My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 20: Late Night Chicken Soup Porridge

Aunt Rong brought the white porridge that she had boiled when she made dinner. She had prepared it at that time. The pure white rice porridge had been boiled on the stove for a night, and it was rotten and fragrant, and the porridge was still floating. Layers of delicious rice oil.

The wooden spoon swiped in the porridge, and the thick fragrance of rice came out.

The farmhouse's earthen stove, porridge boiled with firewood, and pure white rice, is not an ordinary fragrance.

The peasant family, who can hardly eat white rice, swallowed hard.

Aunt Rong couldn't stand it either, but thinking of Ye Lulu's body and three newborn babies, she quickly brought the rice porridge to Ye Lulu, and said with a smile, "There is still a bowl of chicken soup in the kitchen. Is this bowl of rice porridge enough? If it's not enough, drink the chicken soup together, or save it for tomorrow?"

This white porridge has been boiled very fragrantly, and it has enough temptation for people.

But Ye Lulu heard that there was chicken soup, and still said, "Mother, I want to pour this bowl of chicken soup into the porridge and boil it together again."

Guan Chibei, who was already in the room, raised his brows when he heard the words.

Looking at Ye Lulu, she really knows how to eat and has such high requirements for food?

For the farmers, the white porridge is already so good, but they even think about putting down the chicken soup and cooking it together to make chicken porridge.

This is not a normal picky...

Aunt Rong was also taken aback. She didn't expect Ye Lulu to make this request... But boiling the chicken soup into the porridge is not a waste of money, it's just a little troublesome. It's okay to get up.

Aunt Rong was stunned for a moment, but nodded, and went out again with the white porridge.

The chicken soup, which had been boiled with a fresh yellow and mellow flavor earlier, was poured into the white porridge, added a piece of firewood, and boiled again for a while.

The thick chicken soup slowly melted into the silky white porridge, and the already boiled white rice porridge slowly turned light yellow in color.

Together with the chicken soup, the porridge became more and more rotten and dense, and every grain of rice seemed to be completely melted.

The light fragrance of the white rice is combined with the strong fragrance of the chicken soup, and all the fresh fragrance of the chicken soup is perfectly integrated into the porridge.

A mellow, indescribable drama fragrance came, and the heat rushed up, causing Aunt Rong who was stirring the porridge to wonder, is this some kind of fairy porridge? !

Why... just simply boil it for a while, and it can become so fragrant.

After the chicken soup porridge was cooked, Aunt Rong took the porridge bowl and entered Ye Lulu's house again.

The doubled and more fragrant smell swelled in the air and filled the whole house. Guan Chibei on the side raised his eyes and couldn't help but wonder, what did she use to eat it?

The smell of chicken soup porridge let Guan Chibei know that Ye Lulu's way of eating was right again.

"Lulu, the porridge is ready, come and drink it." Aunt Rong handed the porridge to Ye Lulu, and put a piece of coarse cloth on her hands to prevent the porridge from being too hot.

Ye Lulu took the chicken soup porridge and took a sip. The soft and rotten rice porridge that melted in the mouth burst into the mellow and incomparable umami of chicken soup, which made people feel fascinated.

Really delicious!

It is simply a masterpiece in the ordinary! It's so delicious.

Aunt Rong took care of Ye Lulu and drank chicken soup porridge, and helped to change the diapers for the three babies. Then she put away the bowl and turned to leave the house.

Drinking such a bowl of warm and delicious chicken soup porridge in the middle of the night is like drinking hot soup on a cold day, Ye Lulu feels absolutely beautiful.

Physical and mental satisfaction.

After Aunt Rong helped change the diapers for the babies, she went out with a bowl, cleaned up the kitchen and went back to the house to rest.

In Ye Lulu's room, the lights were still lit, and a huge man from the north of Guan Chi was sitting at the end of the kang.

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