My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 74: Come back home

The curvature of Song Yuhang's lips became wider and wider, and the love flowing in his chest was almost overflowing.

Her heart was beating wildly, and there was an unreality of stepping on the clouds.

She touched her lips, recalling what she had just said, and turned her back to support her forehead with her hands, barely restraining her feeling of wanting to jump.

It feels so wonderful, it makes her more joyful and excited than receiving a reward for meritorious service.

Lin Fan looked at her series of actions, completely losing the maturity and stability of a middle-aged person, and laughed: "What's wrong with you?"

Song Yuhang turned around abruptly and pressed her shoulders: "Lin Wei, I think..."

Lin Fan put one hand on her lips, and the other finger pointed at the empty place next to her.

A group of people is coming here.

Song Yuhang's expression changed, he almost thumped his chest, slammed the door of the car, and walked toward the driver's seat aggressively.

Fang Xin got into the car: "What's wrong with Team Song?"

Lin Wei leaned his hand on the car window, squinted at her, smiling at the corners of his lips, and he was full of amorous feelings at first glance.

"Maybe hungry."

Song Yuhang: "..."

Zheng Chengrui touched his belly: "Actually...I'm a little hungry too."

Duan Cheng's stomach also happened to grunt.

Several people giggled and laughed.

Song Yuhang opened the window of the car to let the cool night breeze in and let the dry heat come in. He shook his head, a little helpless, and motioned to Lin Wei with his eyes:

Go home and wait for me.

Lin Nian raised his eyebrows fearlessly: waiting, just waiting.

Because it was getting late, most restaurants were closed, and a group of people ate casually at the roadside stalls.

Lin Yan was short of interest after a few sips.

When Song Yuhang saw her look sleepy and sleepy, he knew that she was mostly tired. After all, she still had injuries on her body. He had another fight today, and sent them home after two bites.

"Team Song, just let me down at the intersection ahead." Fang Xin picked up the bag, waited for the car to stop, got up and pushed open the door.

Song Yuhang rolled down the window to say goodbye to them: "Be careful on the road."

Fang Xin waved his hand: "Okay, you guys should go back soon."

When the car drove away, she looked at Duan Cheng standing next to her: "Why are you also down?"

"My home also lives here."

Fang Xin took two steps forward, and Duan Cheng followed suit.

"Can't you go there on such a wide road?"

Duan Cheng shook his head and pointed straight ahead: "My home is on this side of the road."

Fang Xin: "..."

Finally, seeing a stall selling mala Tang in front of him, Duan Cheng's eyes lit up and she ran away.

"Hey, what are you doing?

"Have you eaten yet?" Duan Cheng turned his head and smiled somewhat like a big boy.

Fang Xin nodded and shook his head again.

Duan Cheng ran to the Mala Tang stall in one sigh: "That's fine, let's eat more, boss, two bowls of Mala Tang, medium and medium spicy, one bowl..."

He glanced at Fang Xin and blurted out: "No coriander, more vinegar, and two more bottles of Arctic Ocean."

"Come on!" After a while, two bowls of steaming mala tang were put on the table.

Duan Cheng put the straw into the drink bottle and handed it to her, while blowing directly on the bottle himself.

Fang Xin mixed the seasoning in the bowl and said, "How do you know I don't eat coriander?"

Duan Cheng buried his head and sucked at the fans, concealing the unnatural flashes in his eyes: "Then...when you are eating in the cafeteria, you will pick out the coriander in the bowl every time."

Fang Xin's heart warmed, and the corners of his lips smiled: "Boss, here's another bottle of Arctic Ocean, I'll take it for you."


After sending Zheng Chengrui home, Lin Nian became lethargic and leaned back in the chair. Song Yuhang squeezed her hand and turned the air conditioner up.

"Hold on a little longer, it's almost there."

Lin got tired of moving, and raised his eyes to see that it was not the way back to the villa outside the car window.

"Where is this going?"

"my home."


Song Yuhang parked the car in the garage, dragged her out, and Lin Tiedly drew back.

"I'm not going, don't pull me..."

Song Yuhang half hugged and dragged people upstairs: "You haven't been home for a few months. The villa can't live in, so you have to clean up."

Lin Nian struggled, the voice-activated light in the corridor suddenly turned on, she lowered her voice, her face turned red.

"Then I can go to open the room, what is the matter if I go home with you so late, your mother can't kill me!"

Song Yuhang smiled and hugged the person directly up a step, Lin Fan reached out and grabbed the handrail of the stairs.

The two were at a stalemate.

"My mom is not like your dad, who always shouts and screams. If you want to live or die, you will know it when you see it."

"That's not true. I'll just go and see her like this?!" Lin Fei's ideal parents should be brightly dressed, clean and tidy, and meet in a high-end restaurant. We should first greet our uncles and aunts before meeting them with extravagance. Savoring a gift, it looks like it is now, with his face facing the sky, with a sick gown on the inside, and a coat of Song Yuhang on the outside.

Lin Nian took a free time and wanted to run down again, but was dragged back by someone. Song Yuhang dragged her up, panting slightly.

"What's wrong now, I think it's very good. If you really dress up and meet my mother in a high-end hotel, and open your mouth to give away luxury clothes and bags, she will be really scared, OK? ?"

Lin Nian struggled and was held in his arms, dragging her up from behind.

"Why are you confused, can you speak?!"

"Good, good." Song Yuhang helplessly pushed the person to the wall and reached out to ring the doorbell.

"You are the most beautiful, you are the cutest, you are the smartest, you are the most witty..."

The more I speak, the more shame I get.

Lin Fan covered her mouth.

The door opened.

Four eyes face each other.

Lin Ti stopped immediately, stroked his hair and clothes twice, and stood beside Song Yuhang obediently, trying to make the smile on his face appear more friendly.

"Hello Auntie."

"Mom, this is Lin Wei."

Mother Song looked at Lin Mi, saw her feet from the head, and then looked at the hand of her daughter on the shoulders of her. Suddenly she let out a fascinating smile on her face and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Come on, come in, Lin Ge's sister, she looks like it! Why don't you wear so little, oh, this cold hand, Yu Hang, bring a hot water bottle, and then bring a thick coat of clothing to put on someone!"

Lin Fan felt that his face was not frozen tonight, but rather with a rigid smile.

Why is this not the same style as she thinks about it?

In her impression, Song Yuhang lost his father at a young age, and his brother died shortly thereafter. The elders who can support such a family should be as persevering and tenacious as her, even as unsmiling and unreasonable like Lin Youyuan. of.

But although Mother Song has white hair and is wearing winter home clothes, the slippers on her feet are not new or even a bit old, her face is full of wrinkles and lines, but her expression is so kind and gentle, with a smile. There is no trace of fraud in it.

Lin Nian felt relieved, "Thank you, no trouble."

Song Yuhang came out with a blanket and asked her to take off her coat and put a warm water bag into her arms.

Mother Song poured a cup of hot water to warm her hands. Seeing that she was not seated, she dragged someone to sit down by the fire.

The Song family did not turn on the air conditioner, but used the most primitive coal stove for heating, and the long chimney opened to the outside.

The fire was booming, and Mother Song added a few more pieces of coal in.

"I saw your brother in the hospital last time and said that you were injured very badly. Are you better?"

Lin Fan was still a little cautious. She was used to talking openly, opened her mouth and **** at your mother, and suddenly asked her to pretend to be virtuous and Shude and feel uncomfortable everywhere.

Seeing Mama Song handing her water, she quickly stood up and took it with one hand, which was wrong, so she took it with both hands.

"Okay... much better..."

"Oh, this kid, what are you doing so politely? Sit quickly, give it, eat oranges, and melon seeds, fruit plates, sugar, take it yourself, take it yourself, Yuhang, the sweet-scented osmanthus rice cake that your sister brought back from the last business trip take it out……"

In a short while, the coffee table in front of him became magically filled with various fruits and snacks.

Song Yuhang's lips twitched: I went home and you were not so enthusiastic.

She prolonged her voice and said, "Mom, she's still sick, and the stomach can't eat those—"

Mother Song turned her head and said fiercely, "I can't eat it now, can't I take it back to eat?"

Lin Fan held an orange in one hand and filled with candies in the other. He didn't dare to refuse, his scalp was numb and he wanted to cry without tears.

"Enough, enough, aunty, too much..."

Song Yuhang couldn't help but laughed, leaning on the sofa, lowered her head and smiled, and pretended to be serious when Lin looked at it with disgusting stern eyes.

"Mom, I'm hungry. Don't give it to her. She really can't eat. Is there any food in the refrigerator?" Song Yuhang laughed enough and started to relieve his girlfriend. He took her to sit by his side and held her hand. One of the oranges in it was heated on the stove, and the candy in her pocket was taken out and placed in the fruit plate, leaving only a few in her hands to pass her time to eat.

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier, I haven't eaten at this late hour, and I didn't eat it when I got tired of it?"

The corridor lights were dim, and I didn't look carefully, only then did I see that Lin Fan's face was not so good, and he was still wearing a hospital gown inside! Mother Song's maternal love was overwhelming, and she suddenly looked distressed.

"I'll do it, I'll do it, so are you. I know that people have a bad stomach, and they won't let people eat at night. Just leave the hospital. I will make a pad tonight. Auntie will make you a meal tomorrow."

Mother Song watched her sitting there, not as tall as Song Yuhang, thin and small, her chin was sharp enough to cut people, her face was a bit bigger, she was still alive and kicking no matter how tossing with her, tall and long legs, broad shoulders, The pro-girls with all tendons on their arms formed a sharp contrast.

For a while, men and women were in tears.

When will Song Yuhang be able to learn from others? Not to mention how exquisite, at least he must be a woman!

It's really that the more you look at other people's children, the more you like it, the more you look at your own children, the worse it gets. Coupled with the scene on the corridor in the hospital that day, Mother Song has more sympathy for this child.

I want to come to Song Yuhang to bring people home late at night. This is why Song’s mother not only didn’t care about her sudden interruption, but was also very enthusiastic, which made Lin Fan even more embarrassed. At the same time, listening to her words, from When I entered the door, there was always warmth flowing in my chest.

Turns out... Is this a normal family?

Lin Youyuan's way of speaking and getting along with each other is completely different, as well as the ubiquitous care and love for children, and even loves the house and the friends of Wu's daughter. The last time she experienced this kind of warmth, it was in Mother Chen.

Lin Yan thought of this, his eyes hot: "Don't bother, Auntie..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Yuhang entered the kitchen with his mother's shoulders half-armed, leaving Lin Tien with a relieved look, and motioned to her to sit for a while.

"Mom, let me help you. Just be lighter." Song Yuhang said, opening the refrigerator door.

"Go go, don't stand in the way here." Mother Song brushed the person away, took a handful of shallots from the refrigerator and washed them.

"There is still chicken soup left in the afternoon in the refrigerator, yes yes yes, that is the soup Gu, hot it out, and it can be used as the bottom soup in a while."

Mother Song started the fire and boiled the water first, washing the vegetables while she said, "Why didn't you say that there will be guests coming to the house today? Mom should also prepare early. Now it's fine. Everything is left."

Song Yuhang put the soup pot on the fire and smiled: "Mom, she won't mind."

Mother Song suddenly sighed as she washed the dishes: "Oh, let me say, whether you and Lin Ge broke off, he is in good condition, but after all, he is a rich family——"

Mother Song lowered her voice and told her what she had seen in the corridor of the hospital that day. The smile on Song Yuhang's face gradually faded, and he wrinkled his brows, still a little distressed for Lin Nian.

"Look, it's quite a little girl. She's still alive or dead. The stepmother and her father started to figure out the funeral. Then the stepmother is younger than her, really..." Mother Song shook her head and went into the pot. The following article.

"Although it's not a family, we don't need to marry such a giant."

She said this in order to comfort Song Yuhang, fearing her sadness, but unexpectedly Song Yuhang laughed, scooping the soup in the pot and turning her head to look at her mother.

"Mom, what do you think of Lin Fan?"

Mother Song recalled the scene she had just met, her appearance and temperament.

"Very good, there is no eldest lady's airs, and polite, just a little cautious."

Song Yuhang said: Fortunately, you haven't seen her cursing.

"It's inevitable to be nervous when visiting someone's home for the first time."

Mother Song laughed, adding fresh vegetables to the hot chicken soup.

"That's true, and you are a colleague. You are young, so good-looking, and you can endure hardships to be a policeman. It's not easy."

Speaking of this, Song Yuhang's eyebrows revealed a little pride: "That's not it, it's still a technical policeman and a forensic doctor."

"Oh, this is amazing, the little girl is too courageous!" Mother Song was more excited than her, and did not have the slightest disgust and puzzlement for Lin Nang's profession.

Song Yuhang's heart was half relieved: "Mom, do you taboo these?"

Mother Song glanced at her strangely: "What's the taboo? Your father and your brother's portrait is placed in the middle of the living room every day, and you don't see any taboos. This is a good deed.

Song Yuhang's heart was half relieved again, she swallowed, rubbed her mother's side, and helped her pick up the cooked noodles.

"Mom, then do you mind having another daughter like Lin Fan?"

The question was tactful. Although Song Mother felt a little weird, she didn't think about it and laughed.

"Oh, it's good to dare, as long as it's not like you, I'm afraid that people will look down on me."

Song Yuhang dragged his voice and complained: "Mom——"

Listening to the faint laughter coming from the kitchen, Lin Nian's heart was always warm. She grabbed a handful of melon seeds and knocked them while looking at the furnishings in the house.

This is not luxurious compared to her house, and even a little shabby and crude, but it is much more popular than her villa.

However, in the two-bedroom and one-living house, you can see the deliberate decoration everywhere, the cartoon hook with the key on the entrance hall, and the flowers on the dining room.

The sofa is small and soft. There are a few books on the background wall, and the hanging orchids hang down to add a touch of greenery, and there is a family portrait hanging next to it.

The coal stove is placed in the middle of the room, and the TV is opposite. There are two black and white portraits hanging next to the TV. The man on it wears a police uniform and looks a bit like Song Yuhang.

Lin Fan put down the melon seeds and walked over, picked up the sandalwood incense placed on the altar table, and lit his palms together for a few prayers before inserting it into the incense burner again.

With her concentration, the kitchen door opened at some unknown time. Mother Song looked at the child more and more liking it.

Lin Nian returned to his senses, seeing that they were all looking at him, their faces flushed suddenly, and the clever-toothed people murmured, "Ah...I..."

Mother Song put the bowl in her hand on the table, smiling at the corners of her eyebrows and eyes: "Quickly, quickly, what are you doing in a daze? Go wash your hands and eat."

Song Yuhang dragged her into the bathroom, closed the door, turned on the faucet, and hugged her from behind to wash her hands.

"Why do you remember to pay homage to my father and brother?"

Lin Nian's face was still blushing, and she let her hand pass through her fingertips, squeezed the foam of hand sanitizer, and rinsed them together.

"Ah... I went there when I saw it."

I just think that Song Yuhang's father and brother died young, they should be good policemen who have been dedicated to their duties and serving the people wholeheartedly.

Such a person deserves her respect.

Song Yuhang took a towel and wiped her hands clean, took her face up, and rubbed it: "My mother likes you very much."

Lin Wei looked dazed: "Huh?"

Her brain seems to be in a crashed state tonight.

She...she dressed like this, with her face facing the sky, and she didn't bring any gifts. She likes sudden visits too.

While there was no one around, Mother Song arranged the tableware outside, Song Yuhang's heart was hot, and she took her face and pecked her lips.

"Well, not only my mother, but also me, I like everything about you."

Seeing herself reflected in her crystal clear eyes, she had never been so affirmed before.

Lin Fan's eyes were hot, and he bent his lips and punched her on the shoulder.

"Yu Hang, are you okay?" Mother Song shouted outside: "Don't linger, eat while it's hot."

Song Yuhang wanted to make out with her again, but Lin Fan covered her lips.

"I'm hungry."

Song Yuhang was helpless, and Song's mother urged her too tightly, so she had to take her out together.

The two were seated separately.

Song Yuhang picked up the noodles in his bowl: "Mom, why didn't she have poached eggs for me?!"

Lin Fan's bowl was filled with chicken soup as a base, with clear oily flowers, green leafy vegetables to accompany him, and a few pieces of chicken breast with two poached eggs lying on it.

On the other hand, her bowl has no meat except chicken soup.

Song Yuhang has a trace of sadness in the desolation, a trace of amusement in his sadness, and a trace of warmth in the amusement.

What's warm is that her mother didn't treat Lin Fan as an outsider.

Mother Song took off her apron and hung it behind the kitchen door: "Oh, you have a figure like you, excuse me? I'm tired of eating!"

Song Yuhang muttered: "What's wrong with my figure, I have a good figure, all muscles, you can't appreciate it."

Only at home, in front of Lin Wei, would Song Yuhang relax more and show his childish side.

Lin Fan took advantage of Song's mother not paying attention, put a piece of meat into her bowl, and slapped her mouth: eat it quickly.

Song Yuhang is full of bulls in his heart: My girlfriend loves me.

This interaction between you and me couldn't escape Song Mother's eyes, she shook her head and smiled, thinking to herself, the two children have a very good relationship.

"You eat, I'll go to bed first, Yu Hang, I will wash the dishes after I have eaten, clean towels and toiletries are in the bathroom cabinet, I will get bored after a while, if it’s cold, I’ll take you The air conditioner in the room is turned on, and I have turned on the electric blanket for you..."

Song mother murmured, Song Yuhang stood up to see off the guests: "I see, Mom, you go to bed, don't you have to get up early tomorrow to go dancing with Aunt Wang?"

Lin Fan watched her stand, wiped the corners of her lips before swallowing her face, and stood up: "A... Auntie, rest early."

"Oh, what's this? Sit down and eat. It's okay. I think you are uncomfortable here. Yu Hang greets you. Tomorrow weekend, if you get tired, don't leave. Auntie will do it at noon. food."

Lin Weigang wanted to refuse. Mother Song didn't give her a chance at all. She waved her hand and motioned her to sit back to eat quickly, smiled again, and closed the door of her room.

Song Yuhang pulled the tissues to her and looked at the noodles in her bowl. Lin Fan sat down and protected the food, looking at her with alertness.

"Have you finished eating?"

"It's finished." Lin Fan moved the bowl a little to his side.

Song Yuhang laughed: "You are obedient, don't eat too much, you can't digest it at night."


Lin Nian reluctantly watched as she took most of the noodles from her bowl. All that was left was meat and vegetables, and the eggs remained intact, so she ate it contentedly.

Song Yuhang finished in two mouthfuls: "You eat first, and I will fill the bathtub with water. After a while, you can just put it in the sink directly after eating, and I will wash it."

When Lin Tied finished eating, the water in the bathtub was ready, and Song Yuhang rummaged through the cabinets to find pajamas.

She basically doesn't wear thick winter clothes like her mother at home. She is used to short-sleeved T-shirts all year round. It took a long time to find a long-sleeved shirt.

"You make do with it first, and we will go to the mall to buy a new one tomorrow."

"This is a change of clothes, I'll carry it for you." Song Yuhang stepped on slippers into the bathroom, took a new pair of slippers from the shelf for her, and took out the toiletries one by one.

"This is a toothbrush, toothpaste, a mouthwash cup..."

"The facial cleanser is here."

She pointed out the positions for her one by one.

"Is it right for you to try the water temperature? I didn't put it too much. After all, you still have an injury on your shoulder, so it's not good to touch it."

Lin Fei reached out and touched it. The water was not hot or cold, and Song Yuhang carefully put a disposable bathtub cover on the bottom of the bathtub.

"I seldom use it, basically showering, I'm afraid you may feel unhygienic."

She scratched her head and smiled. She was a little embarrassed. Seeing Lin Fan began to unbutton her clothes, she quickly slipped out like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Then you wash it first, then call me if you need it."

Lin Fan made her unable to move with a single sentence: "Officer Song, I can't take it off here, can you help me?"

Song Yuhang slowly turned around, Lin Fei's lips pouted with a faint smile, but his eyes were amorous and arbitrary.

The ending is light and slow, which is intriguing enough.

Lin Fan's brown curly hair hung on his shoulders, without powder, but it looked more refined and refined.

However, listening to her words, looking at her eyes, the arc of her lips, her bare feet on the ground, her toes curled up slightly because of the cold.

A word suddenly popped out of Song Yuhang's mind: vixen.


Between the long stalemate and looking at each other, the heat filled his eyes, and something was gradually heating up and fermenting in the narrow bathroom.

Song Yuhang swallowed and walked over slowly.

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