My Age of Investment

One thousand five hundred and thirty, wash away the bad reputation

"Those who go to ride horses don't start a fight earlier and don't start a fight later, but they just jump out to start a fight now!

Just give us one more month, no, one week is enough, and we can completely defeat 360. "

Bonima, who had just been interviewed by reporters and sincerely apologized to users, began to vent his anger as soon as he returned to the company.

Penguin suffered a big loss this time!

Zhou Hongyi didn't catch him and didn't say anything, and 360 didn't beat him to death. He didn't achieve any of his planned goals, which was equivalent to working in vain.

Liu Zhiping said worriedly: "Boni, things have turned over and we have to look forward.

It would be better to end this war as soon as possible. At least Penguin's stock price has finally rebounded, and Li Yikai will no longer talk sarcastically. "

Bonima rubbed his hair with his hands, suddenly remembered something, and said, "Over there at the Pengcheng Police Yamen... I heard that something happened?"

Liu Zhiping nodded solemnly, "There are some personnel changes, and we may not be able to hire those big guys in the future."

Hearing this, Bonima's face also darkened. This was an old friendship of more than ten years, and it was almost severed.

This time, in order to quickly calm down the situation and reduce losses, he did not hesitate to use this trick.

As a result, I didn't eat the mutton, but I got all excited.

Although the official media received the notice and did not carry out reports, there is no airtight wall in the world. The story of "Zhou Hongyi absconded to Hong Kong Island" has begun to circulate on a small scale on the Internet.

In this story, Penguin does not play a positive role. He only has someone pointing his nose at him for colluding and using public power to attack his opponents.

There is no doubt that Penguin's reputation has become even worse after this incident.

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about the losses!"

Seeing Bonima's ugly face, Liu Zhiping quickly changed the topic and said: "The number of active users of QQ has decreased by more than 20 million. They should have gone to WeChat."

Bonima seemed to have expected it, and was not too surprised. He replied calmly: "It won't be long before they come back."

"What if you don't come back?" Liu Zhiping asked rhetorically.

"Then give me some Q coins!" Bonima waved his hand, looking very heroic, as if Q coins could cure all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Liu Zhiping reminded with a wry smile: "Issuing too many free Q coins will affect our income. We have only raised more than 10 billion in total. If we don't save some money, it will be very troublesome later!"

Bonima was stunned. He remembered Li Laoer's attitude towards him in recent days. He was bossy and did not take himself as the CEO seriously at all.

Li Yikai's biggest reliance comes from his shareholding ratio. If Penguin raises another round of financing, the company may really have the surname Li.

"Sell my house at No. 13 Tai Long Wan Road, Shek O, and use it to increase my shareholding in the company! As long as the combined shareholding of the few of us exceeds 25%, Li Yikai can't do anything to us."

Liu Zhiping was a little surprised, "You want to sell that house?"

"We can't live in it anyway. If we sell it, we can spend it where it deserves the most."

Liu Zhiping pursed his lips and said nothing. Bonima's determination surprised him a little.

Since Penguin went public in 2004, Bonima has continued to reduce its stake.

Over the years, at least one billion Hong Kong dollars have been cashed out.

The HK$480 million mansion on Tai Long Bay Road in Shek O was bought by Bonima with the money from cashing out stocks.

Liu Zhiping thought for a while and said: "In addition to you, other founders and executives must also persuade them to increase their stock holdings, firstly to increase our shareholding ratio, secondly to enhance market confidence, and at the same time to increase the company's cohesion.

If the company loses and the stock price drops, everyone's wealth will evaporate along with it. "

Bonima's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea, let's do it this way! If you don't succeed, you will be punished!"



“The panels of mobile phones can be purchased from BOE products, and they will give us an internal preferential price.

In addition, several new panel production lines are about to be put into production, BOE will launch a wave of discounts, and the price can be the lowest. "

In an office in Fuxing Industrial Park, Zhu Zhaojiang was calculating the minimum cost of a smartphone for Xia Jingxing with his fingers.

In addition to Honor Mobile executives attending the meeting, Conscience Mobile, as a member of the Renaissance Consumer Electronics Group, also sent several executives.

Zhu Zhaojiang continued: “For baseband chips, you can purchase products from Spreadtrum Communications, a subsidiary of Fuxing Semiconductor, or products from Marvell Electronics, a subsidiary of New Core Group;

Storage chips can also be purchased from Xinxin Group’s products;

Mobile phone lens modules can be purchased from Sunny Optical;

Batteries purchase products from ATL, a subsidiary of the New Energy Business Group;

For SoC chips, you can also ask Fuxing Semiconductor’s R\u0026D department to design a product for the low-end market, which can be sold not only to us, but also to other domestic mobile phone manufacturers;

In terms of OEM, you can leave it to Fuxing Digital Industrial Company. I heard that they have integrated home appliance OEM resources, and OEM mobile phones should not be a problem. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "So, as long as we squeeze the supply chain to the extreme, we can still challenge ourselves to launch a thousand-yuan mobile phone without losing money?"

Zhu Zhaojiang replied with a smile: "I will definitely lose some money in the early stage. When the sales of mobile phones increase, I will make back the money I lost in the early stage.

During the entire production and sales process, it can also help our mobile phone supply chain manufacturers develop and grow, and it can also help our products occupy and expand the market.

In short, I think you can try this low-price strategy. "

Xia Jingxing nodded and said nothing.

After consulting so many people, his idea of ​​launching a low-priced phone became more determined.

Different locations naturally lead to different perspectives on problems.

Increasing smartphone shipments in the Chinese market will not only help seize the low-end smartphone market, but also help promote WeChat, which can be said to have many benefits.

"Lao Xie, what do you think?"

Xia Jingxing looked at Xie Yun, who was sitting silently aside.

Xie Yun was originally the dean and vice president of China Digital Engineering Institute. After the company was acquired by Xia Jingxing, Xie Yun joined Xia Jingxing and was appointed CEO.

Xia Jingxing saw that he had done a good job in the past few years, so he promoted him to be the CEO of Liangliang Technology, managing the mobile phone, computer and other business sectors of the original Liangliang Holding Group.

“My opinion is worth doing!”

Xie Yun said with a serious face: "Conscience Technology is in urgent need of a product that can win the hearts and minds of the people to wash away its reputation of worshiping foreigners, favoring foreigners, and discriminating against Chinese users...

I think a thousand-yuan smartphone is very suitable for this important task of reshaping the brand image.

In the eyes of many users, this kind of mobile phone may still be a benefit, because looking around the world, ordinary people in not every country can use a smartphone that costs 1,000 yuan! "

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