Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Land and sky


Roar: Regardless of the opponent's strength, the opponent's backup Pokémon will be forced to play. If there is only one Pokémon, the skill will fail.

This is an introduction to the skills in the game, but in reality, it needs to be considered by many parties. One is that the user’s willpower or deterrence is stronger than the opponent, then the skill can be judged as successful. If the opponent still has The backup Pokémon then pull the backup Pokémon into the field. If there is no backup Pokémon, the skills will still take effect, but the effect of the skills will become a deterrent to the opponent, making the opponent into a stiff state.

If the deterrence is insufficient, the use of the skill fails and there is no change.

Gymnasium trainers have their own set of methods for assessing the challenger’s strength. Most of the Pokémon used are those that are equal to or slightly higher than the challenger’s strength, so the Caty Dog’s howling skills are undoubtedly used successful.

The loud roar caused the armored bird in the air to lose consciousness for a short time. As a result, the coordination of the body was imbalanced. Although it quickly recovered, this mistake was enough for Kojiro to command the Katy dog ​​to launch another attack.

"Little card, jet flames!"

The roaring flames condensed from the Katy dog's mouth, and burst out with powerful power directly towards the armored bird that tried to stabilize its body.

"Do you want to rely on the power of the flame to win a round, it is too naive, the armored bird will bear it, and the brave bird will attack!"


Kojiro looked at the Lord Sotenkan in disbelief. In the school, Kojiro had been learning the fire restraint steel system. If he hit twice the damage, he would be enough to win the battle.

Seeing Kojiro's surprised expression, Musashi shook his head slightly in his heart. You must know that this is not the time to be surprised. Since the opponent is sure to face the damage of the flame jet, what we have to do now is to react accordingly, whether it is to strengthen the power of the flame jet, we will all be desperate. You will die and I will suffer both, so be prepared to dodge so that you won't be passive in the next battle.

But on the other hand, Kojiro was surprised and indifferent to the dangers that Katie might encounter.

"Dumb Ou!"

The armor bird adjusted its body shape at the moment when the flame came, and slammed its wings violently toward the jet flame. The wings of a blade instantly broke through the jet flame, and the blue-blue flight energy burst out to envelop the armor bird’s body. The wings suddenly closed, and dived down under the acceleration of gravity.

Seeing the brave performance of the armored bird, Kojiro realized the situation and shouted anxiously: "Kazuo, avoid it!"

But not everyone is a master of dodge, Xiaozhi, Katie also missed the opportunity to evade because of maintaining the use of jet flames. He was directly hit by the armored bird, flew out of most of the battlefield, and finally fell heavily and stood difficultly. He got up and looked at the armored bird flying freely in mid-air unyieldingly.

Seeing the injured Kaka, Kojiro's heart couldn't help but grabbed a moment, and a thought suddenly flashed in his heart, or admit defeat.

But seeing Kaka's unyielding expression, Kojiro could only swallow the words that almost blurted out with difficulty, and forcefully set anxious heart to observe the armored bird in mid-air.

Looking at the armor bird that hovered in the air and kept locking on the Katy Dog, Kojiro estimated the current strength of the armor bird. The previous use of the brave bird's onslaught must have consumed a lot of the armor bird's physical strength, otherwise it would not be quiet now. Hover in the air instead of launching another attack to determine the outcome in one fell swoop.

Slightly squinted his eyes in an attempt to see all the details of the armor bird more closely, huh? The scorch marks on the wings of the armor bird's feathers...

It seems that Xiaoka’s jet flames are not all useless. With this confidence in discovering Xiaojirou, he returned to his body again, and said to Katie Dog decisively: "Xiaoka, roar again!"

In fact, Soten has been waiting for Kojiro's command. Although there is also the idea of ​​silently regaining the strength of the armor bird, after all, this is the first time for Kojiro to participate in the League Stadium Challenge. So many want to watch it. To Kojiro's observation and decision-making power in the formal battle, and the sudden burst of inspiration during the battle.

If Kojiro's reaction is mediocre, then Soten will not waste time with Kojiro, he will definitely use the strongest strength to solve it directly, and leave a sentence that you still need to hone and end his gymnasium.

Although Kojiro did not perform very well in this gymnasium challenge, he is considered to be a manufacturable from Soten. What is the duty of the gymnasium owner to help the league find more elite trainers. Join the big family of the alliance to open up those unknowable territories in the world and guard the existing territories.


Kojiro’s self-confidence gave Katie a lot of courage and encouragement. Although his body was injured, his roaring power was much greater, making the originally comfortable armored bird like a lightning strike, and the wings were scared and forgotten to flap. Seeing that he was about to chase the plane, Sutian's command sounded at this moment.

"Adjust your body, and the brave bird will attack!"

It’s impossible to chase the machine. After all, I’ve already experienced the bitterness of roaring once. How could the armored bird not take a long time to fight against this evasable rigidity? It’s not that the gymnasium challenge has experienced much, and the acting is natural. It's okay to become familiar with it, and to pretend that I have eaten another blow and roar.

However, after hearing Sutian's command, the Armor Bird immediately adjusted its posture, flapped its wings twice, and rose directly into the air. Its posture was as vigorous as it had never happened before, and its sharp gaze was directly locked. The Katy dog ​​lying on the ground slammed its wings twice, and directly accelerated the dog to get close to the Katy dog. Its wings were like two sharp-winged scimitars, slashing towards the Katy dog.

Seeing the action of the armored bird, Kojiro thought: Sure enough, his expression was stern and continued to command: "Now, is using a roar!"

The huge roar vibrated the air to form a sound wave that was visible to the naked eye, enveloped the armor bird close at hand. Although the high-frequency vibration was not enough to injure the armor bird, it was still possible to cause him to lose consciousness for a moment.

"Successful, Xiaoka, the last jet of flame!!!"

Almost without power, the orange-red fire dragon spewed out of the Katy dog's mouth to wrap up the armored bird that was too late to adjust, the flame dissipated, and the scorched armored bird that exuded high temperature lost its fighting ability and lay on the ground.

"Yeah! Xiaoka, we won!!"


Kojiro smiled happily while holding Katie Dog. This was his first challenge to the gym and the first time he felt happy after winning. This feeling is really good.

"Come back, Armor Bird, thank you for your hard work, you did a good job, Aso, take Armor Bird and Bobo for treatment."

"Yes!" Ashok ran downstairs holding two poke balls.

"Kojiro, you deserve the Flying Wing badge at this time."

"Thank you Sutian Pavilion Master."

"The first gymnasium badge is the easiest to get, you know that."

"Well, thank you Sutian Pavilion owner for releasing water many times."

"Haha, water release. This is a compulsory course for a gym master. As long as the challenger can understand the good intentions of our gym trainers in these water releases, then the water release is also worthwhile."

"Thank you for the guide of the museum owner. I have learned a lot from this match. After I have enough strength, I will come to Kikyo again. At that time, please accept my challenge again!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for you here."

Musashi and Kojiro bid farewell to the Lord Sotenkan and walked towards the fairy center of Kikyo City against the beautiful sunset.

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