My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 317 Heavenly Industry Cloud Sword

The Mongol Empire not only created a miracle in human history, it also marked the end of the era of human land hegemony.

The Mongol Empire was the pinnacle of human land hegemony. After the decline of the Mongol Empire, mankind entered the era of maritime hegemony. Afterwards, countries that depended on the ocean began to rise one after another, and mankind entered the age of great navigation.

Perhaps it is because of seeing the disadvantages of land hegemony. Therefore, after Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, he began to actively train the navy.

During Kublai Khan's reign, Dongying annoyed Kublai Khan many times.

Therefore, in 1274 AD, Kublai Khan ordered Xindu, the envoy of the Fengzhou Economic Strategy, and Hong Chali, the chief of the military and civilian affairs of Koryo, to lead an army of 28,000 in Mongolia and Koryo, divided into 900 warships, and conquer Dongying for the first time. This is the history of mankind. The world's first super-large-scale cross-sea combat.

The Mongolian army marched towards Dongying in a mighty manner, but in the end they died without a problem and were defeated by the "Kamikaze".

Kublai Khan was not reconciled after the failure of the first conquest of Japan. He desperately hoped to wash away the shame of the last defeat through a victory, so he launched another attack on Japan 7 years later.

In 1281 AD, Kublai Khan, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, ordered the Yuan army to divide into two groups to make another expedition to Dongying.

One of these two armies was led by the Mongol Xindu, most of whom were Mongols and Semu people, about 40,000 people, and the other army was the 100,000 Jiangnan Han army led by Fan Wenhu. The army was led by General Arakhan of the Yuan Dynasty, and he ordered the two armies to join forces on Iki Island in Dongying in July of that year.

As a result, in this expedition, the Mongolian army encountered the so-called "Kamikaze" again, and the result was the same as the first time, and it ended without a problem.

Regarding the failure of Kublai Khan's two expeditions to Dongying in the 13th century, many historians attribute it to the "divine wind" God's help, that is, the help of typhoons.

We can indeed find records about those two typhoons in ancient literature, and scientists have also determined by analyzing changes in sediments and strontium concentrations that typhoons occurred more frequently in this area than they do now.

But the problem is that scientists are still unable to judge the specific intensity of the two storms that year, and how much the storms had to do with the sinking of the Mongolian fleet.

In other words, the real reason for the failure of the Mongolian army's expedition to Japan is still unknown.

The wreck is buried in the seabed mud. The keel part of the hull is about 20 meters long and over 80 centimeters wide. Xiang Yang speculates that this Mongolian warship may be over 30 meters long when it is intact.

Seven hundred years ago, it was definitely a miracle that a warship over 30 meters in length appeared on the sea.

Xiang Yang guessed that this should not be an ordinary warship.

On the top floor of the cabin, Xiang Yang finally found a dead body.

After 700 years of seawater soaking, the corpse has long since rotted into a pile of white bones.

But in the arms of the pile of white bones, there is a long stone box tightly hugged.

"This, is this bloodstone?" Xiang Yang stared at the long box for a while, and then his eyes widened in disbelief.

Xiang Yang doesn't know much about jade.

But our country is a big country of jade, not only because Chinese people have a long history of using jade, but also because there are many jades on the land of 9.6 million square meters.

Our country is not only a spiritual and cultural jade power, but also a material jade power. Chinese people are famous for their love of jade. There is a folk saying that men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha. Officials also have things like jade seals. Some celebrities also like to wear jade fingers or jade bracelets. There are 10 kinds of jade in China. The reputation is so great that Xiang Yang, who doesn't know much about jade, knows a little bit.

Bloodstone is one of the top ten jade stones.

Xiang Yang once saw a report about chicken blood stone.

Soapstone gets its name from the cinnabar that contains dark red like chicken blood.

The red part in the stone is blood, and the part outside the blood color is earth, which is generally waxy or greasy.

Bloodstone can be divided into suet jelly, hibiscus jelly, lotus root jelly, red bayberry jelly, red jelly, yellow jelly, gray jelly, black jelly, multi-color jelly, porcelain white ground and safflower ground according to the color of the ground, combined with color type and transparency. , Waterweed Flower, Peanut Cake, Dahongpao, Red Hat and other varieties.

The bloodstone in front of Xiang Yang's eyes is scattered on the ground in the form of veins, strips, lumps, spots, and clouds. It has a very bright red, bright and crystal clear color, and is naturally beautiful.

Chicken blood stone is juxtaposed with Shoushan stone and Tianhuang stone, enjoying the reputation of national stone, and has a culture of thousands of years in our country.

Because of its beauty, crystal clearness and rarity, chicken blood stone has always been known as "Queen of Stone", "Princess Yinshi", "Queen of Zhangshi" and so on.

However, the development of chicken blood stone has come to an end now, so the output of chicken blood stone is quite limited, and it has become the only thing left in the world. It is extremely rare and its value is indescribable.

The long stone box that Xiang Yang saw was more than one meter long and more than ten centimeters wide. If one were to estimate its value, it would be so valuable that there was no way to estimate it.

Xiang Yang swallowed his saliva, even a box containing items is worth a lot, what exactly is the item in that box?

"Senior, I offended you." Xiang Yang apologized to the corpse, and then carefully pulled the long box out of the corpse's arms.

The box is heavy.

Very heavy.

If Xiang Yang hadn't been diving frequently during this period, and occasionally helped with some physical work, and the mysterious jade shells had been improving his body, he wouldn't be able to carry this jade box at all.

"Could it be the royal staff of the Meng Yuan Empire?" Xiang Yang underestimated in his heart.

It turns out that Xiang Yang was thinking too much.

The jade box was opened, revealing a sword inside.

A long sword.

A sword body is white, nearly three feet long, the blade looks like a calamus leaf, the blade is thick, and the hilt is decorated like a sharp sword with fish joints.

Xiang Yang blinked, this sword has soaked in the sea for seven hundred years, and the blade is still shining with a sharp cold light, it is simply unbelievable.

Xiang Yang gently stroked the hilt of his sword.

He suddenly saw three characters at the link between the hilt and the body of the sword.

These three characters are all in Japanese. Xiang Yang likes to watch Japanese comics very much. He has watched thousands of episodes of Detective Conan, and he is already proficient in homicide, assassination, and accidental killing. He is already proficient in Japanese.

"The meaning of translating these three characters into Chinese." Xiang Yang murmured, "Tianyeyun?"

"Is it the name of the sword?" Xiang Yang frowned. His knowledge of swords was limited to famous historical swords such as Ganjiang, Yuzang, Qixing, Qinglong Yanyue, etc. He had never heard of Tianyeyun's name among famous swords. .

Xiang Yang was a little disappointed. He thought that such a precious box contained a royal rod of the Mongolian Yuan Empire, but he didn't expect it to be just an unknown sword.

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