My Deep-sea Fishery

Chapter 635 Pioneer Beach

There are many types of barnacles and their prices vary.

The common barnacle has a hard shell on its body surface, which looks like a shell in appearance, but it is actually an arthropod.

The most expensive of the barnacles is the gooseneck barnacle, which is a relatively common species at the seaside. The reason why it is expensive is that it is very difficult to collect.

Barnacles attached to whale sharks, usually cylindrical barnacles.

Cylindrical barnacles are also common on seaside reefs.

But the cylindrical barnacles on the reefs by the sea are not as plump as those on the whale shark.

The body posture of the cylindrical barnacle is very strange, usually his head is down, and the bottom of the body is facing outward, so that he can stick his head into the sea water.

Xiang Yang swam to the whale shark with a few crew members.

The whale shark may have been injured because it had a bad temper. After seeing Xiang Yang approaching the crew, it didn't stay still on the water like a humpback whale, but sank its whole body into the ocean. go.

Xiang Yang and the crew swam over one step at a time, and played with the whale shark. The whale shark gradually relaxed its vigilance towards Xiang Yang and the others, and floated back to the surface of the water. With its fins and tail gently swinging, its entire body Suspended on the sea.

Xiang Yang winked at the crew, and a group of people quickly crawled towards the whale shark.

Whale sharks are larger and have more barnacles than humpback whales.

In fact, both whales and humans hate barnacles.

Although the price of barnacles is mostly very expensive, many fishermen still hate barnacles as a creature.

Barnacles are also a "fouling organism" to humans.

There are a lot of barnacles attached to the bottom of many fishermen's boats, which greatly increases the resistance of navigation, reduces the speed of fishing boats, and makes fishing boats consume more fuel.

In fact, for fishing boats, barnacles are just a trivial matter, except for consuming a little more fuel, nothing else will hurt.

For factories that extract seawater for cooling, or for subsea oil drilling plants, barnacles are a real problem and burden.

Only in the East China Sea of ​​my country, the annual cost of eliminating barnacles is as high as one billion yuan.

However, in the South my country Sea, barnacles made up for this consumption.

Southerners like to drink soup, and barnacles are an excellent ingredient for making soup.

The method of fresh barnacle soup is very simple. You only need to add some ginger and salt, then boil the water and put in the barnacles. The taste is really delicious, and the meat of the barnacles is also tender and delicious.

It is worth mentioning that Darwin, the author of "The Theory of Evolution", liked to eat barnacles very much, and he was also an out-and-out barnacle lover. Before writing "Origin of Species", Darwin had been focusing on the research of barnacles. Even, he Also published a book on barnacles.

Disgusting, delicious, and expensive, so the enthusiasm of the crew to collect barnacles is very high.

After climbing onto the whale shark, Xiang Yang took the initiative to start collecting without even asking.

The whale shark probably knew what Xiang Yang and the others were doing, and it probably had enough tormented by the barnacles, so when Xiang Yang and the others were collecting barnacles, they were extraordinarily quiet.

To Xiang Yang's surprise, there are many barnacles on the abdomen of the whale shark, which are connected together in large pieces, which looks hideous and terrifying.

But the number of barnacles on its back is very small, only sporadic small pieces.

This has something to do with the habits of whale sharks.

The back skin of the whale shark is smooth and there is no hiding place for barnacles.

And whale sharks like to float on the sea to bask in the sun very much. Many barnacles can't stand the sun's scorching, so they died directly.

"Be gentle." Xiang Yang shouted to the crew members who were cleaning up the barnacles.

Although the whale shark is huge, it is an oviparous animal after all, and its IQ is not as good as that of the humpback whale. Xiang Yang is also afraid that the crew members will move too much and hurt the whale shark.

A whale shark that is nearly 20 meters long, once it goes crazy, it is not a joke. If it is slapped by it, breaking a few bones is light.

The crew all nodded.

"Don't worry, captain, we know the severity." Chen Qingsheng grinned.

The barnacles on these sea monsters are the fattest barnacles. Chen Qingsheng collected almost half of the nets in a short while, no wonder he grinned.

Xiang Yang nodded. The crew members who took off the ship this time were all relatively stable crew members on the ship. They didn’t even bring Fang Youqun down. Everyone had a sense of propriety in their hearts. Xiang Yang only needed to remind him, and he didn’t need to keep talking.

Soon, a bag of barnacles was sent back to the ship by the crew. The crew on the ship checked the quality of the barnacles and cheered up. This whale shark should be older than the two humpback whales. The barnacles on its body , more plump than the barnacles collected from the two humpback whales at the beginning.

Xiang Yang swam to the bottom of the sea and took a look, then shook his head. The barnacles on the whale shark are indeed more plump than those on the humpback whale, but the number is much smaller, basically only the one on the abdomen. It weighs more than a hundred catties in total, which is definitely relatively clean among ocean giants.

"These barnacles should sell for more than a thousand yuan a catty, right?" Wu Shiwen looked at Xiang Yang with envy.

Xiang Yang nodded, "This is a very rare top food. Although it is not as exaggerated as gooseneck barnacles, it is much more expensive than ordinary barnacles under the boat."

Gooseneck barnacles are known as delicacies from hell, and those with slightly better quality can sell for thousands of yuan per catty.

"Let's get half a catty out later and make a pot of soup?" Wu Shiwen asked tentatively.

"Half a catty is not enough. I will take out ten catties later and cook a big pot." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

This was a surprise, and Xiang Yang was not stingy, took it out, cooked it in a pot, and let everyone taste it.

Of course, the two ships add up to more than one hundred people, and ten catties of barnacles can really only taste the taste.

"Captain, I think that after we collect the barnacles, we have to go to Pioneer Beach. The various seafood on the ship are difficult to classify, and they are not easy to feed." Chen Qingsheng said at this time.

Xiang Yang nodded, he knew that Chen Qingsheng was telling the truth.

At this time, there are indeed a lot of rare aquatic products on board. If a batch dies, the loss will be really big.

Moreover, it will be a long time to stay on the ship, and it is time to take the crew to land to recuperate.

Among other things, the food supply on Xiang Yang's boat is actually very good. After all, whatever Xiang Yang eats, the crew will also eat what Xiang Yang eats, and Xiang Yang himself is a foodie.

The main thing is vegetables, which were not available at all at the beginning, and have been in limited supply for the past few days. After landing this time, a special freezing compartment must be set aside to replenish a large number of vegetables and fruits.

In fact, these should be prepared before departure.

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