My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 380 The Name of the Monster

Xiang Yang actually prefers that sea walnuts are plants.

Because the appearance of the sea walnut is indeed very plant-like.

Those fishermen in the past also named it with the name of the plant, and the walnut is a plant.

However, although the biological science community has until now disputed whether the sea walnut is an animal or a plant, it is still generally believed that the sea walnut is an animal in general academic papers.

Because sea walnuts have many characteristics of animals, such as they eat meat, all kinds of small crustaceans, small fish and shrimps are in their diet, and when food is extremely scarce, they will devour the same kind without hesitation, which is other A characteristic that plants do not possess.

"Cat's-eye jellyfish, good thing." Zhang Qicheng said with a smile: "This cat-eye jellyfish can emit light. There are several parallel light bands distributed around the upper part of its body and the middle part of its body. It can emit beautiful light in a dark environment. Brilliantly bright, especially as it zigzags through the water, with those tentacles trailing behind it glowing a pleasing blue glow like neon."

Xiang Yang couldn't laugh, and even his face was a little ugly.

Any old fisherman who is familiar with sea walnuts does not hope that he will catch sea walnuts one day, especially when the location of this creature is very close to his home port.

Because sea walnut will devour oyster larvae, fish eggs and fry without restraint, and its reproductive ability is terrible, which is a devastating threat to many fish.

In 1990s, the fishery resources in the Black Sea suddenly decreased greatly, and the fishing industry was in a depression. Countless fishermen lost their money, and the seafood market priced them one by one.

The local officials couldn't sit still, and quickly sent people to investigate.

Soon, the results of the investigation came out. It turned out that an American cargo ship accidentally transported a batch of sea walnuts to the Black Sea.

After those sea walnuts were brought to the Black Sea, they immediately multiplied on a large scale. Their reproductive ability is too terrifying. A single sea walnut can give birth to 8,000 offspring in a day.

It was already too late when the local scientific community launched an investigation. The number of sea walnuts in the Black Sea is conservatively estimated to reach 1 billion tons. They have eaten up most of the plankton in the Black Sea like locusts, and have already caused serious damage to the fishery resources of the Black Sea. irreparable loss.

Anchovies, the main economic fish in the Black Sea, have no food sources and their numbers have plummeted. Fishermen can't make up fish and go bankrupt.

Not only the Black Sea has been poisoned by sea walnuts.

The Caspian Sea has also been "invaded" by sea walnuts.

Even the sturgeon, the main raw material for caviar, one of the economic pillars of the Caspian Sea, was wiped out by sea walnuts.

In order to eliminate this beautiful but rampant strange creature, local fishermen pooled huge sums of money to buy a large number of oval melon jellyfish from other places to prey on sea walnuts. It took several years to clean up those sea walnuts.

After the Black Sea incident and the Caspian Sea incident, the sea walnut had an additional name of "monster". Many fishermen called this strange creature a monster and hated it deeply.

As long as some fishermen find this kind of creature, they will immediately gather several big boats to go to that sea area. Several big boats sail side by side, dragging a net with a grapple at the stern, and go back and forth within the sea area regardless of cost. Back scraping off the net, the sharp claws can even scratch the bottom rocks.

After Xiang Yang told everyone about the characteristics of sea walnuts, many crew members were shocked.

Fang Youqun even yelled strangely: "A sea walnut breeds 8,000 offspring a day?"

"Is this a sow giving birth to piglets?"

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, "If your sow can give birth to 8,000 cubs a day, I won't catch any fish, and I will follow you in breeding."

Xiang Yang twisted a sea walnut, "The reason why the sea walnut's reproductive ability is so terrible is because the reproductive system of the sea walnut is very simple, each sea walnut can produce sperm and eggs at the same time, and their larvae grow The speed is very fast, they are like the kind of SpongeBob SquarePants that we raised when we were young and can grow up in a water cup, their body composition is mostly water, and only a small part is the middle glue layer."

Chen Qingsheng asked Xiang Yang, "Brother Yang, what should we do now?"

Xiang Yang smiled indifferently, "What can we do? Sea walnuts are distributed worldwide. As long as they are not invasive species, their distribution range is very limited. If there are sea walnuts in this sea area, they will be caught in a net. The ability to catch thousands of catties of fish proves that these sea walnuts have survived here for generations. They also have their own natural enemies, and the number is always kept at a certain number. The range of activities is also very limited. Fish can't deal a devastating blow."

"Then? Shall we continue to clean up the catch?" Chen Qingsheng asked.

Xiang Yang nodded, "You guys continue to clean up the catch, I'll go down to the bottom of the sea to have a look."

"Okay, I'll get you a diving suit." Chen Qingsheng trotted towards the cabin.

Soon, Xiang Yang put on his diving suit and helmet, and climbed down the boat ladder.

The water in this sea area is deeper than Xiang Yang expected.

Going down to the bottom of the sea, Xiang Yang immediately found that the sea water in this sea area was at least 500 meters deep.

Five hundred meters of sea water is beyond the scope of ordinary human activities, but Xiang Yang is obviously not among the ranks of ordinary people.

Xiang Yang swam in front, the orcas followed, and each whale sank towards the bottom of the sea.

After diving more than 400 meters, Xiang Yang finally found the sea walnut.

I saw a group of sea walnuts exuding soft blue light swimming leisurely on the bottom of the sea.

The eight tentacles behind their big heads beat rhythmically, looking like elves.

It is very amazing that a sea walnut swimming in front of Xiang Yang seems to be injured, and the injury is very serious, almost half of its body is gone. Surprisingly, this sea walnut with half of its body seems to be the same as As if uninjured, it also waved its tentacles lightly with the flow, swimming slowly in the dark sea.

Xiang Yang looked at the injured sea walnut and didn't make a fuss.

The reason why sea walnuts are called monsters, apart from their abnormal reproductive ability, is that their vitality is also abnormal.

The regenerative ability of sea walnuts is stronger than that of sea cucumbers. If the tentacles are broken, they can regenerate with broken arms. Even if half of their bodies are gone, they can regenerate a complete individual.

Xiang Yang swam towards the direction where there are many walnuts in the sea.

The sea walnuts didn't rush away because of Xiang Yang's approach. They had no eyes and couldn't see Xiang Yang. Even if they saw it, they didn't have brains and wouldn't feel afraid.

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