"No way……"

Aunt Tian tugged at the corners of her clothes with poisonous eyes. It seemed that the dead dog could no longer eat dead mice, and there should be no more dead mice in the house.

She went out for a walk on purpose, just not staying at home, she seemed guilty.

Deliberately pretending not to feel everyone's gaze, Aunt Tian even walked to the housekeeper's door, picked some wild vegetables and went back.

In the housekeeper's house, they were discussing who threw it, and everyone guessed it was Aunt Tian.

"It must be her," Ye Lulu said in a low voice, "It's not the first time she has had a conflict with us. On the day she came to see the child, she had an argument with me. Think about it, she just threw her to my house to death. mouse?"

Ye Lulu decided in his heart that it was Aunt Tian.

First of all, the person who has been in conflict with the housekeeper these days is the Tiewa incident in the daytime yesterday, and then the other party made trouble late at night.

Combining the two, Aunt Tian was exposed at once.

Aunt Rong and the others' expressions also became thoughtful. After thinking about it, they said in surprise and hatred, "It must be her! Why is the Tian family so wicked..."

But because there is no evidence, there is no way to seek justice with Aunt Tian.

To put it bluntly, this is at most what they think, and cannot be confirmed.

But they only need to know who they are, and they will pay attention in the future.

If you know which one is the bad guy, you will have trouble in the future.

The matter of throwing the dead mouse did not cause any real harm to Ye Lulu, and the matter was only discovered the next day, so after discussing it all morning, there was no sound at first.

Eat white noodles for lunch. Noodles boiled in bone broth, add two fried golden eggs, fresh vegetables, sprinkle with chopped green onion, fragrant.

In addition, there is a large bowl of milky white crucian carp soup.

Having eaten his fill, Ye Lulu rested slightly for more than an hour, leaning on the head of the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Recently, she has enough nourishing soup to drink every day, and the nutrition is in place. Guan Chibei has not failed in this regard, and she will get all kinds of ingredients every day.

Her body is slowly recovering, and she has just given birth to a baby, so the milk and water for feeding the babies are getting more and more abundant. Now it is stable and can feed three babies.

She just drank crucian carp milk soup, and she hadn't fed her baby today. She felt a little milky, which was weird and uncomfortable.

Ye Lulu sat up a little more, his face was a little ruddy, he couldn't help but let out a light "hum", while unbuttoning his clothes, he picked up a small bun, ready to feed the baby.

"What you mentioned earlier, you need to hurry up if you want to do anything. Yuanhe will stop sailing at the end of November..."

However, at this moment, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open, Guan Chibei cast his eyes, the unfinished voice stopped in the air, and his figure was condensed by the door.

The air in the room suddenly condensed, and then there was a startling wave.

Guan Chibei's figure was rarely frozen, and wherever his eyes touched, the woman's fat-like skin was white and delicate, like a fine warm jade. The first-class silk was the one he bought from the last time he entered the city.

The front of the clothes is not particularly high, and it is half exposed, which makes people...

Guan Chibei's breathing was a little stagnant, but he didn't expect that he was negligent for a while and pushed the door in without knocking, and he happened to encounter such a picture.

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