My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 225 Fatty Liu

On the other side, the elder sister was also leading the little boy to the pier.

With sharp eyes, she saw Xiang Yang not far away leading people to move boxes from the boat to the boat, and she laughed after a poof.

After laughing, the eldest sister pointed to the bald man next to Xiang Yangchao and said, "See, I kindly bought his crabs at sea and he didn't sell them. Now I'm on the shore and shouting at this pier. Why bother?"

The bald man said in his heart that even if you buy it, how much can you buy? If you sell you two catties of swimming crabs with more than 2,000 catties on the boat, he won't be able to get a shout from the shore? The bald man said, "You're right."

"Come on, let's go and see him." The elder sister smiled and said, "At his price, those swimming crabs will definitely not be able to sell a few on this shore. When the time comes, his crabs will definitely have to reduce the price. Are you cheated by him?" Did you sell it for two catties? After a while he lowers the price and returns it, if he dares not to return it, I will scold him for you."

"No need?" The bald man smiled stiffly.

"Why don't you use it? I'm helping you. Your money came from the wind?" the eldest sister asked.

"Forget it, you don't want to pull it down, you see, I will buy you the same amount of crabs with half the money you spent later."

On Xiang Yang's side, those fishmongers were a little surprised at first when they heard Xiang Yang's words. It shouldn't be that such a big fishing boat didn't catch any fish!

Immediately afterwards, the fishmongers became excited, swimming crab, swimming crab is good, this is a solid product!

"Boss, I specialize in harvesting swimming crabs."

"Boss, how many swimming crabs are there on your boat?"

"Boss, how big are the swimming crabs on your boat? How much is a catty?"

The fishmongers were chattering, each voice getting louder than the other.

Xiang Yang hurriedly interrupted them and said: "Most of them are four by two, and a small part are half a catty. They are all fresh wild swimming crabs. Line up what you want, and we will talk one by one."

"What's the queue?" A fishmonger shouted, "I specialize in harvesting swimming crabs. I was the first to answer you just now. There must be a first-come, first-served business."

The person next to him quit immediately, "Fatty Liu, why are you the first to answer? I also said that I was the first here."

"Besides, do you specialize in collecting swimming crabs?"

Xiang Yang also smiled wryly: "Boss, you don't specialize in collecting swimming crabs, do you?"

The people around burst into laughter immediately.

Xiang Yang had seen it clearly before, the Fatty Liu who was shouting was still piercing vegetables with a wooden skewer at a barbecue stall by the pier, and ran over when he saw his fishing boat docking. The chef and the barbecue stall owner who served the dishes were even wearing a scarf at the moment.

"Go, go, what are you trying to fool?" Fatty Liu yelled dissatisfiedly at the people around him, and then said to Xiang Yang: "To tell you the truth, I really don't specialize in collecting swimming crabs, but swimming crabs are something I like to eat." Accept, and I can afford the price."

Xiang Yang asked with a smile: "How much do you pay for a catty of four or two?"

These barbecue stall owners who settled down by the sea are different from the seafood bosses that Xiang Yang met when he was in Yangcheng last time.

Those bosses who are engaged in seafood business are afraid of being blocked by wholesalers. These barbecue stall owners are not afraid. Even because this area has developed coastal tourism and many fishing boats, those who engage in seafood wholesale are afraid of offending the bosses of these barbecue stalls. Without them, the main sellers of seafood, the seafood in this area would definitely not be so easy to sell.

"Then I'm not sure, I have to see the goods." Fatty Liu said.

Although Xiang Yang said that there are four or two swimming crabs, the water of the swimming crabs is very deep. Generally speaking, the seller actually tied half a pair of straw on the swimming crabs. These knowledgeable people usually don't count what they hear when they buy swimming crabs, they only count what they see.

Xiang Yang nodded and shouted: "Fang Youqun, show our swimming crabs to all the bosses."

"Okay." Fang Youqun, who had already been prepared, immediately lifted the lids of the foam boxes one by one.

Fatty Liu has sharp eyes, and he can tell at a glance that each swimming crab has a gross weight of at least four or two. He immediately asked, "How many swimming crabs like this do you have?"

"About two thousand catties, and there are also half a catty of hundreds of catties." Xiang Yang laughed.

After hearing Xiang Yang's words, many people's eyes lit up.

Xiang Yang said with a smile: "Is there any one of you who can eat it in one sitting? Some raise their hands. If not, then I can only sell it at retail."

No one spoke.

In fact, any of them has the ability to eat all the goods in one go, but with so many people around, who dares to swallow the benefits alone? Unless he doesn't want to mix in the future.

Fatty Liu pondered for a moment and then said: "Boss, you are not being kind. We people don't buy crabs at the price of two catties. How can we sell them at the market price?"

Xiang Yang smiled and said, "This barbecue stall of yours should be able to consume hundreds of catties of swimming crabs in a day, right? Why don't you eat it by yourself?"

Fatty Liu thought about it, but he didn't dare, so he said depressedly: "I don't want one that weighs half a catty, but I want two hundred catties that weigh four or two."

It would be a waste to put a swimming crab weighing half a catty on this barbecue stand, but he is content with Fatty Liu who weighs two hundred and a half catties.

The rest of the people looked at Fatty Liu with kindness.

Xiang Yang asked, "How much are you willing to pay for a catty?"

Fatty Liu was stunned for a moment, "Shouldn't this be your asking price?"

Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "If you pack everything up and buy it, I'll set a price. If you only want a part, then you have to give me a satisfactory price."

Fatty Liu frowned. He discussed in a low voice with a few fishmongers next to him and said, "It's not that I don't want to pack it. I really can't consume so much in a barbecue stall. As long as the swimming crab dies, it will definitely be finished. If one dies, I will definitely die." The general wholesale price of swimming crabs with a blood loss of one, four or two is one hundred and twenty, and I can count it as a wholesale if I take two hundred catties at a time. I see your freshness, can you sell one hundred and twenty-five catties?"

Before Xiang Yang could speak, someone spoke first.

It was the elder sister. She heard Fatty Liu's words just after she came over, and hurriedly interjected: "The port crab I bought last time was only more than 80 yuan a catty. Why is the wholesale price so expensive?"

Fatty Liu looked at the elder sister, thought she was a tourist, and said, "You don't often eat swimming crabs, do you? How can those swimming crabs in the market be as big as these? And those may be farmed. When they are sold in the market, they are sold by the unit.”

The eldest sister's face was stunned, "I don't often eat swimming crabs?"

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