It's okay to split the schedule evenly.

If other TV stations dare to do this, with Gu Miao's violent temper, they will definitely pull out the other party's genealogy and greet each one without missing a single one.

But this is CCTV...

That's all right!

After all, CCTV is CCTV, even though it has shown signs of "decline" in recent years, and its ratings share is no longer the best. But he is still the No. 1 TV station in China, and his status cannot be shaken.

You have to show face.

Anyway, the first broadcast platform of "Sheep and Goat Games" is not limited to CCTV Children's, there are several alternatives.

Speaking of...

Apart from buying the broadcasting rights for the first round of "serious dramas", "historical dramas" and "self-produced dramas", CCTV usually doesn't like to buy the first round of broadcasting rights, and more often buys the broadcasting rights of the second or third round.

Because of their detached status, there is no need to "risk" betting on the ratings in the first round.

The first broadcast of the two animations, "Sheep and Sheep Games" and "Sent by Haibao", is also for the sake of the "Asian Games" and "World Expo" that CCTV came out to compete.

To put it bluntly, political tasks.

Without the title of "Asian Games Authorized Animation", CCTV is definitely not interested in the first-round broadcast rights of "Yangyang Games".

Just like when "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" broadcast became popular and set off a wave of "wolves catching sheep" across the country, CCTV Children did not rush to end.

They waited for two full months to confirm that the ratings of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" were stable and the word-of-mouth was OK, and then slowly won the third round of rebroadcast rights.

It is too "steady"!

Therefore, although Gu Miao was dissatisfied with the "half for one person" schedule given by CCTV Children's Channel, she was embarrassed to object.

after all……

Face is mutual!

They are willing to give face to the "Asian Games-themed animation" and are willing to pay for the first round. Gu Miao also had to give them face and accept this unreasonable schedule.

Of course, this is limited to CCTV.

As a bigwig in the industry, CCTV is fine if it doesn't give face. But where did the flamingo cartoon come from, Xiao Gouba, who is also worthy of flirting with Gu Miao?


"As the old saying goes, a poor wife doesn't go to court! Now that you are promising, you have climbed the high branch of CCTV, so you divorced me, a yellow-faced woman?"

"You are so cruel..."

What are these tiger and wolf words?

Looking at the series of unread messages from Master Wang, Gu Miao's forehead seemed to be covered with black lines.

Gu Shuishui: "Don't talk nonsense! I and CCTV are innocent, and there is absolutely no improper relationship."

Director Wang: "Wanbao Animation is pure and clean, and CCTV Children are upright?"

Director Wang: [Green Hat.GIF]

Why does the more you explain, the more you feel that this is a muddled account?

Patiently, Gu Miao comforted Master Wang and assured him. There must be a flamingo cartoon on the first broadcast of "Sheep and Sheep Games".

As for the price, look at it.

As long as it is not ridiculously low, Gu Miao will recognize it in the face of the predecessor of the flamingo cartoon, that is, "Jiangchuan Children".

Other TV stations are different.

CCTV Kids relied on their face, and Red Crane Cartoon relied on their status as "dirty wives" to get the first round from Gu Miao at a very low price. But other TV stations do not have this kind of discount, and the one with the highest price will get it.

This is the sequel to Pleasant Goat!

The gold content of the animation "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", no one will not understand it? With such a "brilliant" previous work, how could the price for the sequel be so low?

The starting price is 100,000 for a single episode!

The final transaction price should be between 100,000 and 300,000 per episode. Compared with the first generation of Pleasant Goat, this time it can be said to have doubled several times.

Why the price increase?

There is no need to ask, of course the "cost" has increased, and with the popularity of the previous work, the ratings are reliable!

Television is not stupid.

"Sheep and Goat Games" is definitely a "stable profit, no loss" business, as long as you buy it, you will earn it, and a few million is nothing.

That's right, only a few million...

Although the unit price of each episode is high, "Sheep and Sheep Games" only has 50-60 episodes, and the total price cannot be so high.

Gu Miao was already very content.

A total of five children's channels were broadcast in the first round, and the total price has already recovered the production cost and made a small profit. The subsequent second and third rounds of rebroadcasts are completely pure benefits, so what is there to be dissatisfied with?

by contrast.

"Sailor Moon" is really miserable. The production cost of a single episode was 15 million yen, but it was sold to TBS for a single episode of 20 million yen.

Make a small profit?

I want to fart! After paying taxes, excluding "rent" and "water and electricity" expenses, including the maintenance of various office equipment, the remaining money is even difficult to have a dinner together.

"Gu Sang, stop scolding."

Regarding Gu Miao's anger, Mr. Ikeda on the other end of the phone was also very helpless. He said that TBS was already discussing a small increase in the price of "Sailor Moon".

But the price cannot be set randomly.

TBS has to give a specific "price increase" plan after comprehensive consideration based on various factors such as ratings, audience feedback, and advertising revenue.

Wanbao should be satisfied.

After all, Sailor Moon's latest episode "Mystery Sleep Sickness!" After "Otome no Koi する心を守る" aired, the ratings have already broken through the 10% mark.

This is the highest ratings of animation broadcast by TBS in the second half of the year.

In view of this excellent ratings performance and huge advertising sponsorship, TBS can't treat Wanbao badly. After all, Wanbao is dissatisfied, what should I do if the animation is directly "cut in half"?

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Miao began to think about one thing.

Although TBS promised to increase the price, judging from their search style, the price increase cannot be too high. In terms of broadcasting rights, there should be nothing to fish for.

Peripheral derivatives are the bulk.

For this part, as early as the first episode of the animation premiere, he ordered Lao He, the president of Wanbao Toys, to make relevant arrangements in advance.

It's been three weeks...

Presumably, the first batch of "Xingyue Stick" and "Transformation Brooch" have arrived at Neon, and they are starting to be sold in major shopping malls and animation stores.

Because the distance is too far.

Moreover, this kind of sales statistics has a certain "delay", so Gu Miao did not get an accurate report.

But he feels that with the continuous popularity of the "Sailor Moon" animation, it should arouse many little girls' "American War" dreams, and the sales of these two toys will not be too bad.

This is not worth worrying about.

What really made Gu Miao feel unsteady and a bit "worried" was actually the same "sailor suit" from the "Sailor Moon" animation.

This thing...

To be honest, it's pretty abstract.

Just a few thin pieces of cloth are not considered a luxury item, but with the signboard of "Sailor Moon", there is a huge room for IP premium.

Properly drop the IQ tax!

But it was precisely this kind of IQ tax product that Wanbao ordered tens of thousands of pieces in one go and sent them all to Neon.

Can it really be sold?

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