will join in, as long as you persist for long enough. , Then you can achieve the effect of reading once and benefiting multiple people, that is, taking advantage of the lack of words in the heavenly book, and to a large extent, each Pokémon can obtain different knowledge.

   But the time to read the wordless book is not now, because the only people who have concluded a contract with Musashi are Abokai, Overlord Flower, Big Rock Snake, and Ibrahimovic, and now the four moon elves.

Fujitosake, Xiaofudan did not sign a contract, and the Abokai just experienced a life-and-death battle, and it is in the recovery period. When pacifying Musashi, they are all confused, waiting for Musashi to return to the realm of the Pippi clan. , It directly reduced the perception of the outside world to the lowest level, resting comfortably on Musashi's shoulders, and slowly recovering himself by sleeping.

   Bawanghua also needs time to digest the gains after the war, and when Shirabi was treating him, he gave him some pointers on the sun beam, and some insights he gained while presiding over this moon **** sacrifice.

  The combination of these factors finally brought a little qualitative change to the Overlord Flower, that is, the redefinition of the characteristics of chlorophyll: as long as the light is shining, the speed will increase.

   Because you usually want to trigger the chlorophyll feature, you get twice the speed bonus. In a sunny day, sunny weather such as big sunshine is a necessary prerequisite, but in many cases, if you want to successfully trigger this feature, your opponent will not give you this opportunity at all, unless the opponent also needs this kind of weather to get some benefits for themselves.

How to stimulate this feature more simply? This is a question that Musashi has been thinking about since he conquered the walking grass. The initial idea was to constantly perceive the state of being in a sunny day, induce and stimulate the chlorophyll characteristics, and then comprehend the skill photosynthesis. .

When I was in the smelly flower, I realized the moonlight skills through the dance of the moon. I kept learning and comprehending and created a complicated version of the sunny day. In terms of results, the results are outstanding, but the results on the chlorophyll properties are very few. , In addition to the use of this feature is more handy.

Later, after evolving into the Overlord Flower, he received the blessing of the moon. Musashi's mind became active again. Moonlight is another form of sunlight. So, why don't you want to stimulate the chlorophyll properties in the moonlight state, so I developed it Sun Moon Tonghui is a skill, but it is not useful for stimulating chlorophyll properties.

Moreover, as the master of the chlorophyll characteristics of Bawanghua has been deepened, progress in this area has not improved a bit, and Musashi has not forced it. After all, God has opened a lot of windows for Bawanghua, and closed the door of chlorophyll. Musashi also had nothing to say.

   But there is a saying to say, I want to plant flowers without blooming, I want to grow flowers.

   Today, Overlord Flower brought good news to Musashi, that is, the chlorophyll properties are stimulated by moonlight.

Blessing of the Moon, the racial value of the Overlord Flower in the moonlight has been changed from 490 to 540, and the speed racial value has been increased by 10 points to 60. Now with the addition of the chlorophyll characteristic, the speed is doubled and the racial value is straight. Close to the 600 mark.

   It is necessary to know that the race value of this value can only be achieved by the purebred dragon Pokémon, except for the magical beast.

Now that the Overlord Flower has arrived, if there is still a chance to fight against King Nido and Queen Nido, the extremely fast Overlord Flower under the moonlight is confident to hold the King Nido or Queen Nido in its heyday, as if it wants to hold it back. Victory in the process, it's 50-50, it depends on who makes the mistake first.

   Therefore, the Overlord Flower at this time is not suitable for reading the wordless books. The strength of the Big Rock Snake is still on the rise. There is no need to rush for a while.


  While Musashi was pondering the wordless book, the little blessed egg in his arms woke up from his sleep, and when he saw Musashi, he cried happily, and then thought of something, holding out the rounded stone in his arms as if showing off.


   "What's wrong? Is there any problem with the round stone?"

   Musashi strangely took this round stone with a little brilliance, and the system information appeared, and the introduction made Musashi a little dumbfounded.

   Round Stone (Smelting): ⒈The magical stone that is round and round like a pearl. After several generations of auspicious eggs, it has a little bit of accelerate the growth of Xiaofudan.

  ⒉Kiraqi, in order to thank the little blessed egg for giving him a hint of inspiration, so he added a fragment of the moonstone core to the round stone, so he gained new abilities.

  ①The mysterious guardian passively stimulates the mysterious guardian to protect the safety of Xiaofudan.

  ②The key to the Moon Garden: As long as you are within a certain range of the Moon Garden, you can return to the Moon Garden through the Round Stone.

  ③Ning Shen: Improve the efficiency of meditation.

  ④Exclusive: Only available for Xiaofudan·Kalian.


   sighed out, Musashi carefully explained to Xiaofudan: "Now this round stone is not only a gift from auspicious egg to you, but also a proof that Kiraqi loves you, so you should keep it well, you know."

   After speaking, he returned the round stone to the little blessed egg, who was looking forward to being praised.

   Seeing her pouting her mouth, but still placing the small blessed egg of the round stone very carefully, Musashi couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

   But if you praise it, there is no source of praise, and Musashi can't speak for a while.


   Xiaofudan finally put the round stone in place again, and the smiling face was put on his mouth again.

   "Karen, that's awesome."

   Musashi immediately took it, and the compliment was justified.


  Pokemon Musashi

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