My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 53: Auntie Rong scolding the street

After running and escaping last night, she had to wash her body three to five times, and the terrifying dead mouse corpse... Not to mention, she was like walking in hell, and she washed her body until midnight, and then again. Sleepy, cold and tired, when I woke up this morning, my back was sore.

Brain buzzing.

And the smell was so strong that she took so many showers and still didn't get rid of it! The worst part is that I still have that stench on my body!

Aunt Tian was in a bad mood, but after scolding Tian Laoqi like that, she immediately changed her mind and said, "Yes, I fell into the cesspool."

To find a reason to explain the odor on her body can cover up what she did, otherwise the housekeeper has a dead mouse and her body stinks.

Tian Laoqi: ? ? ?

He widened his eyes in disbelief. Who else would say that he fell into the cesspool so rightly? ? How could such a big man fall into the cesspool?

Jump right in?

"What did you do last night? When did you fall into the cesspool? Did it fall when you woke up at night? Did you fall asleep?" Tian Laoqi couldn't help asking, it was so stinky that he couldn't smell it when he fell asleep. When he woke up now, he immediately covered his nose and bounced three meters away.

"And you fell into the pit, why don't you wash it before you come in! It's too stinky!" And Tian Laoqi looked at the kang, Aunt Tian was so stinky, and now the whole kang stinks! The whole house is not clean!

Aunt Tian was extremely upset and said, "I didn't wash it! I washed it! I've washed it eight times~! You bastard, how dare you dislike me? Don't look at how many people your feet stink to death every day! People in the village are not eating well because of your smelly feet!"

Tian Laoqi muttered: "That doesn't stink from your body now! Your odor is worse than shit, I don't know how to get it, and I can't do anything after washing it for eight times. Now the quilt is all smelly, why cover it at night!"

Aunt Tian's face was very dark. Although she fought against Tian Laoqi, she was also worried about how to wash off the smell.

It really stinks, and it's a very disgusting odor. It won't be washed away, right?

And in the middle of the village, there is also a stench in the air this morning.

"Ouch! It's going to die! Who is so evil, throwing stinky dead mice at my house!"

"Bah~! Go! It's ugly and it smells bad!"

"Whoever gets a thousand knives, come out and be beaten!"

Aunt Rong came over early in the morning to help Ye Lulu take care of the baby. The first thing she saw was a dozen dead mice piled up outside Ye Lulu's window. Dry, stinky, bad scene.

Immediately, his face changed, and there were still three babies who were not full moons in the house!

How disgusting, how unlucky!

This apparently dried up dead mouse could never have died last night, so someone definitely threw it in!

Aunt Rong immediately rushed out of the gate, akimbo, and cursed at the empty village.

Several households next door also smelled the stench lingering, and as soon as they heard the sound, they were immediately attracted, and they all gathered their energy to listen to Aunt Rong's speech.

"Without great virtue, whose family has been wicked for the first eight lives, throwing dead mice at my house, it is only because of how dirty and messy my house is, that I can save so many dead mice!"

"Gan, if I want my old lady to catch who did it, I'll throw dung at your house! I'll even pick the dung from your house to water the vegetable field after I'm done!"

"Who has a son without a chicken and a chicken, if the old lady finds out who it is, the old lady will shave your hair bald and let you pick up those dead mice with your mouth!!"

"The old lady saved those dead mice, and when you find out who did it, put the dead mice in your quilt!"

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