My Age of Investment

Four hundred and three, what is Twitter?

The extensive media coverage of Tesla only started the next day.

At the same time, the discussions on Tesla on the Internet and the ferment of various public opinions also reached their peak the next day.

The release of the exclusive interview with Xia Jingxing by Auto Magazine reporter Alvin added countless topics to the already extremely hot Tesla.

"...The young man who brought too many surprises to the Internet and social networks returned with a brand new look after only two months of silence, driving a handsome sports car...

Everyone thought that after Dylan quit Facebook, he would gradually become mediocre, either becoming a playboy who spends his days drinking and drinking, or guarding a pile of money to rot...

But he didn't. After transforming into an investor, he still created surprises for the world.

In fact, Darren invested in Tesla in his own name more than a year ago.

At that time, Tesla failed to build a car. After searching the entire Silicon Valley and Sand Hill Road, no entrepreneur or investor was willing to invest in this "unreliable" project.

After investing in Tesla, Darren also encountered a lot of doubts. Some people thought he was "stupid and rich" and inflated.

However, Tesla's stunning debut at the Santa Clara Auto Show proved to the world who is the real fool.

I asked Darren why he invested in Tesla at the time.

He told me that as entrepreneurs, the indomitable spirit of the two founders infected him and aroused his spiritual resonance.

In addition, he also feels that Tesla is doing something meaningful, helping humans find alternative energy sources and reduce carbon pollution.

So, it only took him ten minutes to decide to invest in Tesla..."

At the beginning of the interview, reporter Alvin explained from his own point of view, and then showed the conversation between him and Xia Jingxing.

As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused huge controversy.

In particular, Xia Jingxing uttered wild words that he wanted to subvert the traditional automobile industry and redefine automobiles.

It’s fine if you redefine social networking, but now you want to redefine cars across borders?

As the founder of tens of billions of dollars of Facebook,

Xia Jingxing was born with traffic.

Although in life, many Americans do not know him when they meet.

But as long as the name Darren Xia is mentioned, many Americans know it.

The stunning debut of Tesla has also been the headlines of major media in the past two days.

The superposition of the two phases produces a wonderful chemical reaction.

The consequence is that not only ordinary netizens pay attention to and discuss.

Even the automotive, investment, and entrepreneurial circles have all set their sights on this car company called Tesla.

Xia Jingxing's golden sentences and rhetoric were also brought up for discussion.

"As a master of industry, the automobile cannot be supported by a string of codes or a website.

Building cars in Silicon Valley is the funniest joke I've heard this year.

It can be as fast as ten years, or as slow as twenty years, and electric vehicles will completely replace fuel vehicles.

How ignorant of the auto industry and energy industry is this to say such a thing?

But I also understand, after all, he dropped out of school in his sophomore year.

It is suggested that if you want to build a car, you should go back and finish college first, and learn more engineering knowledge. "

This is the answer given by Jim Farley, vice president and general manager of Lexus Group, when he was asked by reporters about his views on Tesla while attending a meeting.

Someone fired the first shot, and other car companies immediately followed suit.

Porsche not only produces sports cars, but its price range overlaps with Tesla. It can almost be regarded as Tesla's biggest competitor.

In an interview with reporters, Peter Schwarzbauer, the North American CEO of the car company, responded: "For Tesla, we have nothing to say. We will first deliver the first car to the customer. Let's talk big!

Within five years, a total of 100,000 vehicles were sold, with sales of 10 billion US dollars!

I can only say that every car and every sales order in the auto industry is real.

This is not a virtual social network, and the miracle of a three-year valuation of tens of billions of dollars will never happen again!

In fact, the history of automobile companies is calculated in decades or a hundred years.

We will not regard Tesla as an opponent, because we and them are two species. "

Not surprisingly, Xia Jingxing's high-profile speech aroused unanimous criticism from traditional car companies.

Some people picked on the language problem, and some people said that electric cars are unreliable and the batteries are easy to explode.

For newcomers, industry veterans have always been unwelcome, because someone is coming to share the cake again.

And this newcomer is still so high-profile, as if he wants to kill the old car company, it seems like something.

Traditional car companies feel that they are big brothers, and they are obliged to teach Tesla a lesson so that they abide by industry rules and understand what social evil is.

Anyway, it's just a matter of two sentences, and it's not troublesome.

The investment community also responded.

Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, expressed his opinion: "Tesla has sold a total of dozens of vehicles so far, and there is still a long way to go before success.

As for subverting the auto industry, it is even more nonsense.

It is still too early to define, and further observation is required.

Investing in Tesla? No, at least not now.

Venture capital has the word "risk" in its name, but it doesn't mean throwing money into the water. "

Draper and Xia Jingxing, the founders of DFJ, had a lot of trouble because of investing in Facebook.

Although everyone invested in Skype together, Draper and Xia Jingxing have gone far, and their relationship is not close.

In the corresponding interview, he sided with Tesla somewhat abnormally.

"For new technologies, we need to be inclusive. What Tesla is doing is cool.

I've seen their cars and they're great, I'd consider getting one. "

There are two big shots at the head, and many investors in the investment circle have also spoken out, some are optimistic about Tesla, and some are pessimistic.

Generally speaking, it is still more pessimistic.

In particular, those venture capital institutions that rejected Tesla's financing at the beginning are clearly on the side of looking down on Tesla.

If they say they are optimistic about Tesla now, wouldn’t it prove that they were blind and missed a good investment opportunity.

Shareholders of Tesla, such as Compass, SDL, and equity value investment, brought a group of good investment institutions to cheer for Tesla.

However, the voices of these companies are relatively small, and they are not enough to compete with the negative voices.

Compared with the car circle who have a unified caliber and unanimously criticize Tesla, Tesla's treatment in the investment circle is not bad, at least not one-sided criticism and opposition.

Entrepreneurship is even more interesting.

A large number of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley think that what Tesla is doing is cool, and they all said that they would consider ordering a Tesla to support this car company to complete the great pioneering work that disrupted the auto industry.

In Seattle, another concentration of technology companies, Bill Gates and Bezos also joined in the fun and told the media that they have already reserved the "Founders Series" sports car launched by Tesla.

Tesla has created a new gimmick, the founder series sports car, which can only be bought by the founder of the company, and there are only 100 units in the world.

There is not much difference from the ordinary version of the sports car. In fact, they are two versions of the same car. The difference is mainly in the interior and some subtle shape designs.

At present, the technical strength is limited, and it is impossible to make an idea on the power, so it can only find a way on the interior and exterior design.

Compared with the ordinary version of the sports car, the founder series will appear a little more refined.

It is embodied in many aspects, for example, the stitching workmanship of the seat is more exquisite, the materials of the interior are more expensive and more comfortable, and the lines of the car are smoother...

The price is also a little bit more expensive, 200,000 US dollars.

This was specially considered by Xia Jingxing, and it was specially designed for the top technology rich people in Silicon Valley.

In the eyes of these people, there is no difference between one hundred thousand dollars and two hundred thousand dollars.

What the rich want is scarcity, refinement, and a status symbol.

As for the founder series, a hundred cars with incomparable exquisiteness can satisfy them.

Through these one hundred cars, Tesla's reputation in the technology circle can also be established in one fell swoop.

From the very beginning, Xia Jingxing aimed at the group of people in Silicon Valley who were rich and liked to experience new things, and were better educated than outside customers.

Wait for the first batch of seed customers to be cultivated, and then slowly move the customer circle outward and downward.

Even Bill Gates ordered a founder series, which is the best advertisement.

The media has been reporting on Tesla's Founders Series Roadster.

The automotive circles mercilessly exposed Tesla's little thinking, thinking that it was grandstanding.

Compared with the normal version, the Founder Series has no breakthrough in technology, but it costs 100,000 U.S. dollars more expensive, which is simply collecting the IQ tax of the rich.

The media saw that Tesla caused such a big commotion, but the instigator, Xia Jingxing, kept silent. They all wanted to interview this person who stirred up the situation in the automotive industry.

And Xia Jingxing declined all interviews, and only wrote on his Facebook page: "I just opened a Twitter account, and I have already responded to the doubts of various car companies on Twitter."

At the end of this text, there is also a link attached, and you can jump to Twitter.

Xia Jingxing's Facebook account is operated by a dedicated person, and there are various promotions on Facebook. It has already reached five million fans.

As soon as this news was posted, it was seen by millions of people.

The media also have question marks on their faces, what is Twitter?

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